Heaven's Gate Bar, located just under the impressive golden spire of the 200-story,
Himmel Dach building, in
Excalibur's crosstown business cluster (hi-rise section).
Strictly jacket & tie crowd, it's the setting where the infamous "Beautiful Bounty Hunter" Harmony Frost, kidnapped
a local bigshot with a price on his head, from the men's room. While there with a friend, she waited until he went to
the bathroom with his bodyguard, who checked first then waited outside. The ladies room was next door, separated
by a wall; however she'd pre-positioned a pair of false fire extinguishers in each room and simply sprayed the wall with
the viral solvent each contained; a particular effective product the scouts and navy use to rescue people trapped inside
starships. She literally caught him with his pants down. Then used her stunner, and the second extinguisher to cut an
escape route, where her Rolen Politesse (see T4 Central Supply Catalog) was waiting via auto-pilot.
She then called back and asked her date to retreive her silk pumps from the ladies room where she'd forgotten them.
Imagine you're the bodyguard and entering the restroom and finding a gaping, windy hole to the outside clouds...