Heh... just discovered this thread.
anyone ever run a haunted spaceship? or are we just too sci-fi to do that?
I did once. Sort of.
The crew in my campaign had destroyed a Vargr corsair ship, and captured a couple of survivors. They shoved those survivors into low berths, and Jumped to the next system, where they planned on handing them over to the Navy.
During the week in Jump, the computer started to misbehave (sounding alarms for no good reason, turning up the heating, arming weapons, reporting potential collisions and/or incoming missiles... ) and some of the crew started seeing a shadowy figure moving about the ship (only it was never there when they looked straight at it).
Passengers began experiencing severe nightmares.
The Jump was definitely bizarre, and towards the end of the week, the crew were starting to worry that it was a misJump, and they were all going to die. Especially when the computer started ranting about how it was going to kill them all, as a punishment for sending it to Hell.
The explanation was "simple" in the end...
One of the low berths was faulty, and was actually running at a lower than usual temperature, causing the neurons in the Vargr prisoner's brain to act as superconductors. He was aware of being very cold, unable to move, and inside what seemed like a coffin.
He concluded that he was dead, and in his own religion's version of Hell. So his mind turned to thoughts of revenge on those who had killed him...
This wouldn't have been so bad, but one of the passengers, a teenage girl, was psionic, with the Special talent. Every time she slept, she was picking up the Vargr's thoughts, and broadcasting them to everybody on the ship, including the computer (her Special talent involved machine empathy).
Instant haunted starship.