Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
RainOfSteel, can I ask how you calculated the Spinward Marches budget?
I used the GT:Far Trader GWP calculation exactly. Population * Per Capita Income.
However, since I used CT/T20, I did a very WAG (Wild A@@ Guess) conversion of the Base Per Capita Income table into CT/T20:Credits from GT:Credits. It was, basically, my best guess. I think my guesses make my values higher than other's figures. However, given what I'm finding out about IN budgetary needs, that's not a bad thing.
The data came from a nice Access 95 database over at
Doug's World Software Page. I imported it into Access 2000.
There was only one table in it, pretty much a flat-file copy of an extended UWP.
The one drawback, it said it was a Classic Traveller database, but the allegiance codes were all MT. I had to alter allegiance codes en masse in several sectors in order to get things straightened out. The rimward border along the Vargr Extents is somewhat suspect in correct Allegiance coding, and I apologize about that (Maybe 100 worlds, tops, that have bad coding).
I added a table to support the Base Per Capita Income Table.
Then I created an SQL Query to list the GWP of every world with an Allegiance Code of "Im".
Then I created an SQL Query to list the MWC of each world that draws on the GWP query.
Then I ran MTU's taxation system percentages (a variant of Richard Aiken's system; He's an active member of the TML).
Basically, of the GWP of each Member World, the Imperium taxes 2%, and 4% during General War; this value is the Member World Contribution (MWC).
Of the MWC, the Member World's Noble (Marquis or Baron), keeps 66% to spend on defense and development locally, retains 1% as a Noble Stipend, and passes 33% on to the Subsector level.
Each Subsector keeps 66% of the Member World Subsector Contributions (MWSuC) for itself, 1% for the Subsector Noble Stipend, and passes on 33% to the Sector.
Each Sector keeps 66% of the Subsector Contributions for itself, 1% for the Sector Noble Stipend, and passes on 33% to the Imperial level. I'm debating on whether to give .2 to .5 of a percentage point from each Sector's 66% share to the Archduke of the Domain of that Sector (in order to allow the Archdukes sufficient funds beyond the personal to avoid embarrassing the rest of the aristocracy with improvished major nobles hanging around).
Then I created several SQL Queries to assemble the values found in the MWC query. One to list all world's values for a Subsector. One to list the summary of a Subsector. One to list all Subsector summaries in a Sector. One to list the Sector summary. One to list the Sector Summary for all Sectors with "Im" Allegiance Code worlds. One to list the Imperial summary.
I get the Spinward Marches figure out the Sector Summary. The specific queries (that is, the ones that list values for a specific Sector or Subsector) are all "parameterized", and so I just type in whatever Sector or Subsector name I want (into the correct query, of course), and out pops the values for that region of space.
If you don't have MS Access 95 or later, the website above has an Excel 97 spreadsheet copy of the info. With work, a free SQL database could be located and installed (Firebird, Mimer-SQL, etc.), and a simple database and table could be created. Some ODBC work could import the Excel 97 data into that new database, were you could work the data in whatever manner you choose.
In case it may be of interest, the results for the Imperium are:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">SectorName ImperialBudget Worlds % of Total Budget % of Total Worlds
Hinterworlds Cr257,282,784 2 0.00001205% 0.02272469%
Empty Quarter Cr2,750,582,732,740 134 0.12887121% 1.52255426%
Trojan Reaches Cr4,250,613,777,959 24 0.19915117% 0.27269628%
Glimmerdrift Reaches Cr7,771,035,342,682 42 0.36409113% 0.47721850%
Reft Cr9,066,874,871,961 38 0.42480423% 0.43176912%
Spinward Marches Cr20,809,666,622,299 272 0.97498141% 3.09055789%
Corridor Cr27,891,099,627,312 267 1.30676305% 3.03374617%
Zarushagar Cr29,537,394,019,581 481 1.38389579% 5.46528804%
Reavers Deep Cr31,246,132,802,561 65 1.46395418% 0.73855244%
Diaspora Cr33,759,407,574,461 328 1.58170697% 3.72684922%
Verge Cr35,591,018,202,632 222 1.66752219% 2.52244063%
Magyar Cr44,136,508,587,169 132 2.06789835% 1.49982956%
Ley Cr48,359,710,678,244 316 2.26576521% 3.59050108%
Delphi Cr52,696,873,126,330 293 2.46897139% 3.32916714%
Alpha Crucis Cr54,253,792,864,735 78 2.54191671% 0.88626292%
Antares Cr62,039,263,793,251 465 2.90668417% 5.28349051%
Fornast Cr71,618,788,782,416 517 3.35550726% 5.87433246%
Gushemege Cr72,674,552,114,430 528 3.40497223% 5.99931826%
Deneb Cr73,194,085,058,765 326 3.42931356% 3.70412453%
Core Cr121,918,592,450,938 545 5.71217035% 6.19247813%
Lishun Cr127,454,085,098,731 601 5.97152109% 6.82876946%
Vland Cr136,578,711,075,284 486 6.39903109% 5.52209976%
Daibei Cr142,787,286,095,065 430 6.68991731% 4.88580843%
Dagudashaag Cr143,163,067,082,980 559 6.70752352% 6.35155096%
Ilelish Cr173,135,740,758,740 450 8.11181318% 5.11305533%
Old Expanses Cr189,772,522,791,421 401 8.89128521% 4.55630042%
Massilia Cr195,387,775,965,971 519 9.15437291% 5.89705715%
Solomani Rim Cr222,520,047,447,435 280 10.42558310% 3.18145665%
Grand Total Cr2,134,365,486,628,880 8801 100.00000000% 100.00000000%</pre>[/QUOTE]Note that the Imperial Budget column lists Sector Contributions to the Imperial level, not Sector Budgets.
And of course, lazy b@tt that I am, I still haven't added Trade Classification modifiers in.