SOC-14 1K
The computer is supremely important, so basically a proxy for TL.The problem, if I see it correctly, is that the "short cuts" -- namely, the ship's computer model, the Meson spines J+, and the PA spines N+ -- are too powerful.
Large spinals are great at hitting and penetrating, but still only do one damage roll. Not that great for the cost...
Nukes can do Crits, so at a guess ~500 Dt missile riders with a missile bay will kill more or less anything, at a budget.
Something like this?
RM-21044G2-959900-00009-0 MCr 338 280 Dton
bearing 1 1 Crew=17
batteries 1 1 TL=15
Cargo=1 Fuel=11,2
Single Occupancy 2 338
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Streamlined Custom 2 280
Configuration Needle/Wedge 1 34
Scoops Streamlined 0
Armour 9 9 4 5
Manoeuvre D 4 1 34 20
Power Plant 4 1 11 45
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-0, 4 weeks 11
Bridge 1 20 1
Computer m/7fib G 1 18 100
Staterooms 17 68 9
Cargo 2
Bay Missile, 50 t 9 1 50 13
Triple Turret 2/bat Sand 5 1 2 2 2 mounts organised into 1 battery.
Nuclear Damper 9 1 20 50
Meson Screen 9 1 40 60
Nominal Cost MCr 337,78 Sum: 2 338
Class Cost MCr 70,93 Valid ≥0 ≥0
Ship Cost MCr 270,22