Capacitors that do not perform like the ones in the Annic Nova, so that's moot.
They store energy to initiate a jump, pretty similar to me.
The difference is the HG jump engine still requires hydrogen as well as the capacitors.
But then LBB2 jump drives are much bigger than HG jump drives...
and originally a LBB2 jump drive didn't require a power plant as well.
It specifically states that there is no relic Ancient technology involved? I think not.
It specifically states that you can register it with the Imperium for 100kCr - for an ancient relic - I think not.
Also in the final paragraphs more uses for the Annic Nova class are given:
a pirate operated Annic Nova
a shipwreck
a free trader the characters work passage on
mercenary escape route
all of which suggests there are lots of annic novas out there - or at least in the early days there were.
What if we try and explain the Annic Nova class as being produced by a world beyond the Imperial border instead of writing it off as ancient technology.
But that's not the point, really. The point is that if it's a fact that ships can't jump without fuel, then something about the original JTAS version is wrong, since it contradicts that fact. Contrariwise, if the Annic Nova can jump without fuel, then the rules that require ships to have fuel are wrong. They are mutually exclusive. You have to pick one. And if you pick the one about fuel being necessary, then that original JTAS article doesn't prove anything anymore, because it's been superceded.
Go check who wrote Annic Nova...
and as I've said many times the good folks at GDW didn't bother using their own rules much, nor did they stick to one version of the OTU, nor did they seek to mitigate the impact of radical new rules - it was their sandbox.
Fan-based, yes. But it's not a cop-out. It's an attempt to reconcile two mutually exclusive bits of canon in a way that causes the least amount of disruption. The alternative is to say that the Annic Nova doesn't exist at all. Because there IS no way to "explain it properly".
Of course there is a way to explain it - it's pretty obvious and it doesn't break the game at all.
How much space do you think all that solar energy collection machinery would take up if there were design rules for it? (hint - the ship plans account for about 430 of its 600t - 170 tons of collection machinery)
Collection machinery that takes 1-6 weeks to fully charge I may add.
"Ships need fuel to jump" or "the Annic Nova can jump without fuel". Pick one. (Though, actually, I'd argue that TPTB picked option one long ago, so none of us actually gets to pick (Except in our own TUs, of course)).
The prime power is the one who wrote the adventure in the first place