...and THEN the fuel is burned... somehow... using that energy from the capacitors, and that from the fuel...
I cannot believe all the jump fuel is burned, and let me show why (all those calculations are done in MT rules, but I don’t think they vary too much on HG. I don’t know other editions enough to talk about them)
In the black globe section of combat, they say the jump energy sinks are 0.05xVxJn. So a free trader has 0.005x2700x1=13.5 kl of sinks. It also says each kl can store 650 Mw (as we talk about energy, not power, I assume they are Mw hour), so it can store 135x650=8775 Mw hour.
Now, if we look at the PP section, a kl of PP produces 18 Mw (after efficiency) and consumes 0.005 kl of fuel/hour. So, 1 kl of fuel can produce energy for 200 hours, or 3600 Mw hour.
By the way, and to compare, we must take into account that the 3600 Mw h produced by 1 kl of fuel are the equivalent to 12960000 Mj, or the equivalent to a nuke of 3.097 kton. I think for such a thermonuclear bomb they use quite less hidrogen (I don't have those figures about nukes), so most of it isn’t burned by the PP.
To produce the 8775 Mw hour we need 2.4375 kl of fuel (at the rate of PP, so quite less is really burned). The free trader needs 270 kl of fuel, of which, as we have seen, less than 2.5 are burned (and uses the energy of a 7.5 kton nuke, you can calculate what is the equivalent for an Azhanti, or a Tigress). If all 270 kl were burned, the energy released (at PP rates) whould be 972000 Mw h, quite more than what the sinks can store, and the ship whould be vaporized.
I like the idea of using the rest as coolant. Sure there are better coolants, but none are so plentiful and easy to get, so it can be a good choice. It's stored as liquid, and by evaporating it I guess it can be quite a good coolant (more so in the amounts given here).