McPerth I think we need to concede the CG are a very carefully husbanded resource... not to be expended lightly... hence they replace and replenish like a regular line unit, by the virtue of the special capabilities. I do believe they are politically indoctrinated (as the Waffen-SS or NKVD, KGB Troops or the Pasdran [ Iranian Revolutionary Guard])..
All troops are politically indoctrinated, to higher or lesser degree, and special forces more so. And Zhodani troops, Zohodani being masters of psicology (not only psionicology) are sure all of them highly motivated (as much as most profesional of elite RW forces).
See that Zhodiani view of the Imperium is as untrustworthy people that you don't want near home, so they have a natural trend to this motivation (even civilians), as the Imperials have about those "mind-flyers" over the border, so indoctrination in this case (in both sides) is quite easy.
Also I have RL experience in elite units... I assure you the would Zhodani Commandos are very well trained for their missions, the training/skill set has to ensure the success of the mission. they just have a unique method of insertion. certainly up to snuff with other commando forces. the straight CG lift infantry is surely just as well trained as their imperial or Solomon counterparts as well.
for reference I have also worked very closely with NATO/Oceanic SOF so the ability to compare and contrast various tier one or tier two forces comes rather naturally. Some countries SOF really matured and gained operational experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some came to the party very well trained and just need to be blooded.
All in all I still think the CG will over match the Imperial Marines by virtue of the unique skill set they bring to he table. But once spent... it takes forever to refit the units...The Imperial Marines have that distinct advantage over the CG.
Sure CG units (not only commandos) are all well trained. In MT (IIRC Rebellion Sourcebook) they are described as well trained, well equiped and superbly led.
Even so, the entry in CG commandos is only on the basis of this rare talent, training being given after. It has nothing to do with going through the Commando School (where you can receive a lot of skills), as in the case of the Imperial Marines.
See that the Zhodani may have also other comando forces, more "conventional", so to say, that could fill the niche you tell about.
I guess the view the Zhodani have about comandos is quite different to Imperial, and to ours.
Sigh... do you send an artilleryman to do a infantryman's job or vice versa?
It has been done. I remember some NATO vs WP game telling that the fact British non-infantry patroled the Ulster as infantry was aginst their training, but also that this was overcome by the experience it gave them.
But could you send a non-teleporter (no matter how well trained) to do a teleporter's job?
Teleport with equipment (so PSR 9+) is rare enough as to be too picky with other prerequisites for recruits, unlike other comando forces, that are quite so. Training comes latter, but, as some of them may not be the most fit men for the job, they would not match most elite foreign comandos man to man, if not for the psionics.
Frank may have said such... but realistically the Zho's would lose the the "commandos" almost wholesale if they were not trained to perform the mission. The article goes on to describe a mission profile that is almost similar to any elite light infantry unit template. The words "commando operations", "behind enemy lines", "Long-range penetration", "ambushes"... are used the operational employment of these troops suggests that the skills in the CT 'Commando school' would be most useful. I suggest some reflection on Ranger, Commando, Chindit operations. .
But, as I already said, they are not all trained in the Commando School, and I guess the world "comando" is used as reference, but Zhodani view of them is not the same of ours.
Off course they perform "comando operations", but in a different way. They perform their hit-and-run raids by means of teleporting, and they infliltrate behind enemy lines to create chaos, not by the prowess of their training, but for their unique skills.
Just the troops they tie far from the front lines to avoid their actions are worth their use, without having to risk them too much in what we see as SF opperations too often.
AFAIK (you sure know more about it than me) the most dangerous part of SF opperations, and the ones that require more training, are infiltration and retreival, that is what the CG comandos do better.
The author may have said one thing, but he designed light infantry force that performs a very high risk mission template, with a unique insertion method.
In this sense, I guess they could be seen more as the German
Brandemburgers in WWII, chosen exclusively (or nearly so) due to their skill in foreign languages to create confusion, more than havoc, behind the enemy lines and to collect intelligence.