This is reminding me of the jump shuttle used to make SDBs jump-capable, just applied to boats. A bit inefficient, but if you've got some reason to want a smaller craft to flit about in, it works:
Under Book 2 rules: standard 100t hull with a jump-A/maneuver-A/pp-A set (15 dTons), fuel (40 dTons), bridge (20 dTons), 1-bis computer (1 dTon), hardpoint (1 dTon), and - instead of staterooms and such - a mating dock for a 20-ton launch with its own staterooms and provisions for ship control to be routed to the launch when docked. 3 tons left over for cargo. Insert an autopilot program for the ship to hold orbit and maybe come when called. (I'd use a gig instead of the launch, but the gig only has 3 dTons of internal space to play with. Book 2 doesn't offer me a way to play with boat design.)
Under High Guard rules:
Nice cheap 100dT partially streamlined close structure (permits wilderness refueling), jump-2 (3 dTons), PP-2 (variable), maneuver-1 (2 dTons), fuel (22 dTons), bridge (20 dTons), 1-bis computer (1 dTon), hardpoint (1 dTon), remaining space by TL: TL11=45, TL13=47, TL15=49. Again: a dock, no staterooms, provisions for ship control to be routed to the docked craft, insert an autopilot program for the ship to hold orbit and come when called. Takes a 40 dTon pinnace with some cargo space (or a craft of up to 60 dT at TL 15 if you cut it to jump-1, or add a couple of staterooms and just have a normal little ship with a 40-dT boat). Cost: TL11=MCr43.5, TL13=MCr37.5 TL15=MCr31.5 plus the cost of the carried craft.