Cost multipliers IIRC.
If you don't have a maneuver drive (as Icosahedron's vessels don't)
You only need the bridge if you are going to be navigating through jump and/or normal space.
Remember, the "bridge" in CT is the combined volume of sensors, navigation equipment, manual flight controls, walking and seating space in the actual "ship's control room", and so on.
If your jump drive is operating off a purchased pre-programmed course (or one downloaded from a normal jump ship's computer), then you don't need sensors or manual controls for the jump drive.
If you don't have a maneuver drive (as Icosahedron's vessels don't) then you don't need sensors manual controls for that either.
If you don't have the capability of "flying" the vessel, then you don't need a control room.
All you need is an acceleration couch with minimal visual sensors and short-range radar, and a set of minimal controls for chemical thrusters... basically what is in the cockpit/nose of a modern single-seat fighter.
What's to stop you twisting this small craft can jump paradigm and building 95t jump capable shuttles?
What's to stop you twisting this small craft can jump paradigm and building 95t jump capable shuttles?
The 16t saving in bridge space over a 100t ship gives it 11t of extra space compared with the 100t ship.
Bad Karma. And believe me, you don't want to be saddled with bad Karma IMTU... :devil:
Why? What could possible go wrong?(he said naively)
I don't know about that I seem to remember he comes equipped with a mucking big sniper rifle and that my friends can come in handy.Bad Karma. And believe me, you don't want to be saddled with bad Karma IMTU... :devil:
Isn't that a quote from the designer of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge? :rofl:
Only looked at this a few times, never really got my old gaming group into Traveller let alone building ships, something to do with a dragon in a dungeon apparently...
I think it's plausible in a sci-fi sort of way to make jump-this or jump-that. Imagine a "jump suit" (to coin a phrase) that's skin tight, and you wear under your regular clothes. Okay, that's kind of out there, but, in Traveller speak, if you wanted to manifest something like that, how would you create it, and would it cost? More specifically I was wondering about ships that could carry two or three people from system to system that wasn't the size of a small apartment complex. That really does bother me every so little, and always has about this game. But, it is what it is.
Well like I said before, TNE FF&S has rules for this, as jump drives have only a minimum size of 2m^3. It's an experiment for the reader as to what the actual, smallest viable vehicle is under those rules.
Imagine a Jump-implant. Before you say it's too out-there, look up Howard Myers' Econowar series. You can find it in "Creatures of Man", from Baen, edited by Eric Flint. One of these days I'm gonna run an Econowar game.This thread is really dedicated towards the exploration of how you might create small things that are jump capable, and how to address them in the rules for a game session. As to how official they might be is kind of up to your house rules.
I think it's plausible in a sci-fi sort of way to make jump-this or jump-that. Imagine a "jump suit" (to coin a phrase) that's skin tight, and you wear under your regular clothes. Okay, that's kind of out there, but, in Traveller speak, if you wanted to manifest something like that, how would you create it, and would it cost? More specifically I was wondering about ships that could carry two or three people from system to system that wasn't the size of a small apartment complex. That really does bother me every so little, and always has about this game. But, it is what it is.
I just figured there'd an alternative somewhere.