I actually. . . don't much like that one. . .
But as a buyer I would like to see just that, best vesion of my favorite ship to boot, (best thing in TNE)
That desgin is very clear, neat,
I actually. . . don't much like that one. . .
Oh come on, what are you talking about?,
I see Traveller there not Star Wars,
Whats wrong with this?, what makes it Un-Traveller to you?
That desgin is very clear, neat,
I am not sure he has to explain
You see, I actually think it is a bit busy![]()
That would be Ben Wooten, the man now responsible for all our 3I covers (including Aslan). His WIP for the Zhodani supplement is particularly good (previews soon), and you can see a bit of his cover for the Darrians book on page 13 of this
See...I'm not crazy at all about that cover with the Ninja Vargr.
Is the art good? Yes.
Do I like the cover? If we were talking about a different game, yes.
But, is it Traveller? No.
It's a good pic, but this game is Traveller, not Star Wars.
I actually like this. It's a bit closer to my view of the Darrians than the stuff from the '80s.
Ah, we've been here before - the art (and feel/atmosphere of the art) in Traveller has to change. The style of the characters and, to an extent, the ships is very, very dry in the older editions. Purely my opinion, but the only one of the races from the Classic era that even comes close to looking contemporary is the Zhodani.
The Aslan and Vargr were quickly designated as 'needing work'.
Someone here described them as 70's glam rock rejects, which was hardly the atmosphere we wanted to portray.
However, we are finally educating people as to the breadth Traveller can carry in terms of setting, finally divorcing the game itself from 3I - we always knew that would take time.
I actually. . . don't much like that one. . .
Oh come on, what are you talking about?,
I see Traveller there not Star Wars,
Whats wrong with this?, what makes it Un-Traveller to you?
The comment was maybe a bit too hasty. However, comparing what we do to other companies that are no longer around (especially when they were operating in a market that was much larger than it is now) is also a tricky proposition.
It's D&D in space. It's not fantasy-esque.
Something akin to this is Traveller:
It's still cool. But, it looks realistic, too. It looks possible.
The Ninja Vargr looks too much like this:
The style Mongoose is taking Traveller is into more of a fantasy-esque Cyberpunk meets D&D. It's not Traveller.
That's a Vargr Mongoose is trying to portray, not a Gnoll in space.
I think I have to agree with S4 on this. It's not as much about the quality of the art (which is good) as about the verisimilitude. If I show my players a picture of the Ninja Vargr, will they take him serious or will they ask where the Halloween Party is being held? In other word, is it a Traveller-mood inducer or a Traveller-mood killer?
You see that?, I certainly don't, why does it look D&D? because of the sword?
yet there is nothing else "ninja" about that picture, I think you are being unfair, and grossly exaggerating, sure mongoose comes out with plenty of crap "art" but this is not it, as is not the "Darrian chick"
And this guy
Are you saying you prefer that?,
(that looks like a knockoff character from "Metalgear Solid")
No, pictures in a certain style (what I call the "spiky bits style" even if in some cases the spiky bits are only metaphorical) makes it Sword & Sorcery or Space Opera.Unbelievable thread this.
This is why CotI has become a laughing stock.
Swords FFS makes it D&D.
A 'chick' in armour makes it Flash Gordon.
Not quite. Traveller has (or, if you like, used to have) a certain style, a certain level of verisimilitude that makes it different from Space Opera. To be Traveller to us grognards, it has to retain that style. I can quite see how someone who is bent on broadening the term to include anything from Science Fantasy to Space Opera would see nothing wrong with those pictures. But I don't see why that obliges me to change my mind about what Traveller means to me.It seems that to be 'Traveller' (& lets not get into the ruleset vs OTU debate) you have to conform to the usual suspects' TravPolice personal & subjective idea of how it should be visually represented, no room for it become your own idea of what YTU will look like.
I imagine this stuff differently, sure enough. Now tell me why I'm not allowed to express my opinion?We all imagine this stuff differently and play it differently, let it go.
This is Traveller:
This is not Traveller:
This is Traveller:
This is not Traveller:
This is Traveller:
This is not Traveller:
This is Traveller:
This is not Traveller: Replica Weapons 01 6-14-4.jpg
This is Traveller:
This is not Traveller:
Take this pic, for example. It's realistic, thought provoking, believeable, and very, very Traveller.
Traveller needs stuff like this.
You must jest, surely? Given your insistence (quoted above) for "realistic, gritty" artwork, you point to (an admittedly good picture of) some over-armored rejects from Mad Max with skull heads and claim that is "thought-provoking, believeable, and very very Traveller"?
I feel we may be needing some tar and feathers for Supplement Four. :rofl: :rofl:
No. It's because of the lack of realism. Traveller always nods its head toward hard science and believable handwaving.