Originally posted by ChaserCaffey:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Aramis:
I can't tell you the output. I'll give the stats as listed in T20
Factor 27 (thus 270m; oops...I forgot factors 0-9 when I figured burst size, last time):
7000Td (98000kL), 1200EP (300GW) GCr1, TL15.
I think you can reverse engineer from that.
Okay, here goes.
(Note: this is somewhat shaky on the reverse engineering. It would help if you had the short range of the gun in kilometers, but posting that much might not be fair use.)
</font>[/QUOTE]Range with no penalties: 75Mm According to T20. (HG doesn't list ranges...)
In general, though, of the "standard" Traveller technologies, really big meson guns still have my vote. Maybe I just like the idea of blasting fault lines too much, despite the fact that it won't work on every world.
Ok, back to wreaking havoc, rather than the nitpicks of what bee-ess-eons are being fired; we know from striker the net effect of hits: Half-full craters of silt, plus some hot gas and radiation.
To create some nasty tremors, fire a couple of MG's in vertical line to target, to create a subsurface cavity (it will be about half full...). Then fire 3-5 in a ring around the top, leaving the center core of the cap intact, but carving out around it. A few thousand tons of rock suddenly no longer have support, and fall, creating a huge shockwave and resultant planet-quake. If you have sufficient forces and loiter time to do so, make bigger holes, and drop larger chunks down deeper holes.
On planets with ice-fields, use smaller meson guns to create steam pockets, then vent them in the direction of an air subduction area, and disturb global circulation. Or fire low-focussed beams to rapidly melt icefields and make them into water; rapidly flood the coasts.
On worlds with tectonic activity, one is not likely to do much; major blasting in faults hasn't successfully triggered quakes, when last I looked into it (been a decade), and testing was discontinued, as the faults available for such tests are along major population zones. One could, however, dig THROUGH the mantle, and create a large lava flow... assuming the core is still molten.
Fire from the side, and dig under the city's Meson Screen, using the screen's artificial decay point to dig out... and if you can keep the angles right, you'll be able to drop the city a meter or 10....
There is a reason the 3I relies on Meson Guns. Since we know how they work and that they work, we simply accept that they work as described, and that "Meson Gun" is a misnomer for "Meson Sized 50ms lifespan hyper-energetic-decay semi-interactive particle relativistic accelerator "
Now, we also know from some sources that some mesons DO decay outside the target zone, and that mesong fire is directionally determinable.
We also know from some fill text (but I can't remember where) that Meson Guns can fire through several kilometers of solid rock, but not through several hundred.