Perhaps. I'm baffled that someone with economic training can believe that bank notes have any value in themselves.Maybe you are confusing microecon with macroecon.
As long as they believe that people are willing to exchange goods and services for their money, sure. If people for one reason or another refuse to accept the money, how wealthy are they?(though I would still think someone would consider themselves wealthy if they had millions of Euros in Cash).
Currency that is still backed is an asset. The moment you can no longer spend them, they not an asset any more.Currency is the most liquid of assets, one of the most important financial statements is the Statement of Cash Flows.
Let me try an example. The National Bank of Shionthy issues currency notes backed by a very hard currency: Antimatter. Stored in its vaults are antimatter enough to redeem all the bank notes it has issued on demand with the amount of anti-matter printed on them.
Shionthy is also under interdict. As part of the interdict, the Imperium prevents all transport of goods to and from the system. (As a result, anti-matter is really rare and really valuable in the Imperium; Cr100,000 per gram.)
Dajepi Ffumph is a native of Shionthy. By a strange chain of events he is transported to Regina with a sheaf of high-denomination Shionthian currency, enough to be exchanged for a kilo of antimatter at the National Bank.
How much wealth is he carrying? How many credits can he exchange his Shionthian currency for in a Reginan bank? If your answer is anything other than 'nothing', I'd like to hear why.
He also happens to carry a container with 10 grams of anti-matter in his pocket. How much wealth does that represent?
Do you get the point? The currency notes are worthless, because no one will be able to go to Shionthy and fetch anything of value. The anti-matter is worth a million credits. It has an intrinsic value; the currency doesn't.
The next day the interdict is lifted. How much are the bank notes worth now? Why the difference? Because now someone can go to Shionthy and buy goods for them and bring the goods back home.
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