It is, but then again I have never been to Jupiter.
For Me, its all in the scoop, Traveller's unsung hero. And Fuel Tonnage.
A week I could understand if using Fuel Shuttles to fill a huge ship could take a LONG time if you consider:
Flight to GG from mothership.
High Orbit Injection (HOI)
Physical Fuel Intake (which I call PFI)
Flight Back to Mothership
Transfer of Fuel
Purification of Fuel
(rinse and repeat)
On ships capable of Skimming Directly, It goes:
High Orbit Injection (HOI)
Considerably less time, but timing out each step is key.
IMTU, HOI is not as cool as it sounds. It rather sucks. I make GG more like real GG by adding a huge Magnetic Feild...
(Jupiter's is 40X Earths, but I may be mistaken. I do know its Mag field is the largest physical object/effect in the solar system, If you could see it, it would be as big and sometimes bigger than the moon from Earth.)
...and INTENSE Radiation. Enough Radiation to eventually defeat ANY shielding, and ultimately KILL the crew by Rad Poisoning.
The solution to this is that the skimming ship needs to make several Parabolic "skims" into the upper atmo. This is almost like the "Vomit Comet" trajectory, but way more dangerous. There is Certainly no "plunging into the gas Giant" unless the crew is suicidal. A streamlined Liner with passengers Skimming means the ship needs a new Captain, and the Passengers need an airsick bag and a Passage Refund. This also makes a market for Skimming "Adventure Vacations" for thrill seekers and Daredevils.
I give a Base Chance of 9+, with a Positive DM per Drive Number. This means a 1g ship is taking a pretty big gamble, and even a 6g ship can get wrecked on a 2.
I have run several skimming simulations using Orbiter to try to time this, But I seem to be good at getting sucked into Jupiter and Croaking. I even tried it in the Discovery from 2001, and also got smoked pretty quick.
But consider the lowly, free for the asking, Fuel Scoop. Fuel intakes type and size should also be a factor.