00000Err, thanks Erik.
Now, can anyone tell me how organic brains make new neural pathways, in English?00000
Hmm. Well, your brain is a network of cells called neurons, right?
See figure 1 for a picture of a neruon:-
Note the short arms Dendrites, through which the neruon recieves inputs.
And the long Axom, through which the neuron sends its signal.
Each neuron recieves signals from other neurons. It takes each input it gets, performs an operation on it, say, multiply it by 2 or something, sums the total of all inputs it gets, then, if this value is higher than its magic number, it sends a signal down its arm to another neuron.
This ouput is fed in to a new neuron, along with outputs from another bunch of neurons. And on, and on, and on...
By having 100 billion connections like this, you can get the funky outputs we all know and love.
Now, neurons can form new connections by growing new arms like any other cell. The brain releases chemicals that the neruons can detect, and they grow towards, or away from these chemicals.
But I think the important part is changing the weighting of it inputs - how relatively important each input is in the little sum each neuron does to see if it is on.
Cause that changes which combination of inputs triggers an out and so changes the flow of information through the net. Without modifying the connections.
Those, I'd imagine are also modified by chemical processes, but, like, this aint my field so I don't really know.
And neruotransmitter chemicals modify how signals pass between neurons. Which is no doubt part of the weighting process.
Controlling and directing this beast is so it provides meaningful output is, I think, not a task that deserves a just. I mean, how the hell did this come about. Its almost worth a higher power because, like, wow man.
In the Erik model virus this etching is done either by some kinda high tech dodad that holds a holds a lattice in place in a fluid bath with, like, magnets, or something, then fixes the matrix somehow or some other dodgy nanotech technique.
But it makes bugger all difference really - nanoscale manipulators to burn billions of connections or small scale psionics.
But vague is good. Avoids possible trigger words like Psionics around those who are sensitive.
For what its worth, I've rather enjoyed the material up so far.
I have my Viking and other related issues obviously (but then I would), but overall theres good stuff.
So I object to some of the implementation (come see the oppression inherent in the system Help Help!), but, like, the concept I quite like.
I am always unsure of what people will like, but it seems to continue far more stories from CT/MT than TNE did, and that ought to go down well.
Really given me something to daydream about during my running, so it has.