And that's not really the sort of ship LBB5 was meant to build (it can, but it's not the combatant vessel those rules were written around.)It very specifically does not say that. It say over 1000 Dt, use LBB5 rules.
Which for this 2000 Dt J-1 LBB5 ship with 95 Dt drives means one engineer:
Additionally, that ship needs six service crew (3/1KTd since no ship's troops) and also should have a gunnery officer (despite being unarmed)
Define "really necessary". Required for any operation at all? Perhaps not. Required for safe operation? Yes. It's just that it's "acceptable" for 100Td ships to be less than perfectly safe -- and that for those ships, the additional risk doesn't get quantified in the rules.Spoiler:
Code:MT-B611122-000000-00000-0 MCr 310 2 000 Dton TL=12 Crew=17 Cargo=1578 Fuel=210 EP=20 Agility=1 Single Occupancy 1 579 388 USP # Dton Cost Hull, Streamlined Custom B 2 000 Jump Drive J 1 1 50 90 Manoeuvre D J 1 1 17 36 Power Plant J 1 1 28 72 Cargo 1 579 Nominal Cost MCr 387,53 Sum: 1 579 388 Class Cost MCr 81,38 Valid ≥0 ≥0 Ship Cost MCr 310,02 Crew & High 0 Crew Bridge 10 Passengers Mid 0 17 Engineers 1 Low 0 Gunners 0 Extra SR 0 Frozen Service 6
So they are not really necessary, as some ships don't need them?
The whole thing is arbitrary! It's the rules for a science-fiction RPG, combined with the semi-compatible rules for a related space combat wargame. It almost can't be anything else!OK, arbitrary limits then.

That said, the arbitrary limits usually have some intent behind them, and that intent can usually be found.
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