<Shrug> its not a hard rule by any means, and as the title should indicate I am ambivalent about it's actual use. It's kind of a horrible commentary on the nature of societies, education and the potentially harsh usages of the UPP.
If you like, make the formula
A character's starting EDU may never be greater then their (homeworld TL + SOC/2).
A character's finishing chargen EDU may never be greater then their polity's highest TL.
A character's continuing education/sabbatical EDU may never be greater then the local planet's TL.
Now if you want to be really brutal and follow that class warfare/ignorance theme to it's harsh conclusion, make the (TL+SOC)/2 formula apply across all access to EDU.
Now the SOC 4 really can't get that graduate degree, to pursue academic dreams or just knowledge for it's sake a higher place in society must be obtained.
I don't like that as I prefer a humble beginnings to achievements story dev for our characters, but a controlling society certainly would want to determine access to such resources and SOC rank is the logical means.
And it certainly would provide one hell of a story, both to the character who overcomes the limit, and the one who wants to smash the limits from society forever.
See that, according this rule:
- People in a TL0 society will all have EDU 0 (is that even posible?)...
- At TL1 (Greece/Rome/middle age) everyone will have EDU 1, regardless of their studies/training (incluiding some of the main classical philosophers)...
- Leonardo da Vinci would have EDU 3 (as it was the TL at his time)...
- Benjamin Franklin would have EDU 3-4...
- Einstein will have had EDU 5-6 when developed the relativity theory...
Sorry, but I cannot buy it. Education has been variable among the society thoughout history, regardless the TL, and this rule will make all people equally educated for most of it.
Of course, education is also relative to TL, and that is (IMHO) better represented with MT rules, as Aramis pointed.
I'm definitely riffing off that sort of thing, but this is a bit different view.
The higher educated TL 12 person with an EDU 11 knows that people use keys or other physical devices to start cars at TL 6.
The TL 6 EDU 6 has less chance of knowing TL12 grav vehicles have a whole ident control mechanism.
The TL 12 EDU 6 wastrel that has squandered his high tech educational opportunities may not know about keys.
OTOH, higer TL ítems use to be more user friendly, and I guess a low TL person will be easier to adapt to a high TL world than the opposite.
A TL 12 person with EDU 11 may know at lower TLs people used cars with gears and pedals, and had to start them with keys, but it's quite unlikley to be able to handle them, while a TL 5 person is more likely to be able to drive a TL12 grav car with user friendly controls (probably just by voice).
A TL 12 doctor will be lost, and probably unable to use his skill, on a TL 3 world (I know few doctors in RL taht could work without lab or radiology support, and even less without antibiotics), while a TL 3 healer will be unimpaired in a TL 12 world (just will not use most of TL12 advantages and keep using his knowledge, in what will be seen as first aid in this world).