Interestingly, according to the RCVG on page 47, the Huscarles were never part of the Imperial Army, and don't come under the umbrella of the centralized administration until after the end of noble rule.
3 possibilities:
- RCVG is wrong, since it's contradicted in SEVERAL places. (FFW, SMC, COACC)
- RCVG is talking Reformation Coalition Propaganda and is written "in universe" (Which ISTR Dave Nilsen claiming about other TNE materials, esp portions of AOTRv1:H&I)
- RCVG is making a picayune distinction in that Marines weren't ARMY... (but neglecting to mention they're usually Marine units).
Noting that the 4518 LIR was not "imperial army" ... but originally was in fact an Imperial Marine Regiment!
SMC makes it clear that some Huscarles are seconded from the Marines, NOT the Army... and that the Huscarles are equipped typically of
Marine Regiments.
SMC does NOT use the term "Imperial Army" save for mention of a cache of weapons.
5FW - precisely half of the IA units have names - but the numbered units are brigade or higher. (Which implies either they're organized from huscarles from multiple pop ≤ 8 worlds, or there's a standing army. Given COACC, I lean to multiple contributors - especially since the the numbered army units are not called Army nor are they called Colonial... and TL's range from A(10) to F(15)...
Note that the successor 4I provides for the Counts and Dukes to raise huscarles in the role of the 3I's subsector fleets... and local forces are not able to be grabbed to augment the 4I IA, IMC, and IN, but Huscarles may be... Likewise, Counts and Dukes may demand service of a portion of their underlings' Huscarles for their Fief's forces.
The Regency simply migrated Huscarles into the Regency military - no longer a noble's private army, but another group of imperial forces. The Republic of Regina uses the 4518 LIR (which is brigade strength then - 8 Bn) as an elite capital defense force. (1248 v1)
So, Judging from the successors, RCVG is just wrong.
Also, in looking at the sum here, I suspect "Colonial Troops" means the General is local to the world, and the numbered units are the sum of other worlds Regimental and smaller units, combined into higher commands...
Especially since there is mention in other books that Imperial Forces are ALL trained to TL 14 or higher.