But even this TL15 multi-billion pop Core World can be contained by the Navy if it becomes rogue while Ground troops are assembled/mobilized. it rebellion would not be critical to the Imperium as lon gas it does not spread (and, again, that's IN's task to avoid, not Army's.
IA's job is going to be showing up for the long haul with the BIG formations and routing out the rebellious infestation, for good. IN is to quarantine, but you don't want to tie up a fleet for 6 months/year while cadres build the Field Armies and what not, THEN transport them. You want fast resolution so those hideously expensive formations are putting down 2-3 rebellions per year and have enough give to shift things frontierward at need.
What I see as a primary need is DETERRENCE, and that means relatively fast reaction so a rebel planet cannot dig in and use the populace as hostage and time cost sink, whether frontier or core.
Or worse, other planets revolt while the Imperium is busy with the first one.
The mix will be different, a lot higher percentage Marine and merc and colonial for the frontier, but to deter a Core World means being able to put on an IE level of effort, fast. That means big formations for the big pop sectors. Imperial Army formations.
And any rebellion(going rogue planet is probably more easy to occur in the frontier than in the Core, where any planet feels (probably) more Imperial loayalty (even if only due to not knowing anything else), knows that it ahs no outside support and is (again probably) in a more stable zone.
I would agree with the characterization, but again big pop x fast restoration = huge army within the sector.
And think what would the Core pople, that to a point they feel secure and Imeprium Loyal, of having to maintain such an enormous aremy where it is not expected to be used (except maybe against themselves, as you say). Will they see it as a good way to expend the taxes?
One of the major elements we may be missing here is the NATURE of core worlds.
Because of the bigger pop, they are going to be all those 9ABCD places with unpleasant law levels.
A revolt on such worlds are going to be either discordant protests against such hellholes, in other words against the government not the Imperium, or topdown leaders of said authoritarian governments against the Imperium.
In both cases, the objective is rapid restoration of order, trade and taxation. One 20 billion TL15 planet translates into an entire frontier subsector's worth of revenue using the Striker/TCS valuations, and arguably a more nuanced model with trade routes disrupted at the least would cause other neighboring TL15 billion+ pop worlds to sag in taxation as well.
Of the two types, the second is the more dangerous, as they will be the ones with the guns, access to fighting ships and industry, organized armies, etc.
Probably the most dangerous revolts are by Charismatic Dictatorship/Oligarchys, in that case the populace could be supporting an organized topdown effort and it really may be an IE situation, requiring a nuclear response to avoid consumption of whole armies.
Otherwise the citizens are likely being forced to revolt by unbearable oppression or by topdown order, and will be just as happy to not support the current leadership and get back to work if the government falls to the next one. Rescuing those people, stopping political contagion and getting the revenue stream going again is Job One.
Having an IN fleet sit around while you raise an army for a year is NOT cost effective.
What IS, is
- using your extant hard-hitting Marine units for situations where rapid decapitation of the top echelon of government leaders is doable,
- commit the Imperial Army assets in the sector to bulk up the Marine cutting edge for both invasion and garrisoning,
- get the Marines and IN free and out of there ASAP for return of rapid reaction capability, and
- meantime use the time from the start of the crisis to raise your new replacement Army formations for the NEXT potential revolt in the sector.
Result, quick revolt crushing, only six months or so of vulnerability while assets are committed to the crushing and then moved out, Imperium shows resolve which deters or cows anyone else thinking of following suit, 2/3 of responses (nuke, Marine decapitation) are available again at the earliest possible time frame, the invasion option will be ready again in a year while restoration of taxes pays for the whole operation.
Time value both politically and economically, that's what people are missing about Core World asset management.
But it requires a large standing army, and that this army does not get sent off in bulk to the frontiers except for something like IE.
I do believe the Imperium would economize in the Spinward Marches- as of the classic period, it would not pay for huge formations by itself and is justified only as a means of border deterrence and not having to fight the next generation's battles closer to the Core base.
And of course the moment the crisis is over (frontier or Core revolt) and more normal force can be maintained, there would be a LOT of mustering out, hence a lot of those 26 year old enlisted and junior officers to recruit for all those merc forces.