What is "retcon"? I heard it used by a private security actor a few years back, but I don't understand what it is.
It's the reason why Marc doesn't post here.

What is "retcon"? I heard it used by a private security actor a few years back, but I don't understand what it is.
Oh, rewriting history. Why not just say that then?It's a contraction of "retroactive continuity". It's when an author changes some details about a fictional character and claims that not only is Megaman no longer the long-lost heir to the Kingdom of Arglegarble, he never was, and all the old stories that mentions that relationship should be ignored (on that point).
In his first book, Peter O'Donnell's heroine Modesty Blaise was said to be a refugee child in the refugee camps shortly after WWII. However, each new book took place a few months after the previous one but was published years apart, so eventually Modesty Blaise's perambulations in refugee camps was changed to shortly after the Suez Crisis (IIRC). Turns out she wasn't even born back in WWII days, and what's more, she never was.
Comic books are a fertile field for that sort of thing. Authors (or editors) tend to reboot comic book heroes every seven years or so,
Or, to grab an example completely out of the blue, by the Book 2 rules the Kinunir could be built at TL 10[*]. Later it was established that you needed TL13 to build jump-4 drives (at least in the OTU), so the TL of the Kinunir was changed[*]. The Kinunir was not a TL10 design, and what's more, it never was.
[*] Or so I've been told; I haven't actually checked for myself.
[**] Sadly, GDW muffed it and change it to TL15, but let's not go into that. Painful subject.
Basically it's the intellectual property owner telling you "Forget what I told you before; this is what I'm telling you now, and it's what I say goes."
What is "retcon"?
It's the reason why Marc doesn't post here.![]()
And priceless. Thanks for the chuckle Dragoner![]()
I don't know who does your ship building or feeds you this info but it is completely wrong.Or, to grab an example completely out of the blue, by the Book 2 rules the Kinunir could be built at TL 10[*]. Later it was established that you needed TL13 to build jump-4 drives (at least in the OTU), so the TL of the Kinunir was changed[*]. The Kinunir was not a TL10 design, and what's more, it never was.
[*] Or so I've been told; I haven't actually checked for myself.
[**] Sadly, GDW muffed it and change it to TL15, but let's not go into that. Painful subject.
What is "retcon"? I heard it used by a private security actor a few years back, but I don't understand what it is.
Uh, no, you can't. TL12, yes, provided you don't want it to be 100Td...In fact in original CT you can build a jump 6 X-boat at TL 10.
Uh, no, you can't. TL12, yes...
Except as Mike notes the first B2 rules didn't require that computer model match the jump rating, as long as the computer could run the program, iirc. And I think that brings it down to TL10.
Which means 4 more tons free (2bis), and no reason to not have an MD A and PP A for 1G... if the 2bis was in Bk2-77; otherwise it's 2 tons freed up (Mod 4)... assuming you can swap generate after running for J6...
Sorry - my post should have said 200t x-boat.Uh, no, you can't. TL12, yes, provided you don't want it to be 100Td...
Using Bk2-77
200 Hull
_20 Bridge
__6 Comp 6 (TL 12)
_35 JD F (TL10)
120 JFuel
_12 SRx3 (PME)
__7 Cargo
TL 12.
Note that adding an MD A adds PP A, for 5Td, and a stateroom becomes needed for E#2... so you have to go double occupancy.
Using Bk2-81
800 Hull
_20 Bridge
__6 Comp 6
115 JD M
_67 PP M
480 JFuel
_60 PFuel
_16 Cargo
Note that the Bk2-81 version has little reason not to go ahead and spend the 7Td on MD D for 1G, as well, and is TL15.
Anything smaller runs out of space before even getting to SRs...
COACC said:Immediate Command: Virtually all armed forces within the Imperium are organized along the same lines. Thus, the armed forces within a star system will include ground command, nautical command (if any oceans are present), and air command. In some cases, those commands will answer directly to the Imperial military hierarchy; in other cases, the commands will answer to local Imperial nobility (for example, the duke of a sector who is in charge of military operations in support of the Imperium).
Most armed forces, however, are associated with worlds. That is, each world organizes and supports its own armed forces. As such, a world army has its own ground command, nautical command, and air command. Many present and former member worlds of the Imperium maintained their own planetary armies as well. Balkanized worlds commonly have one army per nation to either further national ambitions or to deter other nations from becoming too ambitious.
One other consideration: there are no Army bases in the CT lists - only navy and scout, and marines operate out of the navy. That's the primary reason I have no standing "Imperial Army" - it has no facilities.
Hmm, there is that. I'd never really registered that fact. Mental blinders
I always figured Navy and Scout Bases were support for starships operated by each. The Army wouldn't need that so I never saw the lack of bases.
A quick fix jumps to mind
All Imperial Starports are also (automatically) Imperial Army Bases
Obviously only counting A through D of course. Hmm, I wonder if such Army Bases might help straighten out some other seemingly bent bits? Like screwy populations?
Standing armies need bases...