Yeah I can support thatI'd rather rewrite the rules to make them somewhat more functional to begin with.
Yeah I can support thatI'd rather rewrite the rules to make them somewhat more functional to begin with.
You can alway have your PGMP/FGMP or laser rifle plug into the fusion reactor of your grav tank or APCI give them to naval infantry, naval boarding teams and fleet marines - their combats aren’t really meant to last that long and having the ability to plug into a ship’s power supply and charge means that your ammunition supply is not gonna be a logistical issue - especially if you’re on a multi month cruise.
Yes, Snapshot rules are quite symilar to LBB1 combat, but there you're less concerned about casuaties, as in a RPG you're assumed to impersonate your character, and so be afraid of his dead, while on a wargame (no matter how tactical) you're not so involved.Book 1 combat is a sub-game in its own right. In fact, it is also a standalone game (Snapshot, which uses the exact same fire resolution mechanic). Designing elaborate subsystems in order not to be used is in any event the same thing to me.
Just a correction, since the actual discussion is as pointless as it was the last several times:In fact, IMNHO it should be more, as the likewhood of dying from a single hit in LBB1 is low. And even in LBB4 weaponry most of it are unlikely to kill you with a single shoot, unless you use support weapons (a Gauss Rifle "only" does 4D damage, so the likehood to kill a standard character (777) is quite low, and to have a 6D+ weapons you must resort to Auto Cannon or explosive RAM at least...
Agreed, but now design a similar weapon at TL-14... Fighting a few TLs uphill is not a fun experience, the only compensation is numbers.While our potential Volkssturmmann with his panzerschrek and a deathwish could potentially pen a BD with ease he’s probably died a million times before he gets close enough to pull the trigger.
Now a TL12 infantryman has a TL12 anti-armour system with all the bells, whistles and blinking lights. Unfortunately he is still facing armour with a TL14 ECM and physical countermeasures suite. I’m certain the TL12 fellow is going to get a kill (which makes him more combat effective than that kraut conscript with a panzerschrek) but I don’t think it’ll be a fun time for him or his squad.
Then we almost agree, I give Marines the best, just because the cost is irrelevant when you include the cost of the ship that took them to the fight.I give them to naval infantry, naval boarding teams and fleet marines - their combats aren’t really meant to last that long and having the ability to plug into a ship’s power supply and charge means that your ammunition supply is not gonna be a logistical issue - especially if you’re on a multi month cruise.
Just a correction, since the actual discussion is as pointless as it was the last several times:
A Gauss rifle gets two or three to hit chances against a single target. And since all of those will usually hit, you're looking at 8D or 12D damage, which usually kills. This applies to most automatic weapons.
In any event, the outcome of "everyone is incapacitated within 15 seconds, then whoever wakes up first slits the throats of the still-unconscious enemies" is not more, but less functional than everyone dying right away.
The laser weapon system should be considered about the same as a light machine gun.
Quite, and a group firing at another group means everyone will potentially hit every enemy, i.e every combatant is hit by several enemies possible several times. Everyone dies the first round is normal with automatic weapons unless you apply heavy negative DMs.Just a correction, since the actual discussion is as pointless as it was the last several times:
A Gauss rifle gets two or three to hit chances against a single target. And since all of those will usually hit, you're looking at 8D or 12D damage, which usually kills. This applies to most automatic weapons.
On the other hand, some dude with a panzerschrek or an RPG doesn't have a whole lot of emissions (outside of their own heat signature, and that can be masked with preparation), and their weapon hasn't got any electronics (especially if you replace the pizeo-electric fuse of an RPG-7 with a pure mechanical one) to jam or confuse. If the TL-14 guys don't have a PD system (and in Striker they won't unless they've got vehicular support) they're in trouble. The return fire or fire support mission removes the RPG user from the map, of course, along with the building he was in, etc. if that's what the TL-14 guys want, but to me that's as it should be - lower TL opponents can, with prep and support weapons, hurt high TL opponents, but at a high cost.While our potential Volkssturmmann with his panzerschrek and a deathwish could potentially pen a BD with ease he’s probably died a million times before he gets close enough to pull the trigger.
Now a TL12 infantryman has a TL12 anti-armour system with all the bells, whistles and blinking lights. Unfortunately he is still facing armour with a TL14 ECM and physical countermeasures suite. I’m certain the TL12 fellow is going to get a kill (which makes him more combat effective than that kraut conscript with a panzerschrek) but I don’t think it’ll be a fun time for him or his squad.
Autorifles are pretty over-powered, in my experience. Book 4 just hands out things that are autorifles on steroids.You don't design games in order not to be played. (Well, I don't.)
The issue is actually not that bad with Book 1 weapons, but there is enough crazy in the system that I saw fit to rewrite it anyway.
That's not what its combat stats say it's for though - it's got a very high rate of fire and a large magazine. That does not yell out 'sniper rifle'. They aren't that much more expensive than ACRs (which are described as being general issue), and their ammo costs the same per shot.That does not make my point void: it will not usually kill you on a single shoot.
Gauss rifle is said in LBB4 to be a sniper rifle, and, AFAIK (I have no military experience), most snipers would use single shoot option and have a good ratio of killing.
it's got a very high rate of fire and a large magazine.
I was replying to a comment about gauss rifles, at least that's what I intended, and so was discussing them.Where it's said laser rifles/carabines has a very high rate of fire?
Any other source I have no access (or at least quick access) to?
- Not in TTB (and so I guess neither in LBB1)
- Nor in AHL, where it has no auto fire capacity
- Nor in MT(PH) (albeit not being CT), where it has no autofire capacity
I was replying to a comment about gauss rifles, at least that's what I intended, and so was discussing them.
Tech level 12: The gauss rifle is introduced in limited numbers as a sniper weapon, expense precluding general issue.
Ooh, a TL14 light assault gauss rifle. That would be something to see.Really Urban combat casualties for a rifle battalion taking Sq Km was theoretically running 60% however in Iraq at fallujah and Najaf it was in the 30% range. Not everyone dies.
I know for a fact the striker rules are flawed due to ignorance. A TL-14 Gauss rifle can defeat TL-14 BD its commonsense in the evolution of weapons.
It's also more than just a little mind-boggling how a 10-round burst allows three hits against a primary target and one each against four adjacent targets. And all will usually hit in the case of a Gauss Rifle.Quite, and a group firing at another group means everyone will potentially hit every enemy, i.e every combatant is hit by several enemies possible several times. Everyone dies the first round is normal with automatic weapons unless you apply heavy negative DMs.
Yeah, I just disagree with that, given its stats and price. TL-12 societies should be able to afford Cr1500 rifles for their troops if TL9-10 societies can afford Cr1000 ones for theirs. LBB laser rifles at Cr5000 each are a bit less affordable, let alone the TL-13 ones of Striker.Then it's clear I missunderstood you... I agree on the GR, but LBB4, Overveiw of the Equipment section, page 43 says:
I have shot up more Toyotas and Nissans than I care to countBasically, infantry squads should be built around heavy weapon teams.
Theoretically, taxied to the battlefield with armoured fighting vehicles.
Though, it appears that golf carts and Scoobie vans are reasonable alternatives.
Smallarms are, at this point, more personal defence weapons.
The laser weapon system should be considered about the same as a light machine gun.