Arden owns Tremous Dex in 1116 which is the start date for MegaTraveller. Canon is clear on these points.
Can you point me to the page and paragraph for this date please?
Arden owns Tremous Dex in 1116 which is the start date for MegaTraveller. Canon is clear on these points.
Can you point me to the page and paragraph for this date please?
Before FFW, my take is that Arden was able to expand by profiting [from] its position in the Demilitarized Zone among the Zhodani Consulate and 3I. Neither of them could intervene without raising the other suspicions ...
CT:HG, page 20: So, Arden may construct or replace ships, though its low TL will limit their capacity (at least until they absorbed Tremous Dex, after FFW).
... neutralize both Quare and (more important) Tremous Dex.
Tremous Dex, with its (relative) high TL and low law-level is quite likely to be one of the major piracy centers in the whole Marches. Few (if any) worlds are better to repair your ship or conduct maintenance or to clear your "acquired" goods if you are in piracy trade, and its position in the Demilitarized Zone protects it against Imperial action if they don't want to enrage the Zhodani.
In another post I got my Behind the Claw reference shot down but I believe canon in the OTU at year 1116 must be identical, until the split timeline on 132-1116. (okay, the ship explosion did occur on day 131 but now we are just splitting hairs.
Arden can build its own ships down-port. They would be streamlined and subject to the maximum dtonnage permitted. They would be J-1 as TL9.
It is also not canon.
The Assassination occurs on 132-1116.
The inside cover of the MegaTraveller Players Manual has a map of the Spinward Marches which shows the Federation of Arden controlling the seven systems I listed.
The Spinward Marches Data section of the MegaTraveller Imperial Encyclopedia starts on page 94. It lists a Federation of Arden allegiance code. Page 99 of the same book shows the same map found in the Players Manual.
There are also the sector/domain maps published by DGP is various TD and MTJ issues.
This map is not dated. And sets the galaxy into factions that cannot exist before 1117 (see below.)
This implies at the start point of Rebellion Arden in staying "neutral" between the two big boys of the region; so not drawing attention to itself by grabbing planets militarily.
please note it is also shows that Arden's Tech Level is 8 which makes their starship building even harder.
This is canon as I understand it...
Is there a maximum tonnage to be streamlined or able to land on a planet (and so to be built down port)?
This "discussion" began when you confused the Federation of Arden with the Zhodani Consulate and, as you've become more confused about more topics, the "discussion" has become more tedious. I'm going to leave it to the other members to explain things from now on.
I did the Rebellion Era map on travellermap based on allegiance found in Imperial Encyclopedia.
MT suggests that 1,000 dtons is the maximum ship size serviced down-port. MegaTraveller Imperial Encyclopedia, p32 (under Naval Base).
1120 is the assumed date of Rebellion for the maps. inexorabletash set that part up. It is not 100% accurate, date assumed or stated ~1117 (Players Handbook) to 1124 ("pre-Hard Times" Diaspora Sector data). Most sectors and articles written (but not ALL) use 1120 as the springboard date.In my defense, and not saying I am totally right, even you dated the map 1120![]()
The Kinunir lines and outlaying hints (at least IMHO) that it's able to land (why else would it have wings?), and yet it's over 1000 tons (albeit not by much).
But, I am looking for a better cross-Milieu citation for you.
I wish you luck on it. As I told, we already discussed this some time ago, and no one could bring it to bear. And be sure I looked for it myslef, as I really belive there should be a limit, though not sure about which one.
You all certainly like messing with the new guy![]()
All I got today is the following:
GT:Starports p8 and p11 suggests max dton on ground at 1,000.
CT: S11-Library N-Z, p (Scout Base) p 18 states max dton on ground at 1,000.
Almost all references, CT, NE, MgT, MT, GT, T5 require Class A Starport for any jump drive installation (not sure why that must be done "in space")
True, and even TCS talks about this, but in any case, CT:HG reference to planets being able to build ships planetside disregarding the existence or not of shipyards remain.