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The Solomani, not just bad guys anymore

In the official timeline, there was never a peace treaty, just an armistice - the Solomani aren't going to give up any of their space to make some other state, and the Imperium had a lot of good men and women die to reclaim what was rightfully the Imperium's.

I've often thought that the Armistice Line was pretty much close to where the Imperial border was when the Solomani Autonomous Region was initially set up. At war's end, the Imperium reabsorbed those worlds which had known it before the SAR while leaving aside those worlds which had only know the SAR.

We often forget to look at the timing of events. Admitted in 588, Terra hadn't been in the Imperium for 30 years when the Civil Wars kicked off and the Solomani Hypothesis wasn't verified until after Terra was admitted. Given that the Hypothesis had only been proven for less than a century before the Solomani faction at court saw it's power broken and seeing that the first 20 years of that period was spent in war and much of the rest in recovery, I really don't think racial politics played that much of a role at the time.

Afterward, sure. Both sides were looking for excuses and latched onto whatever worked. When the Sollie faction was sent packing, however, it was little more than a power play by Zhakirov. His mother had kept all the factions more or less in line, first by force and later by memories of that force.

As the "Man who followed the Legend", Zhakirov had to build a broad coalition of support and so opened his government to peoples of all talents. When the Sollies - many of whom were descended from the same clowns who kept the Civil War sputtering along - took exception to sharing power, he shut them out.

Having their "power broken" doesn't mean they lost all their jobs or were exiled off Capital and out of the Core Sector. It does mean they suddenly weren't able to rely on the Old Boys Network that had provided them with jobs, sinecures, and money for centuries. Remember, the SAR wasn't even set up for a quarter century after Zhakirov's marriage and the Sollie faction's "dismissal".

Given the issues the Imperium faced in the late 600s and early 700s, issues like a new dynasty settling in, the x-boat network being built, a hot border with the Zhos, and others, Margaret's establishment of the SAR looks like a wise, if short sighted, policy decision. Much like Artemsus "subcontacting" out various Pacification Campaigns to the Archdukes, Margaret "subcontracts" exploration, expansion, settlement, and defense along the Imperium's only open border while also giving potential malcontents something to do away from the Capital.

Her primary mistake, and the mistake of her descendants, was in not providing proper oversight for their "subcontractors".

It would make sense, but it wasn't in the script.

In Wounded Colossus I took especial care to settle the Rim with an eye towards the long term. The Solomani were going to be hammered until they sued for peace, no armistice and post-war excuses this time. There would also be a belt of Switzerlands, Finlands, and the like between the two powers.

GDW wisely chose a "hot" border for the Classic Era OTU because it allowed certain adventuring opportunities.
Hi Uren,

The Solomani confederation is governed by a hierarchy of councils (again iirc) and the triumvirate of the party the military and SolSec.

It sounds to me like the former USSR:
  1. Party
  2. Military
  3. KGB

SolSec has an overtly political policing function, but that's where IMO the similarities to stalinism/naziism end. It's not socialist, it's ethnically linguistically and culturally diverse, and member worlds have somewhat more autonomy than those in the imperium (forming multi world trade blocs). I don't even want to call it a surveillance state because of the difficulty of creating a 1984 type pervasive surveillance system over thousands of worlds of varying tech levels. You need a pretty big shoehorn to make it fit familiar convenient 20th century stalinist/Nazi themes.

Again, it sounds a like lot the former USSR, which really was mostly socialist in name, rather than in practice. It was linguistically and culturally diverse. And it was a police state about to the same degree that SolSec is often described.

I thought the Solomani Confederation was rather obviously Soviet organisation with Nazi ideology. The Solomani symbol, the sun cross, is used by more or less nazi organisations as a covert swastika.

In general terms, adherents of the cause believe that pure racial humans - Terran humans, the Solomani - are superior to all other humans, and thus best fit to rule the Imperium. Solomani are the original, or true men; all other humans are degenerate offshoots ..."

"Inside the Solomani Sphere, increasing restrictions were placed in non-Solomani, and particularly on non-humans. ... Solomani political theory became extremely chauvinistic."

The Solomani Confederation is a police state:

"The Solomani Confederation also uses its armed forces to maintain domestic tranquility. They enforce the laws, suppress dissidents, and maintain the peace. These peace-enforcement assignments are one of the more common duties that the Solomani Confederation forces face."

"SolSec agents are also recruited as monitors - to monitor the political statements and views of the general population; they serve as informers responsible for reporting on the political reliability of their co-workers."

"... becomes part of the massive computer files maintained on everyone in the Solomani Sphere."
The power triumvirate and hierarchy of councils is quite reminiscent of the ussr, but the post I was replying to combined stalinism-naziism-big brother in its description of the solcon. I'm still not ready to call it a police state because the thousands of worlds in the solcon most likely have a vast diversity of government types and law levels, and SolSec's mission is the protection of the solomani cause and the movement. I think it's reasonable that they wouldn't care about ordinary non-political crime. Some world's might be police states, some might be very free, and I'd wager there are varying levels of local support for SolSec. But this is speculation on my part. I just have an issue with pushing 20th century tropes into a Scifi setting in the 57th century and ooc value judgements, like the van dootchen estates. Now that was deplorable. The writer couldn't have gotten more 80s if he wrote in the pirate queen Debbia Harria from the planet Blondinium. It dates the setting whereas ct is timeless. But I digress.
Outside of Ivan Wolfe, I don't think there's been a true charismatic populist Secretary General.

So, probably closer to the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic.
The Confederation has always been one of my favorite places and only gets more enjoyable as new stuff is added. Now in CT I would completely agree that the Confederation is a Police State based on Soviet Russia. But when MT came out his changed. It went from a place that when from just subsector Governments to a place where Multi World Polities also have a say.

Now this does not mean the Confederation is not heavily policed by SolSec but it does mean that it has to fight more for that power. Lets take a place Bootean Federation which is a more Liberal Polity. They are able to maintain this power because they also have a lot of high pop, high tech worlds giving them influence in the General Assembly. If you look at the Reformed Dootchen Estates they do not have the resources that the Bootean's do but they do have the backing of SolSec and more conservative groups. Some of the middle ground Polities are The Grand United States of Quesada , and The Third Reformed French Confederate Republic which which are both having problems caused by SolSec. This leads me to run them as fighting over who is in Chager not just between Party, Sol Sec and the Military but also between Confederation, Politiey, Subsector and Worlds. Makes it a much more interesting place rife with adventure.
IMO SolSec would have to work very closely with planetary authorities. On different worlds and in different polities this relationship could be cooperative, antagonistic, or anything in between. SolSec's activties might be different in different polities depending on how much power they're forced to give it. Navigating those relationships might be an interesting campaign in itself. We've been discussing solcon as a police state, but an intelligence state might be an apt description: a state where all government institution, agencies, big corporations, and most local governments have serving or former intelligence personnel in important positions to make sure these entities don't stray from the ideological line.
The Solomani symbol, the sun cross . . .
Actually the Solomani Confederation symbol is the astronomical/astrological (alchemical ?) symbol for Earth. Sol is a circle with a dot in the center.

Used by some "nazis" today, e.g:

I may be a double-entendre.

That's really interesting. It is definitely a double meaning.


The symbol for Earth shows a globe bisected by meridian lines into four quarters:
Makes it a much more interesting place rife with adventure.

Well put. Very well put.

I've always seen The Rim as a place better suited for "skullduggery" than the Marches. Espionage is going to be easier on the Rim; Imps look more like Sollies than Zhos, higher populations give spies a bigger "ocean" to swim in, the powers in direct contact along a longer border, etc.

A merc or merchant campaign in the Marches is going to be different than the same on the Rim too.

That being said, the one thing which constantly draws me back to the Solomani is the fact that the Confederation has an open border rimward.

I've long thought that the further you get from the Armistice Line and Home, the further you get from the loonies running the Confederation. IMTU, the "Far Rim" doesn't give a hoot for the Cause, monitors are thin on the ground, the parsecs are wide, and the Sec-Gen far away.

It's shame neither GDW or any of their licensees ever examined the region.
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Well put. Very well put.

I've always seen The Rim as a place better suited for "skullduggery" than the Marches. Espionage is going to be easier on the Rim; Imps look more like Sollies than Zhos, higher populations give spies a bigger "ocean" to swim in, the powers in direct contact along a longer border, etc.

A merc or merchant campaign in the Marches is going to be different than the same on the Rim too.

That being said, the one thing which constantly draws me back to the Solomani is the fact that the Confederation has an open border rimward.

I've long thought that the further you get from the Armistice Line and Home, the further you get from the loonies running the Confederation. IMTU, the "Far Rim" doesn't give a hoot for the Cause, monitors are thin on the ground, the parsecs are wide, and the Sec-Gen far away.

It's shame neither GDW or any of their licensees ever examined the region.

Never thought of that but that's a good point. Since the loonies are so focused on the 3I they would tend to over look the Rimward Frontier.
DGP in Solomani and Aslan mentioned the rim expeditions. The slight info we got was an epic adventure waiting to be written...

Yup, Rats & Cats talked about expeditions leaving our Orion Arm/Spur and reaching the Perseus Arm. What's more...

Agent of the Imperium flatly states that the arm to trailing is barren of life. While I'm sure all three Imperiums had/have remote sensing technologies that make our orbital platforms look like kiddy magnifying glasses, I'm equally sure that someone went to that arm and looked around.

AotI also has a 3I scout cruiser operating close to 800 ly coreward of the Imperium where it encounters the Empress/Craziness Wave in the 400s.

So, I'm certain the Confederation has sent official missions rimward with all that the term "official" entails. You know, square-jawed, steely-eyed, politically vetted, photogenic crew-people meeting all possible diversity targets accompanied by a huge and equally politically vetted media contingent and all nervously chaperoned by an even larger number of overt and covert SolSec monitors. Such missions would make "discoveries" so carefully scripted that our current reality TV programs would actually seem real.

The rimward exploration I'm interested in is almost the exact opposite.

There must be a continual "leakage" rimward as anyone with a ship and a case of wanderlust keeps jumping just to see what's in the next system. Following them and the data/stories they bring back are all the ornery, cussed, don't want to see my neighbor's cook fire smoke types who are really looking to get away from it all. The pioneer and free land brigade follows them, then the guys selling stuff to the pioneer and free land brigade. Everyday settlers are next followed quickly by all the trappings of civilization for good or ill.

Wash, rinse, and repeat as the frontier creeps slowly rimward parsec by parsec.

The wild cards in all this might - might - be the descendants of one or more of those ESA/Islands-style long range, bolt hole, colony missions the early Terran Confederation dispatched when victory against the Ziru Sirka wasn't even dreamed of. Both STL and combined STL/jump missions were launched from Sol with orders to get as far away as possible due to real possibility that the boys from Vland glass Earth.
I've always thought part of the Solomani Rim sector should be a Switzerland between the Imperium and Solomani. A separate entity. IMO the Imperium is underpowered in other regions that just don't make sense.

The Vegan Autonomous District? Actually, I didn't like it, but maybe my 3I was darker than yours?

When does someone with power give it up voluntarily? (George Washington excepted)

Kind Regards
