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The Traveller Art Thread - Art Only

For Traveller art on a T-shirt, see the link on my .sig. CT covers by David Deitrick, and other designs. New stuff, too.

All with permission, of course.
Eeek! Now, I thought the Rebellion was scary enough before it went to music but Dulinor with wavvy hair...YIKES!@! Excellent artwork with the Grav Tanks. This is artwork that I want to see more of. I hope that you have been approached by QLI
I just fixed the links! Sorry chaps!
The images were linked to Sci-Fi meshes which is a members only viewing forum. I shifted the images to my personal site so everyone should be able to see them now.

Originally posted by Berg:
And I thought you were just a CGI man ;)
Heavens no. I started out as a traditional 2D illustrator, though by my own admition, I'm much better at CGI than I am at painting =(

I've put 8 new pics on my page....

Emryys' Traveller Pics

They're mostly done with TerraGen and Celestia, with a dash of PSP7 ;)

Space and surface scenes for Sci-Fi.
I'm using your Scout model Mr. Scarecrow to great effect, hope ya like

Originally posted by Maladominus:
... It has that impressionist feel to it.... Renoir or Van Gogh!
Funny you should say that because the objective behind the pieces is to suggest as much as possible with as few brushhstrokes as possible. I'm deliberately making myself use a large brush so that I don't get bogged down in detail. It's an attempt to loosen up my painting style. I must say I'm really really enjoying it so far. I just did a portrait of my Star Trek character (an Andorian called Vash) this lunchtime.
