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The Traveller Art Thread - Art Only

Awesome :eek:
I remember getting my copy of fighting ships long ago, and now to see the pics being made... :cool:
More models coming forth for us CGI challenged? ;)
You'll need somewhere to upload/host them. I use ImageShack.us because it's free, easy, and umm, free
You can't upload anything over 1MB (per file) but that's usually not a problem for me.

Then once you have your image uploaded you just link it using the code, but if you use the buttons below the reply form it will add extra code. Still works, just has tags hanging off it
Excellent models.

Both scenes are in need of some sort of lighting. At the moment they are too dull and evenly lit.

The ship one isn't so bad as it seems to be in some sort of cloud, so lighting would be lower and dispersed, however there appears to be a dark blue light affecting the underside of the ship and nothing else.
Also, notice how the pipes connected to the rear of the ship appear to float, detached? This is the reason I always advocate a sphere of lights casting soft, blurred shadows (using shadow maps NOT raytraced!!) , instead of an ambient light. You get soft shadowed areas around geometry connections making them look connected. Ambient lights don't cast shadows and just have the result of making everything look like it's glowing.

Also, kill the background on the female trooper, it's noisy, garish and distracts from the subject.

Thanks for the feedback guys, and I'll give lighting a try Scarecrow. I havent tried to make any lighting of my own (only presets) or any other programs (like Adobe Photoshop) to "enhance" any of my pics so if you have any DAZ or Adobe Photoshop 7 specific advice I'd be glad to hear it. Thanks again and happy Travelling.
cool pics, Ender
What ship did you use there? I sort of looks like an oversized Wasp, but I can't tell for sure. Yah, the lighting is tricky to get a hang on... I know I'm still figuring it out, but I've seen that once you do get the lighting handled it can make the difference.

Speaking of lighting, here's a new pic of mine. Hopefully it's not too dark. Was going for the spooky exploration of a derelict base. On my machine it looks ok, but it's always hard to judge how others will see it. Anyway, I hope you all like it:

"Derelict Base"
Originally posted by Jame:
N.I.C.E., the one "Cornered" needs a login, so I can't get to it.

The rest are quite nice!
I think I've fixed the links to my pics so you should be able to see them all now. Thanks!
You've got some cool pics there, Ender. I'm liking the variety. Keep experimenting with lighting and you'll go far

Here's another pic I just posted at Renderocity... A followup to the "Derelict Base". These two pics are illustrations I'm going to spring on my players for an upcoming adventure ;)

"Derelict Guard"
Ender, some tips on the lighting.

You have lights in the scenes that are not casting shadows. Never do that. It makes no sense. Try re-rendering one of the scenes but with ALL lights casting some sort of shadow, preferably shadowmaps, not RayTraced. Raytraced shadows will give you that criss-crossed shadow effect you get from flood lights on a football pitch. Low res, filtered (blurred) shadow maps will give you much more convincing results.
See the difference.

I'm currently trying to download DAZ Studio to see if I can give you some more detailed pointers. At present it's telling me the download isn't found. I'll get there eventually though.

It's working now.

I've had a play, and it's worth every penny I paid for it...

I'd advise you to get hold of a proper program. There are decent free ones (Blender is popular), or you can often get older versions of commercial ones on magazine cover discs.
... Or, you can learn how to use it before writing it off. No offense to you Andrew, but while I don't profess to know how to use it myself, I have seen some amazing things done with studio. It seems to me that it's more of a scene organizer/renderer than a 3D modeller, so while it might not have the front end capabilities, it's output is as good as anything I've seen. All it will take is getting used to it.
Daz Studio is a great program, especially for beginners like me. Its free for one and there is alot of free content available all over the web. As you can see I'm very addicted. It is very easy to use but I am always open to new programs. Thanks for the tips and for tryin so hard to help. Keep posting your art too, I like to see the different types of lighting that you all use. Thanks Again

P.S. You all have some kick ass pics, what program(s) do you use? and why?
Well, I've had a quick look and so far so good. It has omni, spot and directional (distant) lights that can cast shadows of varying diffusion. I'll have a bit of a play with it at lunch. I've not looked at shaders and materials yet but as a renderer it looks pretty cool for a free package.
