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Vote Your Canon #4: Jump Torpedos (consensus: NOT)

Are jump torpedos canon?

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HG '80 requires computer mod/# = Jn. A ship can "loan" its computer to a ship it's lashed to and jumping with, though.
The lunching ship would provide computer control all the way up till the Torpedo activates jump. Ship computers are only needed to calculate and initiate jump then the controllers in the drive take over.
{ checks all sources } 📖

It says here ... "100 tons minimum" ... :unsure:
In 3rd and/or 4th edition it becomes 50dT at TL 13 and higher for the jump2 couriers used in the Spinward Marches. The Jump fields are too unstable at TL 11 from the reading, but at TL 13 I guess they don't scramble the crew as often or as bad and 36 Jumps from where they were suppose to be.
I have them in my own universe, primarily carried by Scout and exploration ships to allow them to send in reports in case they do not make it back. The procedure is to send in an initial report following a quick system survey, and what the next planned steps are. Then, if something happens to take out the ship, the following ship has something to work from.
So how big would a Torpedo have to be for jump1?
Depends on the system and what rules you're willing to bend.

LBB5 has 1Td minimum drive size for PP and MD; one can also guess that holds true for jump drives (with the 100Td minimum hull size it'd be 2Td, but we're ignoring that so it could go down to 1Td). Minimum fuel is 2Td (1Td for the power plant, 1Td for the Jump Drive -- I'd almost be ok with 1Td for both which would support J1 and Pn-1 up to 9Td total, but that's pushing things a bit). Use the small craft "computer replaces bridge but downrated 1 mod/ number" rule, extended to downrating it 2 mod/ numbers for replacing a starship bridge and we're talking a minimum size of 5Td: Jump drive, power plant, Mod/2bis computer*, 1Td fuel. The jump range is computer-limited.

LBB2 '77, by deriving the size formula from the drive table (5Td+(2.5% of total Td per Jn)), gets you to about 6Td since the nominal canon J-torp is a jump drive, fuel, tape recorder, and a radio transmitter, and LBB2 '77 doesn't require a power plant or minimum computer -- you could use a jump tape.

IMTU, if MTU allowed them, had a 10Td J-torp with a 4G (1Td) maneuver drive, autopilot, and 3Td payload at TL-15 (a lifeboat with two emergency low berths and fuel for a second jump; the M-drive was to enable fuel skimming for multiple jumps). Upgrading the computer to a Mod/3bis* (spendy!) gave J-2 capability. The two emergency low berths can be replaced by a half-stateroom/small craft cabin to make for a 1-man minimal starship. (Note: I may have misremembered some details.) For game balance reasons, anything between 10Td and 100Td had a high misjump risk, particularly above 12Td -- the idea was that at 10Td (12Td with drop tanks installed and retained through Jump) the resulting jump boat wouldn't be combat effective.

LBB5 '80 would allow (if you waive the 100Td minimum and no other rules) a J-1/1g ship to be built at 33Td if memory serves.

*from LBB2 '77
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Other types of missiles are possible (for example, jump capable message torpedoes...
but such require either specific alterations to ordinary torpedoes or location of an arms supplier who deals in such items. Specific attributes of such non-standard missiles are the realm of the referee.
That is all we are told about them in CT 77, and also that missile and torpedo are interchangeable terms.
i tend to view them as comparable in size to the WW2 Japanese 24 inch torpedo, data of which follows.

24 Inch Type 93 Model 1: weight=2700 kilograms/5940 pounds, total length=9 meters/24 feet 6.4 inches, diameter=61 centimeters/24 inches.

They fire from a separate launching tube. I know that being used in a vacuum, streamlining is not required, but I sort of like the image that it creates. Stability fins are not needed however.
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TNE increased the size of missiles to a more reasonable 3dt. While they became detonation laser warheads it is possible to use FF&S to build kk missiles - if they would survive to impact is another matter entirely.
It's a common "solution" to why CT Computers are so big - Semiconductors not working properly. As a first glance it works ok. On deeper reflection, it should make SDBs and other non-jump ships able to mount more of all the non-jump-drive bits.

@mike wightman
It's worth noting that Navigation skill is required for jump by some editions, with no reference to cassettes. CT doesn't require a navigation skill roll to jump. MT does (IE, p 92), TNE does (TNE 225). T4 appears not to. T5 does.
If semiconductors get messed up in jump, just disconnect and enclose in a Faraday cage during jump, reconnect on exit.

There is probably a big difference between regulations and operations. Some OTU bureaucracy set rules for when you need medic, navigator, how many engineers, blah blah blah. All so long ago nobody knows why the rules are there. Ships can operate with far fewer personnel.
i tend to view them as comparable in size to the WW2 Japanese 24 inch torpedo, data of which follows.

24 Inch Type 93 Model 1: weight=2700 kilograms/5940 pounds, total length=9 meters/24 feet 6.4 inches, diameter=61 centimeters/24 inches.

How Primitive. 8-)

I generally equate them to Air launched Harpoons myself around 3 meters long and around 500kg. Which makes sense of MT's 0.1 dTon per missile storage. (Note a little shorter and a little fatter than a actual Harpoon but it fits better in Traveller terms).
You mean half Ton.... The Socket Launcher is 3 tons, like the laser sockets.
I misremembered so looked it up, the TNE ship missile has a mass of 7,000kg not the 3 tons I erroneously mentioned (I confused it with the socket), the loaded launcher is 28,400kg, 42 cubic metres and contains two missiles.

So from the CT 50kg we move to the more reasonable TNE 7,000kg.
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I misremembered so looked it up, the missile has a mass of 7,000kg not the 3 tons (confused it with the socket), the launcher is 3,000kg, 42 cubic metres and contains two missiles.
I figured you had. Honestly I like TNE's socket mounts better than Turrets
If semiconductors get messed up in jump, just disconnect and enclose in a Faraday cage during jump, reconnect on exit.

There is probably a big difference between regulations and operations. Some OTU bureaucracy set rules for when you need medic, navigator, how many engineers, blah blah blah. All so long ago nobody knows why the rules are there. Ships can operate with far fewer personnel.
Not that they're damaged, but semiconductors don't function within a jump bubble... the faraday cage blocks radiation and magnetism, not minor changes to the conductivity of silicon by being out of the normal position on the j-axis in the jxyzt 5d space.
I fail to see why semiconductors would be affected at all.

The whole point of the jump field is to maintain the normal universe's physics and keep it separate from jump space.

If jump space physics impinges on the semi-conductivity of silicon then the jump dimensional physics is going to have an affect on every electron quantum field within the bubble, which means chemical bonds falling apart or being strengthened, metals becoming more brittle or more fluid, inability of oxygen receptors in the tissues to transfer oxygen etc - put another way eith the jump field creates a bubble of normal space where normal physics applies or it doesn't, and if it doesn't it wall have a much greater effect on living things than an inanimate lump of silicon (not that super advanced semi-conductors are likely to be silicon based anyway).
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Not that they're damaged, but semiconductors don't function within a jump bubble... the faraday cage blocks radiation and magnetism, not minor changes to the conductivity of silicon by being out of the normal position on the j-axis in the jxyzt 5d space.
So, electronics (as we know them) don't work during Jump?

How is the coffee made? This reminds me of that story (Poul Anderson??) where a civilization discovers either, effectively, warp drive, or electricity (the discover so shapes the universe view, it's difficult do discover both). This one civilization is essentially a star faring society stuck in the 1600s, with black powder, wooden ships, etc. And they stumble upon modern day Earth (who obviously went the electricity and electronics route).

The key point is when one of the characters on the starship wakes up and grabs a jar fill with fire flies and rattles them about so they'd light up.
So, electronics (as we know them) don't work during Jump?

How is the coffee made? This reminds me of that story (Poul Anderson??) where a civilization discovers either, effectively, warp drive, or electricity (the discover so shapes the universe view, it's difficult do discover both). This one civilization is essentially a star faring society stuck in the 1600s, with black powder, wooden ships, etc. And they stumble upon modern day Earth (who obviously went the electricity and electronics route).

The key point is when one of the characters on the starship wakes up and grabs a jar fill with fire flies and rattles them about so they'd light up.
NO!!! NO!!! No!!! No!!! no!!! no!!! Free the flies. This universe could not, would not exist without coffee or for that matter chocolate!
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