The way I se this, a strict joining of the timelines isn't really the issue. The practical question is, what would you need to do to be able to run a campaign using the Traveller 1248 material, if you assume an otherwise GURPS Traveller compatible prior timeline?
Simon Hibbs
As you wish.Truth - the point of divergence is a made up piece of rubbish - no one has any idea when or what it was. I eagerly wait to be corrected.
IMTU the major member worlds counterbalance Imperialization quite well, being the source of Imperial power in the first place and outnumbering Imperial forces two to one. The Ine Givar don't really have much power and it compensates by employing those classic terrorist methods that are so abhorrent to right-thinking people, including most PCs.IMPTU most PC groups have ended up siding with the Ine Givar - frontier folk really don't like losing their freedom to the Imperialisation of their worlds.
It's not a retcon either. GDW may have intended the Real Strephon to be a fraud, but they never said so, so there was no need to retcon anything; they just changed their minds, which is always an option if you get a better idea before you commit yourself by publishing an official statement in authorial voice.I object to the use of Ridiculous, for those of us that see Dulinor, Virus and Vampire fleets as 'ridiculous' the retcon is the best way to go. (It ruined my groups 80's Traveller experience for one).
One question: Is this a thought experiment or has the decision been made to have the two universes converge? Because a thought experiment is fine as long as you realize that having two universes converge once they have diverged is akin to uncooking a hardboiled egg. It's just not possible.The Lorenverse has a unique timeline primarily in that the Third Imperium ends and Charted Space changes by some other means than the Rebellion and Virus, perhaps a slower decay, perhaps a series of shakeups over a long time, and perhaps it takes centuries.
One question: Is this a thought experiment or has the decision been made to have the two universes converge? Because a thought experiment is fine as long as you realize that having two universes converge once they have diverged is akin to uncooking a hardboiled egg. It's just not possible.
One question: Is this a thought experiment or has the decision been made to have the two universes converge? Because a thought experiment is fine as long as you realize that having two universes converge once they have diverged is akin to uncooking a hardboiled egg. It's just not possible.
Mind you, I can see no possible reason to make the GTU converge with the OTU even if it was theoretically possible. If you want to game in the 1248 OTU, why not just set the campaign in the 1248 OTU? Why would you need to make the 1248 GTU identical to the 1248 OTU???
I believe this was a thought experiment of Rob's. There are no decisions being made about anything until Marc and Steve finish their decisions.
Just so my prediction is out there on the record...
Loren Wiseman has stated flat out that he has a POD in mind.
Point Of Difference?
Mind you, I can see no possible reason to make the GTU converge with the OTU even if it was theoretically possible. If you want to game in the 1248 OTU, why not just set the campaign in the 1248 OTU? Why would you need to make the 1248 GTU identical to the 1248 OTU???
Quite frankly, I hope that there is no convergence. The Lorenverse is my preferred published TU, and I'd rather it remain entirely divergent from the whole Shattered Imperium/Virus/etc., even if that means that future publications of later TU milieus do not present a Lorenverse version of those milieus.
One question: Is this a thought experiment or has the decision been made to have the two universes converge?
Assuming the rights to the GTU become Marc's exclusively, all it takes is someone writing more adventures/setting articles and Marc sanctioning publication thereof. There's no need to fold it back into the OTU (no point either, it seems to me).This is me, thinking about what it means for the Lorenverse to continue to have life after GURPS.
Assuming the rights to the GTU become Marc's exclusively, all it takes is someone writing more adventures/setting articles and Marc sanctioning publication thereof. There's no need to fold it back into the OTU (no point either, it seems to me).
I have a 95% finished adventure set in the GTU that I've been meaning to finish and submit to JTAS Online (Once again my propensity for procrastination bites me in the posterior). I'd be overjoyed to get that published somehow.
...if the GURPS part is leaving the GURPS Traveller Universe, would it be proper to continue to call it the GTU? The setting is not dependent on the system.
GTU could indeed use an alternate, positive name. One that reflects its setting, without having to explicitly define itself as "not the Rebellion-Virus timeline".
I've already suggested 'No Rebellion Universe' (NRU). I don't see why explicitly defining it by its most prominent feature is a problem.