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Astrogator/Interstellar Navigator

I think the best way to answer this question is as follows: Technology in Traveller is old. The Vilani have been doing space flight navigation since before there was writing on Terra. So every possible combination of computer technology, software, and expert system analysis has been tried, and ultimately rejected. The reasons are subtle (i.e. way too small to show up as a +1 on the rolls, even using a d100), but the affects are real.

This explanation won't fly with players that have even average IQ's...
This explanation won't fly with players that have even average IQ's...

If that won't, neither will any techobabble filled hand wave that you, I, or the this collected group can come up with.
If that won't, neither will any techobabble filled hand wave that you, I, or the this collected group can come up with.

Incorrect in the extreme. Saying the that TL 12+ computers are worse than TL 7 ones is not in the same league at all.
Sorry for the delay, I'm traveling abroad at the moment.

So it sounds like like, logically, humans are more or less supernumeries in the process, and in MgT, given that the rules don't really allow for cutting jump time the roll called for really doesn't make sense in most cases (at least not as a 40-60 minute task) . But when you need to make an astrogation check, you really need to be able to succeed.
Sorry for the delay, I'm traveling abroad at the moment.

So it sounds like like, logically, humans are more or less supernumeries in the process, and in MgT, given that the rules don't really allow for cutting jump time the roll called for really doesn't make sense in most cases (at least not as a 40-60 minute task) . But when you need to make an astrogation check, you really need to be able to succeed.

Right. And in MgT you don't need an Astrogator at all. You can use an A.I. type program to hold that bridge crew position. Given the economics, this would be the norm on any Tramp type ship that could get the needed computing power & s/w. In all likelihood that would be the default ship design at build. Same fate as Airliner Navigator crew position...
Right. And in MgT you don't need an Astrogator at all. You can use an A.I. type program to hold that bridge crew position. Given the economics, this would be the norm on any Tramp type ship that could get the needed computing power & s/w. In all likelihood that would be the default ship design at build. Same fate as Airliner Navigator crew position...

But since we know for a fact that, unlike airliner navigators, astrogators are still being hired, they must, in fact, be better than computer programs, and either your assumptions or your logic must be faulty. ;)

In MT astrogation skill affects the time it takes to calculate a jump. In T20 the astrogator can affect the accuracy of the jump. Just because MgT fails to mention the superiority of astrogators over AI programs doesn't mean there isn't one -- merely that the MgT rules fails to mention it.

But since we know for a fact that, unlike airliner navigators, astrogators are still being hired, they must, in fact, be better than computer programs, and either your assumptions or your logic must be faulty. ;)

Nope. You are just woefully unfamiliar with the MgT ship design Core rules. So, your data is faulty. ;)

T5 pp 371-372 indicate the need/benefit of the Astrogator.

T5 points out that Jump is uncertain and that the astrogator can effect the jump with Int + astrogator skill level.

Also, each Jump number attempted is progressively more difficult, increasing the need/desirability of the astrogator.
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Nope. You are just woefully unfamiliar with the MgT ship design Core rules. So, your data is faulty. ;)

No, assuming your deduction from the MgT ship design rules are correct, the MgT writer must have been woefully unfamiliar with the setting he was writing rules for. So his data were faulty. And since you fail to realize that, your data is also faulty. GIGO, you know.

No, assuming your deduction from the MgT ship design rules are correct, the MgT writer must have been woefully unfamiliar with the setting he was writing rules for. So his data were faulty. And since you fail to realize that, your data is also faulty. GIGO, you know.


You're making the gross error of presuming that MGT was attempting to emulate the OTU - which they have explicitly said they were NOT doing.
You're making the gross error of presuming that MGT was attempting to emulate the OTU - which they have explicitly said they were NOT doing.

If it is an error, it was an easy one to make, based on the instructions I received for writing for Mongoose, where we were explicitly told to stick to the existing information about the OTU.

No, assuming your deduction from the MgT ship design rules are correct, the MgT writer must have been woefully unfamiliar with the setting he was writing rules for.

Nope. They got the nod from Marc as it is still his I.P. YOU are in error.
If it is an error, it was an easy one to make, based on the instructions I received for writing for Mongoose, where we were explicitly told to stick to the existing information about the OTU.


Mongoose has apparently hired you for ONE sub-line — their OTU sub-line. Both Gareth and Matthew have explicitly said in the past that the rules are an evolution from the CT rules, but are NOT about the OTU.

To the point that Matthew has stated it to not be the Official Traveller Universe, but the "Original Traveller Universe"... Mongoose's corporate intent was clear from the outset that the OTU was merely one of several intended settings to be supported.
Mongoose has apparently hired you for ONE sub-line — their OTU sub-line.

Well, obviously.

Both Gareth and Matthew have explicitly said in the past that the rules are an evolution from the CT rules, but are NOT about the OTU.
Since one of the settings they support is the Third Imperium setting, that is manifestly not the case. They are not solely about the OTU, but they most certainly are also about the OTU.

To the point that Matthew has stated it to not be the Official Traveller Universe, but the "Original Traveller Universe"... Mongoose's corporate intent was clear from the outset that the OTU was merely one of several intended settings to be supported.

Yes, and in that one setting astrogators were evidently superior to AI programs. I don't give a toss for what other settings MgT also supports; if it purports to support the OTU, the rules should support the OTU. To the point that if the rules do not support the routine use of sapient astrogators in preference to AI programs then the rules are wrong, on that point and for the OTU, regardles of how brilliantly and perfectly they support Judge Dredd and Hammer's Slammers.

Yes, and in that one setting astrogators were evidently superior to AI programs.

New technology gets developed/found/discovered all the time. "Virus" is an example. Now, Trav has AI Astrogation pgms. That's the way it is in the game. Until a new version becomes the popular version...

As a GM you can always house rule it out.
Yes, and in that one setting astrogators were evidently superior to AI programs. I don't give a toss for what other settings MgT also supports; if it purports to support the OTU, the rules should support the OTU. To the point that if the rules do not support the routine use of sapient astrogators in preference to AI programs then the rules are wrong, on that point and for the OTU, regardles of how brilliantly and perfectly they support Judge Dredd and Hammer's Slammers.


The job of the MGT rules isn't to support the OTU. It's to be a generic SciFi ruleset supporting the key tropes. There is no reason to expect it to provide justifications in rules for quirks of the OTU, especially given Matthew's initial comments about the OTU, nor to justify minor trivialities.
I have autopilot on my sailboat. I trust it, for a few hours at a time, in open water.

Every harbor on Earth, of any consequence, has a harbor pilot and requires their use.

So, why not just use my laptop and a good GPS? Because I'm not crazy!

Any system can, and does, go down. Murphy says it happens at the worst time. I believe Murphy is correct.

There is no replacement for eyes and hands on, or human judgement, when and where needed.
Any system can, and does, go down. Murphy says it happens at the worst time. I believe Murphy is correct.

There is no replacement for eyes and hands on, or human judgement, when and where needed.

If the computer on a new airliner "goes down" the plane is also going down. With or, without a pilot.

Your idea of tech reliability is way out of date.