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Astrogator/Interstellar Navigator

IMTU ...So, someone has to tell the Astro A.I. pgm what, when, etc. Same with a Gunnery, Pilot, Engineer A.I. pgms.

This post seems particularly odd in that you have argued against the need for astrogators and pilots in several posts in this very thread.:confused:
This post seems particularly odd in that you have argued against the need for astrogators and pilots in several posts in this very thread.:confused:

Nope. I argued about what RAW says and why that could be. I never talked about my home brew rules...
From the very start, in my games, I always assumed that the easiest and one of the most common forms of piracy was to program a false course into the ship's computer. The navigator checks that - if s/he is one of the bad guys you are SOL. Also, in emergencies, it takes navigation expertise to override the safety cutouts. The ship's AI knows it is too close to a planetary mass, and won't do it. That meson gun shooting at you is not the AI's problem. While Navigator is usually a collateral duty, and the party can get by for long period without one, eventually they will wish they had someone with lots of points.