What an amazing coincidence!
With all the coincidences that already exist in the OTU, what's one more. Besides, the Ancients were involved and even gave them their very own garden of Eden, so to speak. Whats a little boost to psionic potential, especially if it would allow Osnorik<sp?> to communicate with them a little bit easier. Plus it gives an excuse to build a bit of folklore into the background of the Darrians ( and a plot hook too ) besides the old "beautiful, ancient and wise race who once lived as one with nature in idyllic gardens" *coughelvescough* trope.
I've seen a source on the 'net that states that the Maghiz wiped out 90% of the population. Such a massive die-off combined with the destruction of the tech base had to have made inbreeding more likely, even if not within immediate families. Thus the propagation of such a recessive gene is easily explained.
Possible, although the Darrian cultural predeliction for the scientific method makes it rather more likely that the mechanism would be perfectly well understood and psionic powers would be a subject for study, regulation, and utilization rather than a cause for alarm.
Even during low tech level periods of their history?
If anything, the "a subject for study, regulation, and utilization"* would end up making blue-skinned subjects of experimentation much like certain times in human history when humans experimented on humans.
Predilection for scientific method means nothing. It would be just as likely that the 'scientists' viewed blue-skinned as defective and proceed to eliminate them.
It's becoming very difficult to proceed with this line of discussion without invoking Godwin's Law concerning the Darrians..
Rather hard to hide if you have blue skin, I would have thought. And, again, Darrians are very big on tolerance. I'm not saying prejudice couldn't rear its ugly head, but it's not exactly what you'd expect from Darrians.
I never said blue-skinned would hide or be hard to locate. I said that successfully contacting a psionic institute, with blue-skinned members would be more difficult. Besides the 'normal' Imperial prejudice against psionics, the numbers of blue-skinned members would make it likely that they would be located in slums or ghettos. The members would already be persecuted and thus far less likely to welcome non-blue strangers; I'll bet they have had their fill of 'sting' operations already even beyond the normal security sweeps.
And no, its not what one might expect from the way OTU darrians are written, but thats a plus imho.
Aliens should not have nice neat homogeneous cultures that avoid all that evil crap of humanity had/has.
Besides, unlike so much of Traveller's alien lore, this model of blue darrians actually has a hard-science cause and real-world examples.
And now for something completely different;
Here is a profile of a single darrian's relationship profile.
Although I present it tongue-n-cheek, it does seem to fit the OTU Darrian psychology to a scary degree.
( this sort of site should be a boon when making npc's, eh? )
* put this phrase in google and the second hit is the Office fo Laboratory Animal Welfare