I think we already have and have done so on many topics other than the oddities surrounding the Kinunir.
I'm not inclined to assume responsibility for what others have done, nor mix up a discussion about the
Kinunirs with discussions about other topics. What say we stick to this particular topic and leave the others for other occassions?
Let me further explain something first. By "metagame lies", I'm referring to the Hobby having to craft a certain type excuse and/or explanation after the fact. When the canonical information involved was written, it was written "straight". It was never supposed to be deliberate misinformation or mistaken data or anything like that. When this "straight" information doesn't "work" for whatever reason, the Hobby explains or excuses that by saying it's a "lie", by saying it really is deliberate misinformation or mistaken data.
That is one of a number of strategies for dealing with revised context. I call it the '"It's not the truth, it's what people
think is the truth" explanation'. Actually, it's not just for changed contexts. It's for all sorts of discrepancies. And if it can be done well, it seems that this sort of explanation is easier for many people to "swallow". As far as I'm concerned, however, it's simply one of a number of ways to do it, not much better and no worse than a straight retcon.
That's what I'm referring to when I write about crafting metagame lies to excuse in-game mistakes or changes. We're moving what was originally intended as straight information or descriptions into the category of in-game misinformation to explain or excuse mistakes or changes.
What do you mean "we", Paleface?
Seriously, I don't agree that "we" are doing any such thing consistently. Some of us propose that sort of explanations in some cases. And why not? Sometimes they work. Sadly, sometimes they don't. The many problems with the
Kinunir tend to be cases where it doesn't work. However, the TL discrepancy isn't one of them, so I don't think there's much point in bringing it up in connection with a discussion about the TL problem.
Case in point: The Kinunirs as "battlecruisers". A:1 refers to the vessels as battlecruisers many times. Here's one of several passages; Originally conceived as vanguard cruisers, the Imperial succession of 1071 (and the associated policy changes) resulted in their conversion to colonial cruisers (euphemistically called battle cruisers).
Now, the vessels were battlecruisers, colonial cruisers, or vanguard cruisers in a LBB:2 setting. After HG2 however calling them any type cruisers is a sick joke. That means the Hobby now must swing into action and craft explanations and excuses as to why the A:1 verbiage still "works".
Surely that's one of the more piffling of the discrepancies. If it is a discrepancy. Aren't you always pointing out that terms like 'cruiser' denote function rather than size?
I, for example, say that the battlecruiser label was deliberate misinformation on the IN's part to obscure the black globe testing program. Others say the label is the result of misunderstandings by the general public. Whatever the explanation or excuse is, the mechanism is still the same: What was originally conceived of as straight information is now a "lie".
And if the explanation works, I say go for it. But if it doesn't, I advocate just cutting through the guano and say that the "lie" was never told in the first place. In this case it would be to excise any reference to the
Kinunirs ever having been designated as cruisers [NB! I'm not saying I think this is necessary in this case; I'm saying that if it was a problem, this would be a perfectly adequate solution].
We decided to craft a meta-game lie in order to explain or excuse an in-game change.
Again with the "we". Marc Miller and his minions decide. "We" merely offer suggestions. And most of the time "we" don't agree on what suggestions to offer.
If we viewed Traveller more as game, we would have said The rules have changed and we needn't explain the Kinunir's designation as it was made in the context of the previous rules.
It wasn't made in the context of the previous rules. It was made in the context of the previous background -- one that has now been changed, by implication. The change is implied by changed rules, but if the changed rules hadn't implied changes to the background, the rules changes wouldn't have created problems.
However, because we view Traveller more as a model - and incorrectly IMHO - we believe we must reconcile the differing descriptions that are result of changes and mistakes within and between rules versions.
I don't believe any such thing. I believe "we" ought to reconcile discrepancies in the background that otherwise lead to breaking the willing suspension of disbelief and a lessening of the roleplaying experience. "How come I can't get a jump-4 ship built on Regina when the
Kinunirs are jump-4? That doesn't make sense!" "Agreed, but the game rules says you can't build jump-4 ships on worlds with a tech level lower than 13." "Expletive the game rules! Regina built the
Kinunirs, right? So either come up with a good explanation or let them build us a jump-4 ship!"
That leads us to say The Kinunirs are called battlecruisers because the IN is hiding their true nature or The Kinunirs are called battlecruisers by the general public because Eneri Q. Public wouldn't know a real battlecruiser if it bit him on the bum.
Or the
Kinunirs aren't called battlecruisers and never were. What a bizarre idea!.
We do this so reflexively that we're not even aware of it anymore. Look at the subsector official in Rumor R. In a LBB:2 setting his claim about the four Kinunir class ships in service (not counting the Gaesh, of course), each with enough troop strength to put down any military operations that threaten the peace of the Imperium. is boastful but "straight". In a post-HG2 setting, the same official is now a buffoon or drunk.
He's a drunk. He's shown up twice more on other rumor tables published on JTAS Online. What's wrong with that explanation?
What was once information is now a lie due to our metagame efforts to ignore obvious changes and mistakes in the desire that the game be more of a model.
No, it's a changed
background fact because the
background has changed. You're still mixing up game and setting. The game is a game; the setting IS a model. And, yes, I certainly do want the setting to be more of a model, because I believe that it helps with the game.
We all do it Hans. We just haven't been aware of it lately. Why don't you explain to everyone here how Regal Splendor was given to the Vegans when all the Kinunirs were built in the Marches and the Vegan Autonomous District is several sectors away. The story works in A:1 because the map of the Imperium wasn't settled when A:1 was written and the location of the Vegans wasn't known and the change occurred when the Imperium ballooned to it's current vast size. So, what's our current best subsequent explanation or excuse? What metagame lie have crafted as a Hobby to excuse this in-game change?
My explanation? There's a one-world Imperial client state in Foreven named Vega. Or possibly in Gvurrdon or the rim/spinwards corner of Tuglikki. There! That's an explanation that changed (or amended) the setting (=model) but didn't affect the game one iota.
I'm much more dubious about how to explain why anyone thought it would please the Darrians to get one piffling little escort donated. At the moment I'm most inclined to simply retcon that event out of history. And, no, I don't think the Imperium would include a sample Black Globe with the gift (Not unless they got the Star Trigger in return
