I worked up an MT 100 ship last night, with and without jump fuel, using the power plant to charge the jump capacitors inherent in a jump 1 drive, and the difference is big.
As Hans suggests it could seriously change the economic model. I got an additional 9.5 tons of cargo space in a 100 ton ship for a Cr 500,000 additional cost.
If you can charge the capacitors _while in jump_ or without maneuver running it would take about 4 hours. If you charge the capacitors with the maneuver drive running it would take 6 days. However that doesn't mean you couldn't put in a bigger power plant.
So there must be some reason why you can't charge the jump capacitors when in jump. However that wouldn't preclude you from installing another set of capacitors or another jump drive, or use the turn around time in port to charge you jump drive.
Turn around time for merchants would likley be the same. 100d to port, unload and charge capacitors, 100d to jump and then jump. Giving the same amount of jumps in a year. However rift jumping would be easy as you wouldn't need to find fuel, or the fuel you carry for your power plant would be sufficent to get you across. 30 days fuel at full maneuver equates to about 120 days with no maneuver or 100 days if you charge the jump drive 16 times with no maneuver.
Annual maintnance would be the same, fuel costs would be significantly less (no jump fuel), and cargo space (income) would be more.
So Hans' question is still valid. Why is it cheaper/better/faster to use jump fuel?
And if we could make the answer plausable then even better
Best regards,