Yes, that was the one instance I was referring to.
And happens to be the definitive work on the subject.
Annic Nova double adventure, JTAS (Annic Nova adventure

, Jumpspace article
Are you familiar with the concept of preponderance of evidence? If 80% of the canonical reference says one thing and the other 20% says something different, you go with the majority of the evidence, unless there are reasons not to.
Trouble with Traveller ship technology is you can't get 80% of the evidence to be consistent.
CT LBB2, HG1, HG2, CT LBB2 revised, MT, TNE, T4 they all do things differently in some fairly important way.
So maneuver drives are thrusters and not reaction drives, jump uses 10% of tonnage per jump number and not 5*<jump+1>, stramlined designs are not 20% less roomy than their unstreamlined counterparts, etc. etc.
M-drives being thrusters is yet another DGP invention from their house setting. So we keep that in the body of OTU canon but discount the lower fuel usage?
Aside - you do know why the fuel required was lowered in MT don't you - it was so the math added up when you designed ships. Yup, they changed a core jump paradigm just so the fuel needed by the Striker based power plant fuel requirements would fit. Sandbox.
So what? The fact remain that building jump-6 designs require TL15.
Not if you go by the LBB Tech tree they don't.
Not if you use the LBB2 ship construction rules they don't.
HG explicitly grandfathers Book 2 designs precisely because they are incompatible with the HG paradigm.
Really - that term must be missing from every copy of HG and HG2 I have. Because in HG2 it explicitly states:
"It is possible to include standard drives (at standard prices) from Book 2..."
Oops - guess someone should have pointed out to GDW that they had made HG and LBB2 drives incompatible the moment they included the drive potential typo in original HG.
It's not just the standard. According to the ship design rules, it's the only available option.
Yes, but the design rules for jump drive variants may have made it to a JTAS article at some point.
It's pretty simple to come up with them really and make sure they don't break the setting.
The average is irrelevant. Given the right conditions, it can be done in one week. Therefore it can be done in one week.
Of course the average is relevant - this is a game where a d6 is used for every rng
Yes it can be done in a week in ideal conditions, but on average takes 3.
That's when you use solar collectors to provide the power. There's nothing magical about the electricity you get out of solar panels. It doesn't come with a aura that makes it different in any way from electricity generated in any other way. Therefore any other kind of power generation contraption can charge those special capacitors in the same time solar can charge them when conditions are optimal.
Yes, at a day and a half per jump number.
That's silly, because solar panels are among the things we know enough about to estimate the size of (not to mention that several of the rules sets provide stats for solar collectors). But it really doesn't matter, because I'm not talking about using solar collectors, I'm talking about substituting a plain old simple fusion generator for the solar collectors.
Have you seen the size of the solar panels on real world space stations? Now build in machinery to regularly deploy and retract said panels.
Didn't someone point out a few chapters back that the design rules for sollar arrays are rubbish?
But you are missing the point - I would make the accumulators the bulky bit of the solar collector based jump drive so that a ship can not be built economically that uses the slow accumulator technoolgy and fusion power because it costs so much.
Let me repeat that, since it's pretty crucial to my argument: I'm talking about the ramifications of having a jump drive that can be powered by a relatively small amount of power over several days. If the Annic Nova's solar collectors can collect enough electricity to power its jump drives in a week, then a power source that delivers the same amout of electricity in a week can do the same. Is that clear?
You just seem to be missing my point that the design rules can be written in such a way to make sollar collector based craft a lot more expensive to operate in the long term, and hybrid craft even more prohibatively so.
Which is why the major players in the OTU all go with hydrogen.
That's wrong for a start, because the jump drive has done its job once the jump has been initiated[*], but even if the drive was still busy, the capacitors would still be empty.
Nope - not wrong at all.
The jump drive still has a job to do in jump space.
Once again - the meta game design rules would forbid charging accumulators in jump space.
Can you charge regular drive capacitors while in jump space?
Depends on its size, don't it? The equivalent of what a solar sail of the size carried by the Annic Nova can collect in a week under optimum conditions. The ship isn't going to run its maneuver drive or fire its weapons while in port, is it?
Still going to be an awful lot of waste heat.
You think that would be beyond the capability of futuristic technology? What's the problem with hooking up a water pipe and a drain?
LOL - you really think it is as simple as throwing buckets of water over the reactor to cool it?
Though a hookup to a power main would be simpler.
And you get free electricity from where exactly?
Depends on how much fuel you need.
A lot - I'll run the numbers later today
Doubt away - but until someone runs the numbers it's just your bias and gut feelings versus proof.
All references to the Annic Nova, including TNS newsbriefs, are from the same single source, the adventure.
Which firmly place the Annic Nova in the OTU - not some generic ATU.
Would that I could explain it. And I would never ignore it. If I could explain it, I would use it. As it is, I'm advocating retconning it.
I can explain it.
Even better I can design the rules to build the things in LBB2 or HG terms.
I am advocating keeping it and maintaining the richness and diversity of the OTU.
Retconning has always been the lazy way out for me.