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CT Only: Mentioned in Broadsword?

Since the Kinetic Energy is so close between the weapons, the Gauss Rifle Grenade would just need a tough base to absorb the energy from a standard Gauss needle. The needle could fire into the grenade and transfer the 4500 joules to the 0.204 kg RAM Grenade plus needle combined projectile and launch it at about the same 200 m/s as the standard GL.
When the gauss projectile IS THE FIRING PIN for the RAM Grenade ... 🍍

OK, but I keep seeing the main problem in that while this pin (be it a rod on the grenade itself or a gauss bullet) must be in he central axis of teh grenade, the rocket to assist it must also be there (or having several smaller ones at the sides, but I guess this would make them more failure prone, with a quite higher probablily foer the grenade to go stray)...

How many military rockets (or similar) have their propellors outside their central axis (aside from V1 flying bombs)?

(honest question, I repeat you my experience on them is pnly what I've seen in films/TV documentals/books)
The reason I think the spigot mortar method is more likely, is because of smooth constant linear acceleration.

So more javelin, rather then sudden bang like a musket.

Should actually improve accuracy.
I 100% agree that an under barrel launcher is a superior solution and EXACTLY why we no longer see “Rifle Grenades” like we had in WW2. HOWEVER, the stupid Traveller description does actually SAY it is a Rifle Grenade (just like Marines train with Shotguns and Cutlasses).

I was just “rolling” with what is in the Traveller Text. [another “when life hands you lemons” moment] ;)
We are not TL8 yet.

A TL8 rpg-7 like grenade launched from the end of a rifle rather than a specialist launcher.

Note the TL8 RAM grenade is twice the mass of the 40mm grenade fired from the M203 type launcher.
And here are the real world examples of shoot through rifle grenades still in use at TL7

OK, but I keep seeing the main problem in that while this pin (be it a rod on the grenade itself or a gauss bullet) must be in he central axis of teh grenade, the rocket to assist it must also be there (or having several smaller ones at the sides, but I guess this would make them more failure prone, with a quite higher probablily foer the grenade to go stray)...

How many military rockets (or similar) have their propellors outside their central axis (aside from V1 flying bombs)?

(honest question, I repeat you my experience on them is pnly what I've seen in films/TV documentals/books)
I was thinking about this and remembered the wild Gyrojet ammo (rocket pistol). The bullets had internal propellant (like a RAM Grenade) and 3 holes in the base that acted like jets to both propel it and create stabilizing spin. The Gauss Rifle Grenade could have thrust ports to impart spin that would leave the center solid for either a rod or getting shot by a gauss needle.
Those work by using the propellant gasses from the rifle cartridge...How the heck does the Gauss launched one work? As it is noted as a RAM grenade, is it just the rocket bit?
By one or more of
  1. Impacting an impact primer, which ignites the sold fuel rocket
  2. being ramped into 3 to 6 small pieces of flint that ignite a primer-charge
  3. Opening the liquid dispersal of hybrid rocket
  4. having a grenade mode that both blocks the barrel sends the electricity to the RAM grenade to electronically trigger the rocket
Each is a plausible mode for GaussP/GaussC/GaussR weapons. the first three also work for non-Gauss non-Laser weapons.

The laser longarms should also be capable of the 2nd and 4th modes - on certain models of Laser Rifle and Laser Carbine.

With suitable gas deflectors and a decent glove, a gauss pistol should be able to be adapted to use any of these, too.

And for reference, most modern ones do ignite off of the gas from the shot, and a few have used impact primers.¹ I'm not aware of any other modes in current use - the person to ask would be Martin Daugherty. (Yup, MJD. He's done a couple gorgeous coffee table books on modern weaponry.)

¹ https://www.britannica.com/technology/rifle-grenade
Agreed, but most rifle grenades (according what I've read) are not...

That's true for HE grenades, but I guess a fuse detonated HEAP round will not be too useful, they need to be contact detonated...

There are several forms of HEAP.

HE Assisted Penetrator (I can't find the proper term): The oldest, to my knowledge, are an impact triggered explosion inside the base of the penetrator to give extra energy at impact. The blast is usually conical, and opposite the direction of impact.

Another form is a backwards version of HE Assisted Penetrator, essentially, it's a tamped explosive triggered on impact. It later leads to HESH. I know it was tested, I don't know if it was deployed.

SEFOP (self-forging projectile) have several variations, some of which work best detonating at 0.5 to 1.1m before projected impact. At least according to the articles I read. Note that modern (TL 8? 8.5?) SEFOP rounds can generate multiple penetration jets... either sequential (3 to penetrate Explosive Reactive Armor - 1 for the skin, 1 for the ERA layer, 1 for the armor behind the ERA), or simultaneous, for use against light armor or armored personnel. Not in the same round... but essentially, the multi-target SEFOP is a SEFOP Flechette.... Molten copper into your class II+ body armor is going to be problematic, after all. Especially if it penetrates the trauma plate by jet force, and the fiber by melting it...

HESW - HE Squash Warhead - type HEAP do require contact detonation, and delayed after impact. Most of which have an impact trigger behind the plastic explosive . HESW are best against thinner armors, where they can cause a significant spall and/or direct holing.

There are also HE Multi-Penetrator weapons, which are essentially the rocket as a single shot self-propelled shotgun dumping a bunch of AP flechettes. This generates a conical blast, rather than the more annular of SEFOP or hemispherical of HESH...

Traveller buries the complexity in abstraction.
T5 has a chart listing degree equivalents..
B1, 5.1, p.55:
5: HS
6: Some College
7: Associate
8: Bacheleor
9: Master
A: "Advanced Work"
B: "Researcher"
C: Doctor [ed: PhD, JD, MD, etc?]
D: Expert
E: An authority
F: The Authority
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That would be a significant change in MD (Doctor) from CT.
Note that there is a lot of UK Age of Sail, US Age of Sail, mixed with Vietnam US Army in Traveller's DNA. (Which should be no surprise, knowing that Marc was an Army officer)

Noting that, until after the USCW, the formal requirements for US Army Assistant Surgeon was convincing the Colonel and the Regimental Surgeon you were skilled enough to hire. Most had some college... most.

So, my approach? change the term "doctor" in the medical skill to "physician"; if they have edu 11+ or Medical School, then it's doctor.