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CT Only: Mentioned in Broadsword?

Note that there is a lot of UK Age of Sail, US Age of Sail, mixed with Vietnam US Army in Traveller's DNA. (Which should be no surprise, knowing that Marc was an Army officer)

Noting that, until after the USCW, the formal requirements for US Army Assistant Surgeon was convincing the Colonel and the Regimental Surgeon you were skilled enough to hire. Most had some college... most.

So, my approach? change the term "doctor" in the medical skill to "physician"; if they have edu 11+ or Medical School, then it's doctor.
Any distinction for the DEX 8+ surgeon between EDU B+ or A-?

We have the rise of the nurse practitioner role in the US, sort of 3/4 a doctor, that might fit the bill too.

I always figured RNs and paramedics were Medical-2, LVNs/physician assistants Medical-1. Not sure which combat medics should be considered as since I am not familiar with the level of training they receive.

This should be reflected in greater success in rolls, probably use EDU as base stat instead of INT.
Any distinction for the DEX 8+ surgeon between EDU B+ or A-?

We have the rise of the nurse practitioner role in the US, sort of 3/4 a doctor, that might fit the bill too.

I always figured RNs and paramedics were Medical-2, LVNs/physician assistants Medical-1. Not sure which combat medics should be considered as since I am not familiar with the level of training they receive.

This should be reflected in greater success in rolls, probably use EDU as base stat instead of INT.
Nurse Practitioner... now I'd say PA-S

Which then becomes indistinguishable from technology. :)
Not ... exactly ... :unsure:

Technology has a presumption that "stuff works the same for everyone" regardless of who is using the technology, making results repeatable without dependency on specific individuals. Granted ... persons with exceptionally powerful Bogon Fields are naturally excluded from this sample.

This axiom does not necessarily hold true for psionics, which are much more "attuned" to specific (trained) practitioners. Different people with the same psionic strength may be able to achieve the same results, but there is a kind of "you must be this tall to ride this ride" factor going on that excludes a LOT of people from being able to "qualify" to use the techniques. Therefore, the psionics do not have the same kind of "individual person agnostic" aspect to them that technology necessarily does (and needs to have).

Technology "works" for anyone who can follow instructions sufficiently well.
Psionics, almost by definition, do NOT work equally well for everyone, since different individuals will have differing strengths and aptitudes (including none at all). Psionics are therefore more "unique individual" oriented than individual agnostic.

Granted, you can have a society where psionics are "routine" and lots of people have them, but psionic strength (and talents) will vary wildly across the population, preventing the kind of "person agnostic ubiquity of use" that technology can enjoy.
It was mentioned in CT Broadsword that their Gauss Rifles are 'fitted to fire 4cm RAM shoot-through Grenades.'

Does anyone know:
  • where the stats are for these?
  • if these just go in the Gauss barrel, a magazine, or an add-on part of the rifle?
  • and/or if there is something similar in another book?
Because these would be fun. :cool:
A Vid on the history of Rifle Grenades turned up in my youtube feed...
I always figured that gauss rifles had underbarrel launchers that were also gauss based. Because they have the Tech to do it by then, and so the rocket can be away from the rifleman when it ignites, without having to use special rifle ammo.
I always figured that gauss rifles had underbarrel launchers that were also gauss based. Because they have the Tech to do it by then, and so the rocket can be away from the rifleman when it ignites, without having to use special rifle ammo.

At least I see I'm not the only one ;)...

The fact of them to be Gauss fired, though, I'm not so sure. I at least believe there are also more conventional fired versions, also usable on an ACR, for easiness of logistics.

As an afterthought, though, I guess with the varieness of the 3I smart money is that all said options probably exist on it, and are used depending on price/budget, logisitcs capacities, tactical employment, and other variants.

Probably a mercenary group will use different ones than the Imperial Marines, as most those factors are not the same in both cases...
Anybody have an answer for what combat medics’ skill level should be?

1 is qualified (think EMT).
2 is nurse level.
3 is doctor level.

Combat medics will have different amounts of skill, training and experience ... hence the variable for the answer to your question.
Anybody have an answer for what combat medics’ skill level should be?
well, you set the level of a paramedic to 2.

I guess the combat medics (not combat doctors) would be similar. I'm not US citizen, but for what I've heard in US (or at least in some states) combat medics are allowed to work as paramedics once mustered out.

Of course, this may vary from army to army, nd even from unit to unit...
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Hmm I should clarify what I mean by combat medic. I’m thinking in terms of units like special forces. I understand they all get at least minimal emergency training but the dedicated specialists.

I have DMs for field equipment vs medbay/ambulance vs hospital/surgical unit and TL in addition to skill/char. Typically resuscitation/stabilize to avoid shock roll first, transport roll, then we get to recovery or surgery.
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