Originally posted by Murph:
Also I never liked the use of what has become the symbol of the KKK/Aryan Nation (the circled cross) as the symbol of the Solomani. I understand that this was done on purpose to keep the players Imperial, but I think that the majority of the players would have chosen the Imperial side anyway.
This stereotype of despotic overlords and omnipresent secret service bothers me.
Solomani, and proud of it.
The reason you are uncomfortable with the Solomani portrayal as jackbooted fascists is because you are a Solomani yourself. You are uncomfortable with the notion of some Science Fiction game FICTIONALLY HYPOTHESIZING that your descendants might end up to be jackbooted oppressive racist bastards.
I understand your discomfort. But then why don't I remind you a couple of things:
#1) this is a FICTIONAL GAME! Stop being so emotionally attached and worked up if some FICTIONAL game portrays your descendants as a bunch of jack-booted nasty xenophobic villains.
#2) would you rather that Traveller portrays your decscendants as the cliche and boring "Good Guys" all the time? You know what I mean? Terrans as the Good Guys, The Rest of the Universe as Bad Guys? You know how tripe and over-done that is? Star Trek did that for years. So did every other boring and unimaginative SciFi novel.
We should THANK GDW and Marc Miller that they actually managed to be imaginative and creative here. It's the first time in Science Fiction that the Earth Peoples' children have been portrayed as "The Bad Guys". Maybe not the first time.
#3) Like someone said above, it's also a matter of perspective. Not everyone in the Solomani Confederation are nasty jackbooted oppressors and racist xenophobes. The bigshots who run the Solomani Party and SolSec might be, but the vast majority of the Solomani civilians are probably nice good-hearted and open-minded people. This is how the Solomani are portrayed in DGP's sourcebook "Solomani and Aslan" as well as in Steve Jackson's Rim of Fire. The vast majority of Solomani Confederation citizens are good-hearted and honest people who are civilized. They are simply governed by powerful people who tend to be more racist, xenophobic, arrogant and overproud of their heritage (Solomani Cause), and distrustful of neighboring empires.
#4) I do not want to assume how much role playing experience you have. May I ask if you have ever role-played one of the "bad guys" before? Have you done it extensively? Have you done it and come out with a satisfying experience in gaming? Like myself, have you actually played a game like Star Wars Galaxies, and spent countless months role-playing a character that serves loyally with Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader?
The reason I ask is because.... competent role players that play the part of the "bad guys" will find out that the "bad guys" label is an inappropriate label, altho we all use it liberally (I'm guilty of this as well)
When I was role playing in SWG, my character served the Galactic Empire with pride, and in my character point of view.... it was those goddam Rebels who were the bad guys. It was the Rebellion and their Jedi and their Corrupt Republic who were the thugs, the terrorists, the rapists, and the ones who bring conflict. The Empire of Palpatine brought stability and law and order and commerce. The Rebels brought a civil war that ravaged the known space and resulted in the death of billions.
I just wanted to bring up this example, because role playing is an awesome experience. And if all you do is limit yourself to role-playing the cliche "Good Guys" all the time, then you are limiting yourself.
The people behind the uniforms of the Galactic Imperial Grand Moffs have feelings too. They have families, they have wives, they have children that they love and feed. They have a job to do. They have am empire to serve and defend and protect.
The people behind the uniforms of SolSec have feelings too. They have families, they have wives, they have children that they love and feed. They have a job to do. They have a government to serve and defend and protect.
The people behind the military uniforms of Klingon Empire have feelings too. They have families, they have wives, they have children and honor to protect. They have a job to do. They have a proud empire to serve and defend and protect.
I hope I made my point....