This my little Rampart (unit logo on the fuselage is from zho.berka.com)

It was indeed Rob Caswell, Rob your illustrations for the DGP books are truly wonderful. Thanks for being an inspiration!Didn't one of the guys *in this very thread* create the original? Rob Caswell, maybe??
It was indeed Rob Caswell, Rob your illustrations for the DGP books are truly wonderful. Thanks for being an inspiration!![]()
Well, here's my offering for this year:
(or 'Man punches spaceship into orbit')
I look at this and just feel like shouting, "YEE-haw! IISS!!!!!!"
Thanks, Rob. The anatomy is cockamamy and it's really bugging me but in the end I thought the fantastical spectacle of it overrode any anatomical niggles. The critter on the logo looks like it's got tentacles instead of legs too.... Maybe I'll have another crack at it one day
Pleasingly, this is what I was aiming for. It's inspired by that scene in Top Gun where Cruise is racing the F14 on his motorbike.
Bit rough. Features the March Harrier and
A Fiery.
And here's mine - the G-Carrier from Grand Census. And the unsuspecting survey team...
In honor of those we have lost, this year and years before.
Hey, navanod, those are great little ships! And a appropriate sentiment, as well.
Yea! That's a GREAT model of the Fiery! And I really like your take on the Fat Trader, too!
Two of my favorite designs![]()