Originally posted by Colin:
Nut it..? A colloquial expression that I'm not familiar with, I guess, but it doesn't sound good.
"Nut it" = Castrate it. as in, remove its testes, colloquially referred to as nuts.
Here's my design goal for worldgen in 2320: I want to preserve the flavor of the 2300 worlds, first and foremost, and of the worldgen itself, if possible. At the end of the process, I want to be able to enter the wolrd information intot he T20 UWP as a shorthand for the world, which in no way replaces a detailed description, but provides useful information in chart form. This is especially useful for trade-based games, where Adventurers and Directors can use this information with the T20 trade charts.
Space is a consideration here, but I don't just want T20 worlds. T20 is biased in favor of generating habitable worlds, while 2300 was biased the other way. I do want to preserve that bias, and generate worlds compatible with 2300.
There's nothing in the T20 UWP that renders it unsuitable for 2300. But it is a shorthand, and for any detailed world there would also be a more in-depth description.
I don't care about the UWP's. Either way. UWPs and output formatting are irrelevant to the underlying mechanical issue.
What I'm asking, essentially, is "What changes to the way it works" make you feel it important to add a third system generation mechanic to the mix? What supposed gains will it provide. (UWP doesn't matter. it's not a mechanic issue itself.)
Are you going to mess with the underlying mathematics or processes of 2300 System generation? (Formula extraction from tabular data is not a mechanical change.)
Are you going to tweak the stellar data tables to fit modern data? Are you going to recconcile the new planetary observation data in to the system?
OT for llustrative purposes
It is like another key 2300 issue, not yet brought up... 2300 had a very different model for animal encounter tables (the actual critter design being irrelevant to the issue, as that should be t20 in any case). Are you goign to use T20's layout, 2300's layout, or something more hybridized, or some third style?
The 2300 encounter table, that d10 pyraid, would be a great thing to bring across to T20. It, too was a big "Look and Feel" difference from CT/MT/T20... and was a more realistic approach. (even if oversimplified.) No more and no less playable than Ct's 2d6 tables. But very different results for encounter odds and types from the "Classic" CT tables.
Really, the animal encounter issue is a trivial one to me, as I've 2300 and can make 2300 style tables with T20 mechanics for creature design. World Gen and System gen are VERY different, tho.
In CT, the size loosly affected atmosphere type/density, but type and density were linked tightly. T20 hasn't changed that.
In 2300, you had decisions to make... how much of a given gass was retained? How much was present to begin with?
(I do fault GDW staff for over-populating the 2300 universe with humans....)