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Duchies of the Spinward Marches Sector

I never plunged far into 'Lorenverse'. GT was an interesting take on the Traveller Universe for me. I do find the CT verse the strongest pull for IMTU.

The whole assassination, virus etc...never appealed to me.

I usually run in the CT 1105-1115 era, but using MT rules. I have, however, enjoyed the mechanical consolidations made possible by MT for use in the 5FW. PC's as the cadre of a Marine Regiment, etc...

That said, MT didn't give any new labelled duchies.

Which means a fallback to Aramis is a county subsector, nominally answering to the duke at, Regina and Mora dukal subsectors, Jewell being subordinated to Regina (perhas a county, perhaps direct members of the "regina subsector"...
Aramis is a county and answers to the Duke at Rhylanor...

So I can find only 3 known explicit dukes (Mora, Rhylanor, Regina) in the Marches by non-GT sources. We have one county implied, and answering to one of the dukes. We have two districts which are not under a noble at all (Five Sisters aka 267, and 268).
I usually run in the CT 1105-1115 era, but using MT rules. I have, however, enjoyed the mechanical consolidations made possible by MT for use in the 5FW. PC's as the cadre of a Marine Regiment, etc...

That said, MT didn't give any new labelled duchies.

Which means a fallback to Aramis is a county subsector, nominally answering to the duke at, Regina and Mora dukal subsectors, Jewell being subordinated to Regina (perhas a county, perhaps direct members of the "regina subsector"...
Aramis is a county and answers to the Duke at Rhylanor...

So I can find only 3 known explicit dukes (Mora, Rhylanor, Regina) in the Marches by non-GT sources. We have one county implied, and answering to one of the dukes. We have two districts which are not under a noble at all (Five Sisters aka 267, and 268).

District 268 hasn't even been properly annexed yet, it could be fun if someone wants to IMTU Sandbox it.
District 268 hasn't even been properly annexed yet, it could be fun if someone wants to IMTU Sandbox it.

The Regency annexes much of District 268, renaming it Plankwell Subsector. It is unclear that this is anything more than symbolic in even the short term, given that the 1248 map of the Marches shows the Regency shrinking already.
The Regency annexes much of District 268, renaming it Plankwell Subsector. It is unclear that this is anything more than symbolic in even the short term, given that the 1248 map of the Marches shows the Regency shrinking already.

I appreciate the info dump... I never progressed beyond CT. I guess that makes me a stick in the mud.
I'm putting together a Library Data Tiddlywiki for my current game (for when my players eventually get to a Library Data terminal -- I'm starting with Flatlined, so it'll be a while) and realized such a program, sold in the Spinward Marches, would probably include some information on the various government leaders of the area.

I like GURPS: Nobles. Canonically the Dukes include Norris, Delphine, and Leonard (MegaTraveller 2: The Zhodani Conspiracy had extensive oversight by Marc Miller, so I consider it canonical). I'll use G:N as well so I have a decent list.

SUBSECTOR RULERS (Spinward Marches):
: Aledon Family (Current: Norris Aella) - [Numerous Sources]
Rhylanor: Kirgashii Family (Current: Leonard Stephanos) - [GT Nobles; MT2 The Zhodani Conspiracy]
Lunion: Jesten Family (Current: Luis Adorania) - [GT Nobles]
Mora: Muudashir Family (Current: Delphine Adoriana) - [Numerous Sources]
Five Sisters: Unknown - [T5SS Data - Iderati is Ducal seat; although CT had suggested that there were few nobles here and Naval Administration]
Glisten: Muktheswara Family (Current: Avaraja Astaarte) - [GT Nobles]
Trin: Arahailli Family (Current: Miraii Aban) - [GT Nobles]

One thing I really liked was the excerpt in G:N of Urquhart's Peerage for Arbellatra that heads up chapter 6 on page 88. I'd love to have the same for the others, but that's going to take some work. There are good ones for Norris and Delphine on the wiki; the rest I'll have to noodle around with. I feel like, this is the sort of thing Library Data would license from Urquhart's Peerage, at least for the guys in charge of the sector people are buying the Library Data program in. They want stuff for another one (like, say Deneb or Trojan Reach), they can pay another KCr300.
I admit I wanted to keep my TU as Canon as possible.
But, the fact I ran into very early on was that the GDW crew wanted us to build from our own imaginations
That meant they gave us a handful examples at varying levels and then hoped we'd become hooked on building our own.

And, I do that, while being ready to RetCon items that suddenly get a Canon reference published.
So, for me, I have the following:
Imperial Family
Emperor Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi
Empress Iolanthe
The Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia Guuilbataasgullibaa Alkhalikoi, Heir to The Iridium Throne
The Twin Princes Varian and Lucan Alkhalikoi, nephews of the Emperor(By The Emperor's late younger sister Lydia)

In the Marches
ArchDuke Norris (Seneschal: Kuudiikam Shidaklir)
Sector Grand Imperial Duchess Delphine Adorania Muudashir
Sector Scout Leader Gamih Numar(On Mora)
Dame Naomi Rubin: Troubleshooter working for Duke Norris

Cronor: ??? (Title:???) Ambassador to the Zhodani Consulate
Quar(Cronor): Local Administrator: Baron: Araperula

Retinae(Querion): Imp CS: Native Takashi Dictator
Faisal(Querion): Imp CS: Self Perpetuating Council
Thanber(Querion): Imp CS: Prince Eorn

Five Sisters Subsector: Admiral Lord Gustav Elphinstone
Ucella(Five Sisters): Imp CS: Chancellor Miles Winsown
Gothe(Five Sisters):Imperial Ministry of Colonization Under Imp Navy admin
Iderati(Five Sisters):: Admiral Lord Gustav Elphinstone, Sector Military Governor

Jewell Subsector: Helena Stavlot, Countess Jewell
Esalin (Jewell - Post 5FW) Baron Admr Von Smit
Ruby(Jewell) No Marquis, Ruled by Countess Jewell personally
Emerald(Jewell) Alin Tuhlerini, Marquis Emerald
Marchioness Frannilaan (Wife)
Haynee, Lady Emerald (Heir, Female)
Sir Varan of Emerald (under age)
Sir Yaliin of Emerald (under age)

Jewell: Helena Stavlot, Countess Jewell
Count Walther Stavlot (Husband)
Eneri Stavlot, Lord Jewell (Heir, Male)
Alise Stavlot, Lady Mongo (Underage)
Dame Heather of Jewell (under age)
Sir Willy of Jewell (under age)
Dame Frida of Jewell (under age)

Mongo(Jewell) Alise Stavlot, Lady Mongo (Underage)
Nakege(Jewell) Kalida Siena, Marchioness Nakege
Lysen(Jewell) No Marquis, Ruled by Countess Jewell personally

Pequan(Jewell) Federation of Arden President for Life James Preston

Vilis Subsector: Duke Bondal a'Plena of Vilis
Frenzie:(Vilis) Canter Mavraii, Marquis Frenzie
Vilis:(Vilis) Count Arikhar hault-Gaizka
Arkadia:(Vilis) Local Elected Leader usually accorded "Esquire"

Mirriam:(Vilis) Marquis Lacis Carol
Denotam:(Vilis) Count Alaranjados Peleslok
Phlume Imp Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris)

Arden(Vilis) Federation of Arden Council of Captains

District 268: Under the Administration of Duchess
Mertactor: (District 268) Marquis Admiral Akirman hault-Galir

Regina Subsector: Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris)
Efate(Regina) Josephine Hortalez Aella, Countess Efate
213th Flt: Sector Admiral Baron Vadid Ligl
Uakye(Regina) Marquis Parasii, Sept to Efate
Whanga(Regina) General Sir Apirana Turupa Ngata IV
Knorbes (Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - Baroness Knorbe
Forboldn:(Regina) Imperial Ministry of Colonization
Jenghe:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - Baroness Jenghe
Hefry:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - ( Baroness of Hefry)
Yori:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - ( Baroness of Yori )
Regina:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris), Lady Regina
Controls: Jenghe, Hefry, Knorbes, Yori, Roup, Extolay/Lanth and Phlume/Vilis
Feri:(Regina) -Name Unlisted In Canon, Countess Feri
Baron Sergei hault-Oberlines
Baron Marc Hault-Oberlindes
Roup:(Regina) Count Evan Gerasimov
Wochiers:(Regina) Count Admiral Algine, Baron Wochiers
Keng:(Regina) Oligarchy of Imperial nobles, Sept to Feri

Ruie Independant Balkenized world

Lanth Subsector: (Rakaa Kiraarri, Duke Lanth)
Extolay:(Lanth) Viscounty of Extolay, Sir Radshiir Staeeini
Lanth:Duke Rakaa Kiraarri Lanth
Dinom:(Lanth) Ruled by Count(ess) ??? Dinomn personally
D'Ganzio:(Lanth) Baron Aagirke
Treece:(Lanth) Marquis of Inthe(Regina)
Echiste:(Lanth) Owned: LSP Corp.
Pirema:(Lanth) Baron of Pirema
Keanou:(Lanth) Marquis of Inthe(Regina)
Sir Jonah Thorstenson (Local Merchant, Power builder)
Commander Sir Dario Vovak
Tureded :(Lanth) Baron Vaan Praygo

Lunion Subsector: Luis Adorania Jestin. Duke Lunion
Adabicci:(Lunion) Ricardo Karennia, Duke of Adabicci (widowed)
Heir: Eduard, Lord Adabicci
Baroness Arahani of Adabicci
Sir Geoffrey of Adabicci
Zaibon:(Lunion)Marquisite Vacent, Administered by Ricardo Karennia, Duke Adabicci pesonally
Ianic:(Lunion) Marquis Armis Kowrollian
Spirelle:(Lunion) Marquisite Vacent, Administered by Ricardo Karennia, Duke Adabicci pesonally
Lunion:(Lunion) Luis Adorania Jeston, Duke Lunion
Shirene:(Lunion) Baroness Dame Simlia Aamkhiish of Shirene
Carse:(Lunion) Cynthia da Imalfini, 6th Baroness Carse
Gandr:(Lunion) Marquis Ishdadaak of Gandr
Sir Ekirgu Gammudek(Democratically Elected System Leader)

Glisten Subsector: Duchess Muktheswara Glisten
Subsector Marine Commandant: General Jorg Arnol
Windsor:(Glisten) Owned: LSP Corp
Overnale :(Glisten) Ruler unknown
Baron Raphael(unknown reason for presence)
Aki:(Glisten) Brant Thestar, Chief Administrator of the Commonwealth of Aki, Marquis of Aki
Glisten Imp Duchess Muktheswara Glisten. Sept Regina
General Jorg Arnol, The Imperial Marine Commandant
Caledonia:(Glisten) Baron Nahuba of Caledonia
Horosho:(Glisten) Dictator: Lish Dervan, Marquioness of Horosho

Aramis Subsector: The Aramis County is considered part of the Duchy of Rhylanor, Leonard Stephanos Kirgashii, Duke Rhylanor
Paya:(Aramis) Ruled by the elected leader of the Representative Democracy (Since a comet impacted the world in 1075)
Dhian:(Aramis) Count Isidore Calibrani of Dhian
Lord Althus Calibrani of Dhian, Son of The Count
Corfu:(Aramis) Interdicted: Marquis Ivor Scutos(Heya / Regina) [Baron of Corfu)
Zykoca :(Aramis) Interdicted: IISS, Natives elect the High Archon of Zykoca
Lewis:(Aramis) Tukera Feif Marchioness Arianne Tukera(Wife of Marquis Aramis)
Aramis:(Aramis) Duke Leonard of Rhylanor
Leonard Bolden-Tukera, Marquis , Sept to Leonard of Rhylanor
Baroness Arianne Tukera (Wife)
Lord Admiral Liang, Commander 214th Imperial Fleet
Natoko:(Aramis) Tukera Feif Baronet Rogarr Tukura

Rhylanor Subsector: Leonard Stephanos Kirgashii, Duke Rhylanor Subsector
Kinorb:(Rhylanor) Marquis Thanh Rabidoux
Currently the Fulacin County is being administered by Macene
Lupe Kown, Baron Kinorb
Esquire Waylon Jankoff of Kinorb
Esquire Malisa Ekis of Kinorb
Fulacin(Rhylanor) County Fulacin VACANT since discovery of a Zhodani advanced base in 1105
Risek(Rhylanor) Marquis of Risek, appointed: Admiral Marquis Salil Gratian
Porozlo(Rhylanor) Marquis Insadshiir Manerdagur
Rhylanor Imp Leonard Stephanos Kirgashii , Duke Rhylanor (Sept to Delphine of Mora)
Lord William Kirgashii, Younger Brother of The Duke of Rhylanor
Commander Miles Cullan: IN Public Relations Officer
Jae Tellona(Rhylanor) Marquis Admiral Sir Shariikh
Celepina Imp Knowin, Count Celepina

Mora Subsector: Delphine Adorania Muudashir, Grand Duchess Mora
Byret:(Mora) Baron Sir Martin Yangila Zhao
Baroness Rebecca Jones McAllister (Wife)
Honorable George McAllister Zhao(Older Son)
Honorable Gavin McAllister Zhao(finishing studies on Rhylanor)
Seneschal, Sir Agrol Kfen Olkang(Vargr)
Duale:(Mora) Marquis Dominique von Lanad of Duale
Maitz:(Mora) Countess Judi Tarrassi of Maitz
Brodie:(Mora) Elinor DaLana, Countess of Brodie, Sept to Duchess Delphine
Rorise :(Mora) Grand Adm Duke Bridgehead, Lord Rorise, Marquis
Jokotre:(Mora) Archdiocese of Ram
Fornice Imp Lord Admiral Frederick Santanocheev, Count Fornice
Nexine:(Mora) Gratha Delrio, Count of Nexine
Wife: Countess Alania
Heirs: ???
Mora:(Mora) Grand Imperial Duchess Delphine Adorania Muudashir
Heir: Dame Elane Shankarr Muudashir, C.E.G
Sector Scout Leader Gamih Numar

Tri's Veil Subsector: Duchess Miraii Abani Arahailli
Pyramus(Tri's Veil) The Kirwine Family
ConwayTri's Veil Marquis(ioness) of Conway, Sept Hammermium
HammermiumTri's Veil Kantte, Count(ess) of Hammermium
KataruluTri's Veil Count ??? and Ursara Rinerit, Countess of Kataruluu
TriTri's Veil Duchess Miraii Abani Arahailli (Head of the House of Arahailli)
I admit I wanted to keep my TU as Canon as possible.
But, the fact I ran into very early on was that the GDW crew wanted us to build from our own imaginations
That meant they gave us a handful examples at varying levels and then hoped we'd become hooked on building our own.

And, I do that, while being ready to RetCon items that suddenly get a Canon reference published.
So, for me, I have the following:
Imperial Family
Emperor Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi
Empress Iolanthe
The Grand Princess Ciencia Iphegenia Guuilbataasgullibaa Alkhalikoi, Heir to The Iridium Throne
The Twin Princes Varian and Lucan Alkhalikoi, nephews of the Emperor(By The Emperor's late younger sister Lydia)

In the Marches
ArchDuke Norris (Seneschal: Kuudiikam Shidaklir)
Sector Grand Imperial Duchess Delphine Adorania Muudashir
Sector Scout Leader Gamih Numar(On Mora)
Dame Naomi Rubin: Troubleshooter working for Duke Norris

Cronor: ??? (Title:???) Ambassador to the Zhodani Consulate
Quar(Cronor): Local Administrator: Baron: Araperula

Retinae(Querion): Imp CS: Native Takashi Dictator
Faisal(Querion): Imp CS: Self Perpetuating Council
Thanber(Querion): Imp CS: Prince Eorn

Five Sisters Subsector: Admiral Lord Gustav Elphinstone
Ucella(Five Sisters): Imp CS: Chancellor Miles Winsown
Gothe(Five Sisters):Imperial Ministry of Colonization Under Imp Navy admin
Iderati(Five Sisters):: Admiral Lord Gustav Elphinstone, Sector Military Governor

Jewell Subsector: Helena Stavlot, Countess Jewell
Esalin (Jewell - Post 5FW) Baron Admr Von Smit
Ruby(Jewell) No Marquis, Ruled by Countess Jewell personally
Emerald(Jewell) Alin Tuhlerini, Marquis Emerald
Marchioness Frannilaan (Wife)
Haynee, Lady Emerald (Heir, Female)
Sir Varan of Emerald (under age)
Sir Yaliin of Emerald (under age)

Jewell: Helena Stavlot, Countess Jewell
Count Walther Stavlot (Husband)
Eneri Stavlot, Lord Jewell (Heir, Male)
Alise Stavlot, Lady Mongo (Underage)
Dame Heather of Jewell (under age)
Sir Willy of Jewell (under age)
Dame Frida of Jewell (under age)

Mongo(Jewell) Alise Stavlot, Lady Mongo (Underage)
Nakege(Jewell) Kalida Siena, Marchioness Nakege
Lysen(Jewell) No Marquis, Ruled by Countess Jewell personally

Pequan(Jewell) Federation of Arden President for Life James Preston

Vilis Subsector: Duke Bondal a'Plena of Vilis
Frenzie:(Vilis) Canter Mavraii, Marquis Frenzie
Vilis:(Vilis) Count Arikhar hault-Gaizka
Arkadia:(Vilis) Local Elected Leader usually accorded "Esquire"

Mirriam:(Vilis) Marquis Lacis Carol
Denotam:(Vilis) Count Alaranjados Peleslok
Phlume Imp Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris)

Arden(Vilis) Federation of Arden Council of Captains

District 268: Under the Administration of Duchess
Mertactor: (District 268) Marquis Admiral Akirman hault-Galir

Regina Subsector: Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris)
Efate(Regina) Josephine Hortalez Aella, Countess Efate
213th Flt: Sector Admiral Baron Vadid Ligl
Uakye(Regina) Marquis Parasii, Sept to Efate
Whanga(Regina) General Sir Apirana Turupa Ngata IV
Knorbes (Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - Baroness Knorbe
Forboldn:(Regina) Imperial Ministry of Colonization
Jenghe:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - Baroness Jenghe
Hefry:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - ( Baroness of Hefry)
Yori:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris) - ( Baroness of Yori )
Regina:(Regina) Duchess Seldrian of Regina(TrueDaughter of Arch Duke Norris), Lady Regina
Controls: Jenghe, Hefry, Knorbes, Yori, Roup, Extolay/Lanth and Phlume/Vilis
Feri:(Regina) -Name Unlisted In Canon, Countess Feri
Baron Sergei hault-Oberlines
Baron Marc Hault-Oberlindes
Roup:(Regina) Count Evan Gerasimov
Wochiers:(Regina) Count Admiral Algine, Baron Wochiers
Keng:(Regina) Oligarchy of Imperial nobles, Sept to Feri

Ruie Independant Balkenized world

Lanth Subsector: (Rakaa Kiraarri, Duke Lanth)
Extolay:(Lanth) Viscounty of Extolay, Sir Radshiir Staeeini
Lanth:Duke Rakaa Kiraarri Lanth
Dinom:(Lanth) Ruled by Count(ess) ??? Dinomn personally
D'Ganzio:(Lanth) Baron Aagirke
Treece:(Lanth) Marquis of Inthe(Regina)
Echiste:(Lanth) Owned: LSP Corp.
Pirema:(Lanth) Baron of Pirema
Keanou:(Lanth) Marquis of Inthe(Regina)
Sir Jonah Thorstenson (Local Merchant, Power builder)
Commander Sir Dario Vovak
Tureded :(Lanth) Baron Vaan Praygo

Lunion Subsector: Luis Adorania Jestin. Duke Lunion
Adabicci:(Lunion) Ricardo Karennia, Duke of Adabicci (widowed)
Heir: Eduard, Lord Adabicci
Baroness Arahani of Adabicci
Sir Geoffrey of Adabicci
Zaibon:(Lunion)Marquisite Vacent, Administered by Ricardo Karennia, Duke Adabicci pesonally
Ianic:(Lunion) Marquis Armis Kowrollian
Spirelle:(Lunion) Marquisite Vacent, Administered by Ricardo Karennia, Duke Adabicci pesonally
Lunion:(Lunion) Luis Adorania Jeston, Duke Lunion
Shirene:(Lunion) Baroness Dame Simlia Aamkhiish of Shirene
Carse:(Lunion) Cynthia da Imalfini, 6th Baroness Carse
Gandr:(Lunion) Marquis Ishdadaak of Gandr
Sir Ekirgu Gammudek(Democratically Elected System Leader)

Glisten Subsector: Duchess Muktheswara Glisten
Subsector Marine Commandant: General Jorg Arnol
Windsor:(Glisten) Owned: LSP Corp
Overnale :(Glisten) Ruler unknown
Baron Raphael(unknown reason for presence)
Aki:(Glisten) Brant Thestar, Chief Administrator of the Commonwealth of Aki, Marquis of Aki
Glisten Imp Duchess Muktheswara Glisten. Sept Regina
General Jorg Arnol, The Imperial Marine Commandant
Caledonia:(Glisten) Baron Nahuba of Caledonia
Horosho:(Glisten) Dictator: Lish Dervan, Marquioness of Horosho

Aramis Subsector: The Aramis County is considered part of the Duchy of Rhylanor, Leonard Stephanos Kirgashii, Duke Rhylanor
Paya:(Aramis) Ruled by the elected leader of the Representative Democracy (Since a comet impacted the world in 1075)
Dhian:(Aramis) Count Isidore Calibrani of Dhian
Lord Althus Calibrani of Dhian, Son of The Count
Corfu:(Aramis) Interdicted: Marquis Ivor Scutos(Heya / Regina) [Baron of Corfu)
Zykoca :(Aramis) Interdicted: IISS, Natives elect the High Archon of Zykoca
Lewis:(Aramis) Tukera Feif Marchioness Arianne Tukera(Wife of Marquis Aramis)
Aramis:(Aramis) Duke Leonard of Rhylanor
Leonard Bolden-Tukera, Marquis , Sept to Leonard of Rhylanor
Baroness Arianne Tukera (Wife)
Lord Admiral Liang, Commander 214th Imperial Fleet
Natoko:(Aramis) Tukera Feif Baronet Rogarr Tukura

Rhylanor Subsector: Leonard Stephanos Kirgashii, Duke Rhylanor Subsector
Kinorb:(Rhylanor) Marquis Thanh Rabidoux
Currently the Fulacin County is being administered by Macene
Lupe Kown, Baron Kinorb
Esquire Waylon Jankoff of Kinorb
Esquire Malisa Ekis of Kinorb
Fulacin(Rhylanor) County Fulacin VACANT since discovery of a Zhodani advanced base in 1105
Risek(Rhylanor) Marquis of Risek, appointed: Admiral Marquis Salil Gratian
Porozlo(Rhylanor) Marquis Insadshiir Manerdagur
Rhylanor Imp Leonard Stephanos Kirgashii , Duke Rhylanor (Sept to Delphine of Mora)
Lord William Kirgashii, Younger Brother of The Duke of Rhylanor
Commander Miles Cullan: IN Public Relations Officer
Jae Tellona(Rhylanor) Marquis Admiral Sir Shariikh
Celepina Imp Knowin, Count Celepina

Mora Subsector: Delphine Adorania Muudashir, Grand Duchess Mora
Byret:(Mora) Baron Sir Martin Yangila Zhao
Baroness Rebecca Jones McAllister (Wife)
Honorable George McAllister Zhao(Older Son)
Honorable Gavin McAllister Zhao(finishing studies on Rhylanor)
Seneschal, Sir Agrol Kfen Olkang(Vargr)
Duale:(Mora) Marquis Dominique von Lanad of Duale
Maitz:(Mora) Countess Judi Tarrassi of Maitz
Brodie:(Mora) Elinor DaLana, Countess of Brodie, Sept to Duchess Delphine
Rorise :(Mora) Grand Adm Duke Bridgehead, Lord Rorise, Marquis
Jokotre:(Mora) Archdiocese of Ram
Fornice Imp Lord Admiral Frederick Santanocheev, Count Fornice
Nexine:(Mora) Gratha Delrio, Count of Nexine
Wife: Countess Alania
Heirs: ???
Mora:(Mora) Grand Imperial Duchess Delphine Adorania Muudashir
Heir: Dame Elane Shankarr Muudashir, C.E.G
Sector Scout Leader Gamih Numar

Tri's Veil Subsector: Duchess Miraii Abani Arahailli
Pyramus(Tri's Veil) The Kirwine Family
ConwayTri's Veil Marquis(ioness) of Conway, Sept Hammermium
HammermiumTri's Veil Kantte, Count(ess) of Hammermium
KataruluTri's Veil Count ??? and Ursara Rinerit, Countess of Kataruluu
TriTri's Veil Duchess Miraii Abani Arahailli (Head of the House of Arahailli)

I am unsure I understand what the :( means. Please forgive my ignorance and explain the meaning for me.
It means he typed : ( but without the space so the message board converted it to an emoji.

eg Mora:(mora)
Mora: (mora)

Try it with and without the spaces and you see other examples

eg TL: DR vs TL:DR
It means he typed : ( but without the space so the message board converted it to an emoji.

eg Mora:(mora)
Mora: (mora)

Try it with and without the spaces and you see other examples

eg TL: DR vs TL:DR
Ah, and here I was trying to turn it into some sort of story driven meaning. :ROFLMAO:

Silly me.

Thank You Mike. :)
I admit I wanted to keep my TU as Canon as possible.

Celepina Imp Knowin, Count Celepina
Based on the footnote of the Patent of Nobility on page 21 of Marc Miller's Guide to Classic Traveller, we have Contessa General Sir Aia, of Celepina, Marquis Celepina, Baroness Zivije, OEG. I've decided on "Aia Rancke Knowln, Contessa of Celepina" IMTU, married to Marc hault Hamil (because I'm a massive nerd, and by 1120 the Count of Celepina is Steros Hamil Knowln per GURPS: Nobles).
Based on the footnote of the Patent of Nobility on page 21 of Marc Miller's Guide to Classic Traveller, we have Contessa General Sir Aia, of Celepina, Marquis Celepina, Baroness Zivije, OEG. I've decided on "Aia Rancke Knowln, Contessa of Celepina" IMTU, married to Marc hault Hamil (because I'm a massive nerd, and by 1120 the Count of Celepina is Steros Hamil Knowln per GURPS: Nobles).
It occurs to me, I could post the writeup I made for her for my game.

Contessa General Sir Aia Rancke Knowln, 17th Contessa of Celepina, Marquis Celepina, Baroness Zivije, C.E.G.. Born 1051. third issue of Contessa Ilaia Tukera Knowln of Celepina and Sir Hansford Rancke. Entered Stern Military Academy 1069; graduated with honors and commissioned second lieutenant 1073. Promoted first lieutenant 1074. Served in Core 1075-1077. Promoted captain 1077. Served in Corridor 1078-1080. Promoted major 1080. Leave of absence 1080-1082. Promoted lieutenant colonel and posted back to Spinward Marches 1082. Commanded unit in the Battle of Quar and awarded Medal for Meritorious Conduct Under Fire in 1084. Promoted colonel 1084. Served in the Battle of Two Suns and awarded Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry 1084. Attended Staff College 1085. Promoted brigadier general 1086. Promoted major general 1090. Promoted lieutenant general 1094. Commanded counter-insurgency activity in Vargr Extents 1094. Inducted into the Honorable Order of the Emperor's Guard 1094. Promoted general 1095. Leave of absence 1095-1099. Resigned commission 1099. Inherited County of Celepina 1100.

Married (on 018-1080) Marc hault Hamil of Khouth. By this marriage she had issue:
  1. Steros Hamil Knowln (born 275-1080).
  2. Natha Hamil Knowln (born 009-1082).