The simplest solution is to just deem that the Annic Nova either doesn't exist, or is TL22+, in the OTU.
This leaves the issue of fuel burn. Since HG deems power AND fuel are required, as does TCS makes it clear drop tanks can be used then dropped just prior to jump. MGT and MT both agree on the drop tank issue, as well.
What we can't say with any certainty is how the fuel is used, just that it is. Which means we know that it's going to be using multiple 20-30cm connections (probably 1 20cm per 10 tons, or 1 30cm per 20...) and it's moving a LOT of fuel, which also means it's noisy.
Sorry but no.
The Annic Nova is not some super high tech relic.
It's just a variant on how the jump drive works within the OTU - something Marc has mentioned time and again that there are alternative ways to make jump drives work.
The solar collector system on board the Annic Nova is one such alternative , there may be others.
The problem stems from later canon where writers didn't read up on the subject or just used their already ingrained erroneous ideas.
The definitive work on jump drive is Marc's article in JTAS 24 - use that as your starting point and work from there.
We know that solar collector based jump drives charge the jump engines over a period of weeks and that the collection sails an machinery take up a space equivalent to a hydrogen based jump drive's fuel requirement to balance things in the meta game.
We know the 3rd Imperium and all her interstellar neighbours favour the hydrogen based system, probably because of the fast turn around time.
We know that the hydrogen based jump drive has several subcomponents - what muddies the waters is the original jump drive being it's own power plant while later versions require a separate power plant.
But here's the thing...
In CT the jump drive is big, much bigger than the maneuver drive and power plant combined.
In HG the jump drive becomes much smaller but now requires a power plant to feed it - and yet the jump fuel required stays the same.
Solution - there are actually 2 types of hydrogen based jump drive in use in the OTU.
The CT version which includes its own power plant and is big, and the military grade HG jump drive that requires a separate power plant. The revised edition LBB2 rule that a jump drive requires a power plant should be scrapped - that's the really contradictory bit and allows the x-boat to function as originally designed.
During a jump preparation sequence on HG based jump drive the ship's power plant operates at maximum output to charge the jump capacitors, using fuel from the jump drive allocation, a lot of it being used as coolant.
And yes I accept there are better coolants but you already have liquid hydrogen on board for the power plant and jump drive energy generation so why complicate already extremely intricate engineering by having yet another engineering system on board?
Never try to justify things using real world physics of heat capacity etc. because the OTU isn't the real world (and no - water would be a lousy coolant because at the temperatures of a fusion reactor you are going to end up with incredibly hot monatomic oxygen and hydrogen - now that really is an explosive mixture

Actually the idea of a more efficient coolant system may be an alternative jump drive that also exits somewhere within the OTU - might be fun to come across such a thing at some point.
And finally a real answer to Hans over a fusion power plant powering a solar collector accumulators - it has to be done slowly, and it can't be done in port because there is no way the port authorities are going to allow a fusion reactor to be running at peak output for 1-6 weeks depending on charging time. So you are adding at least a week to your jump cycle - 1 week in jump - 1 week travelling to/from world finding cargo passengers etc - 1 week charging jump accumulators - 1 week in jump.
Hmm - a hydrogen based jump drive merchant can jump ever fortnight a hybrid can do it every 3 weeks - there's your economic reason for going with hydrogen.
Why not keep the jump ships in orbit or even at 100d and have interface craft carry cargo and passengers? Only the big boys could afford this infrastructure and is similar to the LASH system that GT introduced IIRC.
And it would probably require another power plant to be available to run the rest of the ship systems.
Another thought - the slow charging accumulators are probably the big part of the sollar collector based jump drive. So you could do away with the collector sail and its deployment machinery but would that give you enough spare room to fit a power plant and its fuel?
If I were to design construction rules for sollar collector based jump drives compatible with LBB2 or HG I'd make sure that you would only get enough space for a small power plant to preserve game balance. After all the builders of the Annic Nova could put fusion plant on the sub-craft but not the main ship.
This suggests to me that you wouldn't have enough space.