Wow, one stays off line for less than two days and this tread is 4 pages longer...
CT - jump drives need no power plant, all fuel is used to make a jump, solar collector based jump drives are an alternative to hydrogen fueled jump drives, jump drives are bigger than maneuver drives.
CTrevised/TTB/ST - jump drives now need a power plant - X-boat is now a broken design
HG/HG2 - jump drives are now smaller than maneuver drives
And all of the above are CT changes. Make the change to MT, TNE, T4 and something pretty major changes with each ruleset.
My first version of traveller rules is Traveller book (1982), so I cannot talk about earlier rules. In it, a starship needs a PP with number equal or greater than JD, so JD need a PP.
The only system I've seen (I've not cared about TNE, throug I have it, nor T20 nor GT, neither of which I have'nt readed) where JD was not PP dependent was MT.
In the case where you could use paint as your solar collector, yes. You can armor your ship and then paint it with a solar voltaic paint.
Best Regards,
I don't think a paint whould suffice. Surface is not enought for any power level you need (in MT you have only 0.081Mw/sqmeter at TL 12+), and it whould not last long. Even if feasible, your armor won't protect your solar paint, so, solar pannels cannot be armored, IMO.
The only way I foresee to have solar power is with arms to support the solar pannels (see my entry on Jan 4th, page 11 this thread).
I'm thinking along the lines of the amount of energy needed in a short space of time. Capacitors that can discarge very quickly. And capacitor jumps only come in with black globe generators (& TL15). Prior to this we don't have capacitor jumps, there is no TL stated in the original Annic Nova, so if you so wished you could assume it's jump drives were TL15.
Converting a bunch of hydrogen to usable power in a very short space of time is going to be inefficent is it not?
That's why I'm thinking about the speed of energy release.
Not that IR.
Best regards,
Capacitors exist before TL 15, as they are a necessary part of JD. They don't come with black globe, through with the black globe description they are given a specific volume and capacity.
The factors are density and specific heat.
Hydrogen is density 0.071 g/cc 9.668 J/g °C and thus 6.864 J/cc °C and remains liquid in the range -259.2 °C to -252°C. Also, 446 J/g latent heat of vaproization ~ . Thus the liquefying it from barely liquid hits 81 J/cc, whereupon it's specific heat drops by half... and it suddenly becomes a major fire and corrosion risk.
LN2 0.808 g/cc and 2.042 J/g °C, and thus 1.650 J/cc °C, and remains liquid in the range -210 to -195.8 °C, and has a vaporization latent heat of 199.1 J/g for 161 J/cc, so from barely liquid to vapor is 184 J/cc.
But since mass is as important a factor, hydrogen is total of 515.6 j/g, and N2 is 228.1 j/g... But hydrogen also then becomes highly reactive (read also DANGEROUS), while N2 is generally pretty stable, so N2 is safe to use for further cooling even as a gas, while H2 generally isn't.
A nitrogen spill isn't a hazmat fire risk; a hydrogen spill is.
I'm not an expert, but I at least paid attention when this was taught...
back in 5th grade science! If you avoid crossing the liquid-gaseous barrier, you restrict yourself a little, but nitrogen then shines a lot better. (At least, the battle damage won't deplete the engineering room O2...)
I won't argue here if N2 is better coolant than H2 (probably it is), but is it economic to use it?
First of all, we must take in account that ships must have Lhyd tanks for their PP (I don't think anyone will argue H2 is the better fuel for fusion PP). So having separate N2 tanks whold need an extra effort when constructing the ship (separate scoops, purification plants and tanks).
While a nitrogen leak whould not be explosive, it's quite toxic in hight concentrations (leading to chemical pneumony and, if combined with oxigen to NO, to a funny and painless death), so equaly dangerous if released on the habitable part of the ship ( and probably harder to detect, as most of its atmosphere is already nitrogen).
Nitrogen is not as abundant on space as hydrogen is. Sure, it's quite plentyful on our atmosphere, but what about other systems? While hydrogen is plentiful even in so called vacuum (it can even be taken from ici comets or asteroids in an emergency), not everywhere is an oxi-nitro atmosphere.
Even if there is amonia in GG or comets, its quite more difficult to take N2 from amonia than H2 from water.