And yet the Chrysanthemum DE is said to have some examples in service for over 100 years.
Some AHLs also lasted for over a century. Just not a lot. The IN could still be building Chrysanthemums, something that presumably is not the case with the Kokirraks since they have evidently run out of the system it is designed as a platform for (relic black globes).And yet the Chrysanthemum DE is said to have some examples in service for over 100 years.
True, unless the hull has things like electronic bits embedded.Since hull armour at TL14 is the same at TL15 hulls can indeed be built at TL14 yards.
Or you can build TL15 combat ships at TL15 shipyards and use TL10-14 shipyards to build auxiliaries.You then move them via tender to a TL15 yard for drives, electronics, weapons etc.
...Or you can build TL15 combat ships at TL15 shipyards and use TL10-14 shipyards to build auxiliaries. ...
That depends on your assumptions.Except that it's actually cheaper to build some ships at TL15.
Perhaps membership charters specify that taxes to the Imperium must be spent on the world that pays the tax.Giving your business to a TL10 yard is a kind of charity work.
No, the Atlantic started out in Supp 9 as a TL15 design. If TA7 claims that it is a TL14 design, then it is contradicting the original information. Just as with the Chrysantemum and the Fer-de-Lance. As I said before, TA7 does not appear to be a very reliable source of information.An this ignores the Atlantic heavy cruiser, which started out in TA7 as a TL14 design, yet in Supp9 is a TL15 design.
Earliest date that in mentioned in Supp 9 is 1020. The latest date is 1050, so the Atlantics are "fast approaching obsolescence" 57 years after the newest of them was built.550 are still in service well over a century after construction.
perhaps the Atlantics where built with key systems integrated, the TL has moved on or the company that made them in the first place has gone bust. if it's quicker, cheaper and more stratigacaly sound to declare the Atlantics obsolete and pick up a follow-on design or one from a competing firm?
I'm not quite sure what you're suggesting. The last Atlantic was built in 1050. At that time someone said "No more Atlantics" and they stopped building any more. Presumably they started building another class of heavy cruiser not too long after that. At that time there were 794 of them (less any that had been lost during the time the building took place). 57 years later there are about 500 of them left, and they are now (1107) being phased into second line assignments as fast as possible.perhaps the Atlantics where built with key systems integrated, the TL has moved on or the company that made them in the first place has gone bust. if it's quicker, cheaper and more stratigacaly sound to declare the Atlantics obsolete and pick up a follow-on design or one from a competing firm?
3I uses heavy shipyard automation. Lifting up worlds and spreading knowledge appears in Regency Sourcebook and TNE products, but we don't see signs of growth like that across other eras.Giving naval hulls to a lower tech world to build or assemble can do at least 3 things in the positive.
1. Build up institutional knowledge at a lower tech yard in order to bootstrap them to a higher level. Even though the yard may not increase the actual tech level of the system, it provides experience for the future for emergency repairs. (Think Grayson space industries in the David Weber - Honor Harrington series.)
2. Frees up valuable TL15 yard space for construction of hulls and components that absolutely require TL15 yard space.
3. Spreads out fleet yardage over several systems, once the lesser yards get the experience and the equipment to fix higher tech, so that a hit against a main yard won't be as totally devastating. Still devastating, but the partial loss of a major TL15 yard with no backup is much worse than the partial loss of a TL15 yard with yardage available in surrounding systems available for emergency or secondary repair, allowing valuable yard space to be freed up for the big projects.
None of the ships that we have information about have been built in this manner. They have all been built in single shipyards.Giving naval hulls to a lower tech world to build or assemble can do at least 3 things in the positive.
In real life shipyard capacity grows (or contracts) to equal the required tonnage. I see no reason why this should not be the case in the Far Future. If the Imperium wants more TL15 ships built, old TL15 shipyards will be expanded or new opened on TL15 worlds until the capacity is there.2. Frees up valuable TL15 yard space for construction of hulls and components that absolutely require TL15 yard space.