IMTU, for what I refer to as low trade or ghost worlds, I assume a periodic Sub Trader and one or more handfuls (depends where they are on a main, etc) of tramp freighters with low jumps or high expenses(due to older systems that need frequent fixing)Does your business model assume subsidized merchant?
The original Caribbean pirates benefited from local colony authorities’ collusion in trading cheap goods that could be resold. and support obtained.IMTU, for what I refer to as low trade or ghost worlds, I assume a periodic Sub Trader and one or more handfuls (depends where they are on a main, etc) of tramp freighters with low jumps or high expenses(due to older systems that need frequent fixing)
These kinds of worlds can also benefit from "mutually beneficial" relationships with smugglers and always have to worry about pirates and other illegals looking for a place to lie low and carry out repairs...
In retrospect, it had to have been a typo: with the DMs from having a Class-A starport and "Rich" trade code, TL-8 is the lowest TL that it could have gotten out of the worldgen system. Nice planet they've got there, actually.
It's an issue I took up with my LBB S3 Spinward Marches (re)mapping in 1105 thread, relatively early on.According to the Errata, Re: The Traveller Book:
Page 152, Regina Subsector data (correction): Regina (0310) should have TL code of “C”. Roup (0407) should
have a TL code of “7”. Yori (0510) should have a TL code of “A”. Kinorb (0602) should have a TL code of “8”.
So, the typo theory is the best we can go by, because Don's Errata says it should be an "8"
Should be.Oh and Regina should still be TL=A by the way.![]()
Then let's test the proposition, shall we?Should be.
Now if that's referring to the Fifth Frontier War (and I have every expectation to believe that it ought to), then that means that the Spinward Campaign is set ~1111+ ... not in the 1105-1107(-ish) "Golden Era" on the timeline.The war has been over for about a year, but the lmperium is still involved in reestablishing its authority over some of its territory, administering its occupied territories in the Sword Worlds, and rebuilding industry and outposts devastated by the war.
Which suggests it's an intentional retcon, not a typo.Total TL DM = +6
1D6+6 = 7-12 range
So TL=C is "within range of being legal"
First, I agree with the position that the reference is after the 5FW.Then let's test the proposition, shall we?
Regina UWP (minus TL): A788899
Regina/Regina/Spinward Marches as TL=C is the OUTLIER ... not the NORM.
The Spinward Campaign, p26 incorporates the Regina TL=C notation ... but the campaign is explicitly set "after the war" (without specifying WHICH ONE since there have been several Frontier Wars in the Spinward Marches to choose from). At best, the Spinward Campaign, p2 contains this snippet:
Now if that's referring to the Fifth Frontier War (and I have every expectation to believe that it ought to), then that means that the Spinward Campaign is set ~1111+ ... not in the 1105-1107(-ish) "Golden Era" on the timeline.
In other words, Regina can be TL=C post Fifth Frontier War (by RAW) ... but is TL=A pre Fifth Frontier War if you really want to push it.
Office hours for "Clue By Four" instruction, if needed, are posted in everyone's history course syllabus.
Any questions?
Didn't think so.![]()
It's not an outlier! It's equally likely to have been 12 as to have been 10 (or any particular value in the range since it's a linear 1D roll) once the rest of the world stats are determined.I also agree that Regina "can and should be" an outlier, because so many dice rolls can so easily create an outlier.
"Your Honor, based upon a preponderance of the voluminous evidence available we have determined that the overwhelming majority of evidence available should be ignored and discarded from this case in favor of a single exception to all of that documentary evidence that goes against us! And with that, we rest our case."Which suggests it's an intentional retcon, not a typo.
You're welcome to do that, and i won't argue.I, personally, reject the retcon BECAUSE it is an outlier that disagrees with EVERYTHING published up to that point
To be fair, for anything military (as opposed to paramilitary) you would be looking at wanting to live TL=15 regardless. The thing is, does the presence of a Naval Base functionally mean you have a "workaround" to (lower) tech level limits?HG means you need higher indigenous TL to build and maintain what are now the ships of the line -- just having a Class A starport isn't enough.
Ok, looking at that region... One ship every quarter or so. Say 3 subsidized trade routes. It is on a Main.Pimane(Mora)
As I've said earlier in this thread, "My read" explains that this was an early boom mining system in the early days of Imperial exploration and
settlement. Say 450-500 TI. Back then, Jump (Suggested as we have not been given hard dates I have found) was limited to J-4 and J-2 was
much more common.
So, Pimane was settled and mined out.
Eventually, the XBoat routes were established and Pimane wasn't on any route, but as long as the mines produced, ships came for ore
and/or processed metals and minerals, etc.
Regina doesn't become sector capital - that remains at Mora. Norris elevates himself to be recognised as such (there is no designated position of sector duke, it is a first among equals thing).You're welcome to do that, and i won't argue.
Seems to me that they had a narrative they liked (rival for the sector capitol once the smoke clears -- and with good reason), and adjusted the stats to fit.
Nope. The High Guard rules only apply to a High Guard universe. The OTU has type A srarports being able to build up to TL15 regardless of local TL.Also (not going to look it up, just from memory) the effects on shipbuilding capability when you can no longer just import the drives for a "battle cruiser" from Rhylanor for a local build. HG means you need higher indigenous TL to build and maintain what are now the ships of the line -- just having a Class A srarport isn't enough.
I agree.Most of Don's errata is not due to MWM deciding "hey this is wrong" but rather the loudest voices in the fanon wanting changes made to match their pet ideas.
It soothes someone's ego, for reasons that by now have been long forgotten and no longer matter.Ask this - what is achieved by elevating Regina to TL C via retcon? What issue does it solve?
I agree here too.(there are many other official errata retcons I completely disagree with and so ignore)
Well ... so long as you're living in a Small Ship Universe of LBB2 standard drive construction (the only meaningful bottleneck for what you're talking about). As soon as you want to build something larger than 5000+ tons, you've got no choice but to go LBB5 with custom drives, and at that point you're kind of stuck with the limitations of the local tech level.The OTU has type A starports being able to build up to TL15 regardless of local TL.
Which was my point -- the HG changes to the TL paradigm meant that you could no longer build ships at TL-A that you could (at least implicitly, by category if not literal description*) in LBB2/3, which drove the TL upgrade retcon.Nope. The High Guard rules only apply to a High Guard universe. The OTU has type A srarports being able to build up to TL15 regardless of local TL.
Every IN naval base if TL15 regardless of world TL too.
Don’t know why that is, back in the day I just figured Regina had rustic charm and didn’t concern myself with modeling the economics of politics.You're welcome to do that, and i won't argue.
Seems to me that they had a narrative they liked (rival for the sector capitol once the smoke clears -- and with good reason), and adjusted the stats to fit.
Only if you base your universe only on High Guard rules - which the OTU does not.Which was my point -- the HG changes to the TL paradigm meant that you could no longer build ships at TL-A that you could (at least implicitly, by category if not literal description*) in LBB2/3, which drove the TL upgrade retcon.
* that is, "front-line warships" at an out-of-universe period when Kinunir counted as such, but not in a HG universe where those ships were far beyond LBB2 scale.