good effort at finding a silver lining.Meanwhile TNE provided a whole legion of lonely sociopaths with a setting that spoke to the brooding nihilistic teen angst that many of them suffered at that time.
good effort at finding a silver lining.Meanwhile TNE provided a whole legion of lonely sociopaths with a setting that spoke to the brooding nihilistic teen angst that many of them suffered at that time.
Well, an outright admission you weren’t even reading what I was saying. That does go right along with all the blithe dismissals and the obvious complete misunderstanding of everything I was saying, and the numerous mischaracterizations of my positions, as well as completely undermining your own statements by trumpeting that you couldn’t take the trouble to pay attention.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Whatever it is you were going on about
Which is no argument at all.Originally posted by Malenfant:
- my argument boils down to "Get over it".
Wow.Originally posted by Malenfant:
If you can't do that then at least have the maturity and decency to shut up and leave
More meaningless statements that have nothing whatsoever to do with my opinions, thoughts, or the Topic at hand.Originally posted by Malenfant:
everyone else to do something constructive with the current version of game while you continue to enjoy your favourite version.
That’s because there isn’t anything unreasonable about my position. You haven’t refuted anything I’ve said, but merely resorted to blithe dismissal. Oh, and you admitted you weren’t reading what I was saying, either, so you can’t possibly state any part of it is unreasonable. Stating, “nyah, nyah, I’m right,” does not make an argument.Originally posted by Malenfant:
But your problem is that you refuse to admit that your attitude is unreasonable.
If any reasonable persuasion presents itself, I’ll let you know.Originally posted by Malenfant:
No amount of reasonable persuasion will convince you otherwise
And I see no reason you should waste your time not paying attention, either.Originally posted by Malenfant:
, and I see no reason to continue wasting my time trying to do so.
And I guess I’m sick of all the attempts to censor opinions about Traveller’s history that aren’t popular, warm, and fuzzy from people who aren’t fans of it. But, you do have the right to do so, and I will not challenge it.Originally posted by Malenfant:
To be honest, I'm just sick to the back teeth of all the whinging and whining I hear from Traveller "fans".
As I already pointed out, criticism is useful and constructive. Just because it’s criticism you don’t appreciate does not invalidate it.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Just think what all the energy you put into complaining and grumbling about things that happened a long time ago could do if you had put to something that was actually USEFUL and CONSTRUCTIVE instead!
I thought so.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And you know what? You're right - I'm not a Traveller fan,
And neither would I. Making criticisms of past events (which cannot be changed; and which will not influence anything in the modern day), even if those criticisms are made forcefully, or with less than polite terms, is not an indication that the people making those criticisms are going “mental” over those events. The connection implied is not supportable in any way.Originally posted by Malenfant:
in the sense that most people here are. Sure, it's fun to talk about the OTU setting, but I wouldn't go mental if anything happened to it.
</font>[/QUOTE]Your own words reflect back upon yourself (again).Originally posted by Malenfant:
Heck, personally I wish that CT would die a long overdue death.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malenfant:
To be honest, I'm just sick to the back teeth of all the whinging and whining I hear
I’m happy for you. There’s nothing wrong with liking this setting.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I like TNE though, and I like it because it has so little in common with other forms of Traveller.
For many reasons, I also hope so, because QLI has invested a lot in it.Originally posted by Malenfant:
It's a great scifi game in its own right, and that's why I enjoy it, and I want to see 1248 become a success.
And that is no small contribution. They are major features of Traveller.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Beyond that, I used Traveller to build the tech for my own setting, and I've been chasing a realistic worldbuilding system based on the UWPs for about two decades now - and I've finally got to the stage where I can figure one out.
How unfortunate.Originally posted by Malenfant:
After I've done that, I figure there's not much left for me here.
Me too. I did. But I found I’d been mistaken and returned. This has nothing to do discussions of what happened in the past.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I can easily walk away from Traveller if the publishers did something I didn't like,
Ahem! I’d like everyone reading this to realize that I have never threatened any member of any publisher of Traveller with death, injury, violence, or any kind of threat of any type. Do not take the above to indicate I have. I repeat, the above statement has nothing to do with me!Originally posted by Malenfant:
without feeling "betrayed" or uttering death threats at the game writers.
I’d move on, I’ve done it before. However, I wouldn’t just shrug. I’m a Traveller Fan. I like Traveller, and would sorrow at its passing.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Heck, they could close the whole thing down right now and I'd just shrug and move on
“Grudge,” is a mischaracterization of my position. Criticizing something, even fiercely, does not mean not mean a grudge is held. The connection is not supportable.Originally posted by Malenfant:
instead of holding grudges for over a decade.
The “thing” you apparently refer to, this “grudge”, does not exist, except, perhaps, in a few deranged minds, which I certainly have not found around here on CotI.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And personally, I think that walking away from that sort of thing with dignity shows much better character than holding a grudge for years on end.
Whoops! Here's this already refuted statement, once again.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Yet this seems to be only the case in Traveller. I don't hear anything like the arguments, bickering, and divisiveness that happen here on such a regular basis in any other RPG community. Point out to me an argument over how someone is so mortally offended by what an author said in a previous edition of another game that he still carries on about it as if it were the end of the world years later.
Didn't you hear? That's "unreasonable"!!Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by secretagent:
One can continue to play CT or MT and not use TNE.
If you think TNE blows dead dogs no one is forcing you to use that system or that line for the historical progression.
You'll forgive me for losing interest when you're writing a retort to Every. Single. Word. I'm saying.Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Well, an outright admission you weren’t even reading what I was saying.
What "blithe dismissal"? You go on about investments and other such twaddle about work being "invalidated" by new versions. I state that work remains valid and usable even if new versions come out. This is neither baseless nor unsupported - it's straight fact. Prove to me that work done by people for past versions of Traveller has become "invalidated". Does it fit in with the new versions of the game? No, it doesn't. Does it become unusable as a result though? No, it doesn't. Therefore it doesn't become "invalidated".That’s because there isn’t anything unreasonable about my position. You haven’t refuted anything I’ve said, but merely resorted to blithe dismissal.
You haven't at all. All you've done is say "you're unreasonable", brush off my statements as being unsupported when they're not, and not listening to a word I'm saying.I will further point out that I’ve spent plenty of time outlining every point of why it is your position that is unreasonable, none of which has been refuted.
Well there's your problem. If you don't recognise reasonable persuasion when you see it (see my first post on this page) then I give up.If any reasonable persuasion presents itself, I’ll let you know.
I'm not censoring opinions at all. You can say what you like about TNE - I don't care if you like or don't like it. What is annoying me is your attitude and the attitude of people who continue to complain about irrelevant things about TNE's presentation or authors or how their world was ended by its release or whatever. It's that attitude I can't stand, not the fact that you don't like TNE.And I guess I’m sick of all the attempts to censor opinions about Traveller’s history that aren’t popular, warm, and fuzzy from people who aren’t fans of it. But, you do have the right to do so, and I will not challenge it.
No, it's not. SOME criticism is useful and constructive. That's called "constructive criticism" funnily enough. It's when people voice a negative opinion about something, but try to provide a means to make it better. That's a good thing. Saying "I don't like how Virus works in TNE, instead I've come up with this alternative mechanism that I think is better" is fine. Saying "I don't like the Collapse in TNE. I think the Rebellion should have just ended and another Long Night start and then things would recover" is fine.As I already pointed out, criticism is useful and constructive. Just because it’s criticism you don’t appreciate does not invalidate it.
So what is it then? What exactly do you think can be achieved by criticising and complaining about those past events?Making criticisms of past events (which cannot be changed; and which will not influence anything in the modern day), even if those criticisms are made forcefully, or with less than polite terms, is not an indication that the people making those criticisms are going “mental” over those events. The connection implied is not supportable in any way.
I'm glad you agree.And there is nothing wrong with liking any other setting, in any game, either.
There is nothing wrong with constructively criticising any of them. There is everything wrong with criticising them unconstructively though. It wastes everyone's time, and it does nothing but split the so-called "community" here further.And there is nothing wrong with criticizing any of them, either.
In both cases, I never implied that you specifically did think that, either. I was speaking generally.Ahem! I’d like everyone reading this to realize that I have never threatened any member of any publisher of Traveller with death, injury, violence, or any kind of threat of any type. Do not take the above to indicate I have. I repeat, the above statement has nothing to do with me!
“Grudge,” is a mischaracterization of my position. Criticizing something, even fiercely, does not mean not mean a grudge is held. The connection is not supportable.
It's not refuted at all. I never said that it NEVER happens. I just don't see it elsewhere at anywhere near the frequency that it happens here.Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Whoops! Here's this already refuted statement, once again.
Which is fair enough, if you leave it at that. I can see why it would annoy people.Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
The position is that some players felt no active support is the same as not having a game because they didn't have the spare personal time to combine their monetary and temporal investment in new product with the personal ivestment in additional creative development to generate the game sessions of a campaign. Not everyone is an unending fount of creativity, they depend on active game support to keep themselves going.
Yes, they can move on to new pastures if they feel it's unsupported. Guess what? Many did.
And do you really think they're alone in this?! Take a look around - how many games are long dead? Take Skyrealms of Jorune. Take Blue Planet. Take the old World of Darkness. Take Basic D&D. What you see is what you get. Do people still play them? You bet. Those people are the ones who had the time/inclination to keep going. I'm sure everyone else grumbled about it for a bit, but you don't see hordes of fans of those old games rising up saying "we hate you all for playing new games! We hate our companies for moving on to other things!" do you? If they really want to keep the game alive, they get off their arses and write webpages or start mailing lists and do something USEFUL, instead of complaining about the lack of support for their favourite game. And if they don't have time to do that, well, them's the breaks.Did they want to? No.
That's where you're wrong. If all they're going to do is whine unconstructively, then no they can't. Others in the community who are interested in creating a more positive, constructive attitude on the boards have every right to tell them to shut up and take a hike and leave them alone. It's simple sociology - people in a community have no obligation whatsoever to tolerate those who want to divide it.Can they complain about it? Yes. As much and as long as they want? Yes.
Ah. The old "If in doubt, raise "freedom is good!" Stop oppressing me!" argument.Is freedom of speach a mature a healthy activity? Yes. Is censorship bad? Yes.
Actually, it is. I want to see a community where people create things for Traveller and improve the game and all the settings. I'm fed up with people who just want to bicker all the time and go on never-ending rants about how crap X version of the game is and who go on about things that happened years ago that aren't even relevant to ANYTHING anymore, that doesn't do a damn thing to improve the game or attract people to it.Is telling people to shut and and go away a mature and decent thing to say? No.
I don't like the CT system, sure - and personally, I wish it was long gone. But that said, I don't stop people playing it though. Hell, I've got the Books and Supplements reprints, and most of the LBB adventures at home. I don't think people are stupid for not liking my favourite version of the game. You can criticise TNE itself all you like in a reasonable way - but when you start harping on about how it "ruined your life" or "destroyed Traveller" and holding grudges about it for years, then I think I'm quite justified in ripping you to pieces, because i think that's an entirely ridiculous position to take over a game. And I sure don't do that about CT.Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jwdh71:
Malenfant, if Traveller "fans" bother you so much, why do you hang out with them (electronically)? From here it seems an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black, as you seem to be able to whinge about various aspects of the unrealistic CT,which you obviously don't like, but when someone tries to say anything about TNE; which you DO like, you get testy and say that should grow up.
That's very specifically your opinion, not fact. Stop touting it as the latter.Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jwdh71:
GDW made a mistake with the Rebellion, and then compounded it with another with TNE.
yadda yadda yadda. Yes, we've heard this a thousand times already. And? What do you want people to do about it now?Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jwdh71:
TNE ended up alienating at least as many fans as it brought on board, and was helmed by a man who, while a decent writer, liked controversy for its own sake. Deliberately alienating part of your core audience, especially when the industry is going through a shift of the magnitude the gaming industry did, is not a good idea. Now listen carefully, I'm NOT saying that TNE killed GDW, but it sure as hell didn't save it.
I was thinking along the lines of not going around telling people to shut up, calling them mental, telling them their passions are worthless and infantile, that their efforts aren’t an investment, or worse, are illusory, yadda, yadda, yadda. You know, basically avoiding kicking dirt in people’s eyes.Originally posted by Malenfant:
RoS was talking about things requiring "reconciliation and healing". How? What kind of "reconciliation and healing" is necessary?
That would be: No, No, No, and No. As I mentioned, I seek no action. I can’t be seeking an action. The discussion, as I pointed out before, is about something in the past that can’t be changed. As I’ve pointed out before, we’re free to discuss it whenever we wish.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Do you want Marc Miller to publicly apologise for MT and TNE? Do you want Dave Nilsen to show up and say that he was wrong for trying something different? Do you want some temporal disaster to happen that makes the late 80s-early 90s disappear? What is it that you think will make the problem go away?
I echo your own words in response (again):Originally posted by Malenfant:
I'll tell you something - nothing will make it better, unless the people who still carry a cross about MT, TNE, Nilsen and GDW going down all finally decide to finally stop flogging the dead horse. Only then will there be "reconciliation and healing", because finally there'll be peace and quiet and people can enjoy what they want without fear of some random "hater" dropping in and ruining it all.
Does a train collector who finds that his favourite train set is being discontinued and a new set is released rant and rave about it for years on end? Does a stamp collector curse the post office when his favourite stamps are discontinued? Does a cyclist send death threats to a bike company when his favourite bicycle is discontinued and a new line is begun? No.Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jwdh71:[qb]
The investment that several people on this list have spoken about IS a valid point. This is a hobby, for most of us anyway, and people get very passionate about their hobbies, sometimes far more than their careers (I am one of them BTW, I could care less about my job, but care very much about my leisure time).
Calling people’s investment’s (“stock” was a useful analogy I came up with for an investment) “BS” without stating how they are “BS” is not refutation.Originally posted by Malenfant:
So why, exactly, do a bunch of 40-something roleplayers do that when a new version of their game is released? Answer me this.
And don't give me any BS about "investments" and "stocks".
No it’s not. A great deal of mine has vanished. I am hardly alone.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Your "investment" is still sitting right there in your notebooks and folders and documents.
How difficult is it for intelligent people to comprehend that not everyone has the spare time to do this, and at the same time be upset because something they were enjoying was cut off?Originally posted by Malenfant:
If Traveller just collapsed tomorrow, it would still be sitting there. IT DOESN'T STOP YOU FROM CONTINUING TO USE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!! How is this so difficult for supposedly intelligent people to comprehend?!
No one has given you any.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And don't give me any crap about it being "invalidated" either.
Try finding a group of people readily willing to play Mage 2e now (who aren’t already locked into games of it), when all most people already know about it have in their heads is the most recent rule set? How many trans-editions arguments occur?Originally posted by Malenfant:
I have 200 pages or so of Mage notes that I wrote for Mage 2e, which was supposedly "invalidated" when Mage Revised came out. Yet funnily enough, I can still get out my Mage 2e rulebook, grab some players, and play using my old notes. How do you explain that?
So you blame the company for the fact that your GM didn't have the time or inclination to make his own material?! That's... extremely misguided.Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jwdh71:
The Referee, who had run his games in the OTU, slowed down with MT, and then stopped after TNE was released. The reason? Lack of support, since to continue to play in the OTU as he wanted would have meant developing ALL his own material.
More meaningless off-topic statements.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I mean, what do you think other gamers do when publishers go under? Do you think that suddenly they stop playing because of a pithy excuse of "lack of support"?! Some do, sure. Some don't have the time or inclination to write their own stuff. But that said, instead of spending X days reading through a new book, you can just spend X days writing something instead. Some are just lazy. But many just keep going and continue to make their own campaigns.
But books get old, they disappear, and for those who came late (or, like me, back) to the scene, are ever more difficult to acquire. Why do they have to be acquired, because the history and background of Traveller is scattered amongst them.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Because what's written on the pages of those rulebooks and their notes don't suddenly disappear when the publisher closes down.
I explain it by noting an entire dead Traveller webring, and the dead websites with “last update” dates in 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, all in gradually dwindling numbers. There has been a surge of new websites. There seems to (I note, empirically) have been a resurgence of Traveller popularity of late. I doubt any discussions, pro/anti, here or on the TML has anything affect on that popularity resurgence.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Hell, CT was out of print and unsupported for YEARS and it still kept going throughout the MT and TNE and T4 and GURPS eras. Evidently at least some of its fans didn't decide to run around like headless chickens wondering what they'd do now that it wasn't supported anymore. How do you explain that?
It looks rather the reverse to me. You are the one who is throwing around terms like “crap, tantrum, mental, brat, spoilt, etc.” Who is acting the role here?Originally posted by Malenfant:
I'll stop treating them like spoilt brats when they stop acting like spoilt brats throwing tantrums about how their favourite toy is broken when in fact it's still completely intact.
Just like this thread hijacking has nothing to do with the Topic.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And like I said, this is nothing to do with anyone not liking TNE. Most of these arguments don't even revolved around the game itself - they revolve around people whining that TNE destroyed their Traveller, or that they got upset at what Dave said somewhere, or a whole load of other things that are NOTHING TO DO WITH TNE ITSELF.
Wah! Wah!Originally posted by Malenfant:
That would be great if the people who liked the other eras would just shut up and play the damn games
Parts of it were hideously inappropriate in your Topic. Not so in this Topic. Check the Topic Title.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Take the original thread here for example. I started it to ask some questions for Dave Nilsen, should he ever turn up here. It was going fine at first, til some idiots came along and crapped all over it with their TNE-hating and vitriol. Was that really necessary?
I do not know, Mal. But step back and look carefully. I was not the one who violated your original Topic. My B***hing and Moaning™ has been restricted to this Topic, where it belongs.Originally posted by Malenfant:
We already knew they hated TNE, why did they feel it necessary to interrupt a perfectly civil, reasonable thread with their bile?
For the same reason you are posting to this thread when you have nothing useful to contribute to it.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Why couldn't they have just shut up about it and continued to participate in the parts of the forum that they liked? Why were they even reading the thread if they had nothing useful to contribute to it?
Why, yes, your own words reflect back upon yourself one more time.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Because they didn't know when to shut up, is why.
No, I didn't just say they were unsupportable, I noted why they weren't.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I give up.
I cite - quite clearly - perfectly valid, supported reasons for my statements. You ignore them all and just say "that's unsupported".
No, this time I'm simply not letting you get away with making continually more outrageous statements regarding gamers and fans of Traveller. I won't sit by, not this time.Originally posted by Malenfant:
You may go on at me for ignoring what you say and claiming to know better than you, but what are YOU doing? Bickering for its own sake it seems.
You said that before, too, but here the conversation continues.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I really don't have time for you anymore.
As long as you state the outrageous, I'll "witter" on.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I've wasted enough on you as it is here. Doubtless you'll be wittering on writing 20 page long replies and retorting every other word I say while not listening for ages here.
Well, wrong again on that, too. I would rather be reading over your new UWP generation system that listening to this . . . but I will listen to it, nonetheless.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Good luck with that. I'm sure you can't have anything more important or interesting to do for a couple of hours on a Tuesday night.
One more post, just to clarify your misrepresentations of what I say.Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Example. You made the statement that the investment Traveller fans place in their games isn't an investment, without stating how it wasn't an investment, other than to toss an "illusory" label on it (and later calling the investment "crap").
So the fact that you wilfully misunderstand what I say means that my assertions are "unsupported"? Riiight.Hmmm . . . perhaps that is why I assert your statements in this matter are unsupportable (and in other matters, related to this hijacked thread, for other reasons, also noted each time).
At least try it. I tried 1248, I didn't like it, but I tried it.Nope. Still have not read it. I may shell out the $7...but I have the nagging feeling that it would be another $7 down the tubes.
Kid? At 42 I don't feel much like a kid.
Well, I guess the story bears telling again.Originally posted by TheEngineer:
But a question to Chris:
Was the publipication of MT/TNE really a reason to stop anybody from playing on in the OTU ?
One more post, just to clarify your misrepresentations of what I say.Originally posted by Malenfant:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Example. You made the statement that the investment Traveller fans place in their games isn't an investment, without stating how it wasn't an investment, other than to toss an "illusory" label on it (and later calling the investment "crap").
Mal says: "all these values," but doesn't explain which values I hung on the "investment" concept I was discussing that confuse the issue.Originally posted by Malenfant:
It's illusory because you're putting all these values on it that confuse the issue.
Since I never said anything of the kind, I'm wondering why you're stating I did. In any event, since that statement above never happened, I shall now happily call it illusory (once more getting a chance to toss your words back at you).Originally posted by Malenfant:
You expect a publisher to protect or even care about your "investment"?
It? What it? What are you talking about? Obviously this sentence hangs upon the previous one, but since the previous sentence wasn't uttered by me, not even by implication, that renders this sentence null and void.Originally posted by Malenfant:
It doesn't work like that.
I believe I already stated this, but it's self-evident, anyway.Originally posted by Malenfant:
YOU invest your time and effort into what you write,
Why yes it is.Originally posted by Malenfant:
and it's entirely your decision what you do with it.
Why, yes it is.Originally posted by Malenfant:
If you choose to not develop it further because the game is no longer supported, that's YOUR decision entirely
Since I have, numerous times up to this point, stated over and over again that blame has nothing to do with my opinions or thoughts, I wonder why you yet again accuse me of it? Maybe other people think this way, but not me.Originally posted by Malenfant:
- blaming the company
This is all hanging off the direct misquote and the non-existant blame thing. It's invalid on the face of it.Originally posted by Malenfant:
is straight-out denial of the fact that you made a choice not to do anything more with your work.
Wait! This is a position flip-flop. First, it's the gamer's choice to play or not play. Then, it might not be. Hmmm, this is a position weakening statement.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And if that choice is somehow taken out of your hands... well, life sucks.
Well, not to belabor the obvious by this point, but I didn't blame anyone for anything.Originally posted by Malenfant:
But don't blame the company for moving on to something new.
And then life comes along and makes off with it, and who knows where it's gone? (I am, of course, referring to the loss of my own game notes as I mentioned in my other recent post.)Originally posted by Malenfant:
If you're THAT keen on protecting your "investment" then you'll do something to maintain it.
Yes, they could, but this doesm't deal with the fact that dead systems are unattractive, and people who've just had their investment shot in the heart (in their view, which doens't make it the publisher's fault, but doens't stop the feelings from from happening anyway).Originally posted by Malenfant:
You could try to rearrange your priorities so you have time to develop it further.
And yet again a statement that attaches no meaning to the immediate segment of the discussion in this Topic.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And if that isn't possible, well, them's the breaks
I'd've never thought . . . of course we can't.Originally posted by Malenfant:
- we can't always get what we want.
I made no complaint about the the loss of the old TML archives. I made a point about another issue by illustrating how investments can be lost over time using the mild difficulty in recovering the old TML archives as an example. Using something as an example to illustrate a point is not complaining about it.Originally posted by Malenfant:
That said, you complained about losing your TML archives - was their loss completely out of your control?
What are you talking about? I never had access to the TML before 2003. When would I have backed them up properly? You're walking around on thin air on that completely baseless accusation, falling away into a deep, deep canyon, to land in a puff of dust like Wiley Coyote after doing something less than intelligent while in pursuit of the roadrunner.Originally posted by Malenfant:
If you really cared about them that much then you should have backed them up properly or stored them somewhere.
I'm glad for you. I do to, now, because I've scraped to afford it. But back in the day, I had no computer to write on due to financial difficulties. My notes were paper.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I have several backups on CD and DVD of all the RPG documents I've ever written.
And so, you've never lost anything in two consecutive moves before? If you've never lost anything in a move (assuming you ever have moved), then you are luckly beyond compare.Originally posted by Malenfant:
I know exactly where they are. It's going to be very difficult for them to just "disappear" on me like yours apparently have done.
Here we're back to the non-existant "blame" thing again. Who is flogging a dead horse here?Originally posted by Malenfant:
It seems to me that you're more likely to blame for losing or not maintaining your "investments".
I think it's pretty clear you have no sympathy for Traveller Fans or gamers in general, so . . . why would I expect any from you or even care whether it came? In any event, as far as the arguments have gone, this statement is not in support of any of them, and so is completely irrelevant.Originally posted by Malenfant:
And frankly, you don't get any sympathy from me if you've lost them.
This is an alread admitted fact, I've admitted it many times. It is I who do not see why you return to it over and over again.Originally posted by Malenfant:
But certainly, the publisher is not to blame for this,
It's a good thing you have the "rolleyes" smilely there. Otherwise that would be a complete reach out into the parking lot across the street outside the stadium. With the "rolleyes" it's a simply dismissable (and not blithely, either) digression into more irrelevancy.Originally posted by Malenfant:
unless of course someone from GDW came to your house to wrest all your work from you.![]()
Since you admitted to not reading what I was saying by annoucing, "I got bored . . .," and, "Whatever it was you were talking about," then how could you have possibly known? Those were the best position weakening statements you've made so far.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Oh, and I didn't say the investment was crap. I said your concept of the investment was crap.
This has already been admitted to be true.Originally posted by Malenfant:
You're not investing time and effort into the company, you're investing it into your own material.
This has already been admitted to be true.Originally posted by Malenfant:
If the company dies tomorrow, your material is still there,
I'd've never thought.Originally posted by Malenfant:
and the books that they published that you bought are still there,
But the attractiveness of their utility has gone down, and will continue to go down as time goes by.Originally posted by Malenfant:
and they're still usable.
There you go again. I never said it disappeared. In fact, I spent a segment of a previous post post stating I'd never said it disappeared. I'd said it was devalued. While I'd appreciate if you'd stop attributing statments to me which I've never made, at this point, I expect it'll continue.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Your "investment" doesn't disappear because of this and it doesn't become unusable.
Mine never really followed the official line anyway. The official line had nothing to do with it for me (although I see where it did for others).Originally posted by Malenfant:
If the line changes then your work may not follow the official line any more, but that
Already admitted to be true.Originally posted by Malenfant:
doesn't render it unusable in the context of your own games.
So the fact that you wilfully misunderstand what I say means that my assertions are "unsupported"? Riiight.Originally posted by Malenfant:
So therefore your entire argument that it is somehow "invalidated" is baseless.
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Hmmm . . . perhaps that is why I assert your statements in this matter are unsupportable (and in other matters, related to this hijacked thread, for other reasons, also noted each time).
Since this sounds like something that you claim is a central point, I'll comment on it.And, in any event, this is a complete failure to deal with a central fact. Dead systems are unattractive. If a company choses to cease support for a system, that too, is a choice. The company's choice. I do not blame the company for doing so (as you keep insisting I do, when I don't). However, following this up by insisting that people not get upset over the loss of the value in their investment due to the company's actions (no, the company is not responsible for the loss in the value of that investment, as you keep insisting I've said, when I haven't), or demeaning their feelings on the subject with various slurs, innuendos, and outright rudeness (telling people to go shut up is the height of rudeness on the internet), without a position with even one leg to stand on . . . as I said, sheer chutzpah.