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Traveller Fantasy RPG

Adventurer Combat Update.....

Strange, I seem to have fallen off of the edge of the world.......
So, a new and excellent job strikes hard at gaming time...sigh.

That said, the remaining question for combat in adventurer is: is it simple enough ? Or has my natural tendency to add details created a same-old same-old miniatures gameist system ?

I have an idea of using a very simple line em up and roll for range system, as used in many board wargames to give a tactical feel to a more strategic boardgame.

Roughly, something like:

Alternate Adventurer Abstract Combat System (AAACS)

  • Line up the two sides: players and the encounter facing each other.

  • Roll for range;
    • Details about the roll go here.
    • Ranges would be the same as the weapons matrix: 1=close, 2=sword, 3=pole , 4=medium, 5= long, 6=very long.
    • Mark the range with a d6
  • Roll a contest to see who gets initiative (gm or player leader).
    • Details about the roll go here.
    • Probably a simple opposed roll using tactics with some mods.(poltroonery)
    • Winner is the "moving side"; loser is "non moving side".

  • Movement
    • Each side always moved together, and is assumed to be at the same range as all team members (exception: evading)
    • In movement, Characters always remain fixed, only the encounter is moved (or not moved) in or out by one range by the leader of the moving side (who simply increments or decrements the d6).
    • After the moving player alters the range (or not), either side may declare (or have to declare, see morale) a charge or poltroonery, non-moving side declaring first.
    • each side declaring a charge reduces the range by one, each side declaring poltroonery increases it by one.
    • Characters on a charging side will attack before all non charging.
    • Poltroon characters may not attack this round, and are attacked at +2.
  • Once the encounter is moved, characters may roll to attempt to flank or infiltrate, non-moving side making all such rolls first.
    • Infiltrating:
      • Details about the roll go here. Easier at longer ranges, etc etc.
      • Characters successfully infiltrating may make an attack against any (including protected) characters.
      • Range can be counted as increased or decreased by one for infiltrating attacks for any attacks by or upon the infiltrator.
      • An infiltrating character may be attacked normally by other characters.
      • A character making an unsuccessful attempt to infiltrate cannot attack in the current round.

    • Flanking:
      • Details about the roll go here. Easier at shorter ranges (???), etc etc.
      • Characters who have successfully flanked, and who have not been attacked this round gain a +2 against any one non-protected figure.
      • If the flanker is attacked before he acts, a normal attack is allowed .
      • A character making an unsuccessful attempt to flank may not attack in the current round.

  • Characters are declared as protected or guarding.
    • a protected character can only be physically attacked if every other guarding character is attacked;
    • protected character can only attack if all guarding characters are attacked.
    • A protected character can attack using spells , and be attacked by spells.

  • Attacks:
    • Sequence: Make attacks at the current range in the following order.
      • Infiltrating attacks are resolved before all other attacks
      • Any missile attacks are resolved in order of individual DEX
      • All charging attacks are resolved in order of individual DEX
      • Regular and flank attacks are resolved in individual DEX order, with initiative breaking ties.
    • Any attack at range is a missile attack, all other attacks are classed as Hand to hand (HTH).
    • In all steps, initiative breaks DEX ties.
    • Damage from an attack and all effects are applied immediately, before any other attacks are resolved.

  • Escape occurs immediately when the range is Very Long and the moving side increases the range
    • When range is Very Long, the moving side may opt to escape individually, and remaining characters may either stay at long range or reduce range as per a normal movement.
    • If the final range is Very Long after all changes are made to the range d6, (including regular movement, charges, dual poltroonery, etc) the non moving side may declare poltroonery and escape.
  • Go home, tell friends, drink beer. After the moving side alters the range d6 (or not),

Combat itself is as standard rules: 8+ to hit plus minus all modifiers (such as range and weapon type).

It's short, and very abstract. Thoughts ? Hello ? Hello ? Bueller ?
I like the abstract nature of the system, but then again I'm more of a wargamer than an RPGer at heart. :)

You did get me thinking about some alternative free-form ideas, merging your system with my current favorite miniatures game (Chain Reaction, in case anyone cares). I'm working from the MgT task system, though a similar concept could work for CT.

* Each "Turn" both sides roll a Tactics test (Skill+Int+2D), highest effect is the aggressor, and gets to move first.
* Which ever side rolls the highest goes first, even if they both fail the test.
* Sides that pass their tactics test will be allowed to take TWO of the actions below.
* Sides that fail their tactics test can do only ONE of the following actions
* You can't do the same thing twice. (That is, no double attacks)

Actions that can be taken regardless of the result of the Tactics test:

* Parley - roll for or roleplay the interactions to maybe resolve things peacefully
* Flee - increase range by one band, escaping if at long range
* Make a Plan - get a +2 to your next Tactics test. Cumulative.
* Change out weapons, activate computers, unlock doors, etc.
** This can be any task that takes 1-6 seconds.
* Do Nothing - just burn the action.
** You're usually better off Planning

Actions that require a passed tactics test:

* Find Cover - you now count as In Cover (maybe this should be in the other list?)
* Close range - Decrease range by one band
* Attack the enemy - "what it says on the box"
* Cover Me! - "spray and pray"
** Cover Me! allows you to cancel one enemy "Cover Me!"
** Cover Me! allows you to roll an attack (-2?) on any enemy who takes a move action (Closes, Finds Cover or Flees)
*** A successful Stealth check prevents this attack.
** Cover Me! ends at the character's next chance to act or when "trumped" by an enemy "Cover Me".
** Cover Me! also ends if the covering character takes damage.

Each character gets to take the actions individually in Dex order (a character can always delay until later if desired), so you can have one guy find cover and laying down suppression fire (the "Cover Me" action), another one move to the door and try to unlock it, and a third shouting, "It doesn't have to go down like this!" while formulating his plan for the next round.

Repeat this cycle (tactics tests, winner takes actions, loser takes actions) until one side or the other is dead, surrendered, or gotten away.

* If the party splits up into two groups, roll tactics for each group and activate them in order of their Tactics roll.
* If you pass a tactics test and spend both actions Planning, you'll roll your next tactics at +4. Whether that's worth giving up your other actions or not is up to you.
* I imagine that most combats will involve guys with automatic weapons covering fire lanes, trying to get local superiority and moving into position to attack.
* A successful Stealth roll will prevent a "Cover Me" attack.
Some interesting ideas there for an abstract combat system. :)

FWIW, I like Chain Reaction, too. Tried to introduce it to a Traveller group a while back, but the players didn't like it and I had to drop it. Wouldn't mind playtesting it more, sometime.
AAACS (Alternate Adventurer Abstract Combat System)

So, I've got a pdf available for the AAACS (Alternate Adventurer Abstract Combat System) available for perusal; and yes, I'd appreciate comments, and any actual playtest reports will get me to buy you a beer if we ever meet.

Adventurer book 1: Characters and conflict is now available !

[FONT=arial,helvetica]Adventurer book 1: Characters and conflict is now available !

Low tech or Swords and Sorcery Traveller rules !

Character generation, equipment and money system, and two options for Low-tech traveller style combat.

This is the first part of a new reorganization of the previous Omnibus edition.
For details, check out my blog in the sigline, below !
As I said, I have downloaded the newest one, and shall print it shortly.

EDIT: I am printing it now, and saw an optional rule for peasants and mages that says that says that peasants and mages without any weapon skill have no level-0 weapon skills; it's a good rule and fits with D&D, but my version of this would be to say that peasants may have two of dagger-0, spear-0, cudgel-0 and club-0 while mages may have one of those skills.

A side note: Robject has tried to begin the second chapter of Wanderer, but so far no takers aside from me. If anyone is interested in Robject's game, take a look down in the play-by-post section here on COTI.
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As I said, I have downloaded the newest one, and shall print it shortly.

EDIT: I am printing it now, and saw an optional rule for peasants and mages that says that says that peasants and mages without any weapon skill have no level-0 weapon skills; it's a good rule and fits with D&D, but my version of this would be to say that peasants may have two of dagger-0, spear-0, cudgel-0 and club-0 while mages may have one of those skills.

Well, sure, but then you'll be playing Non-canonical Adventurer .You know...using an AAU.:rofl:

More seriously, its something I considered, but decided not to do, just to make things a bit more fun for fighters; plus, I've never liked the proliferation of level 0 skills, so there we go. In any case, its an optional rule -without it, the mages and suchlike don't take a -3 when using weapons without skills. Which is not, I admit classic D&D with hard rules about use or non-use. Still, yours works fine, too, I may try it out.

Thinking about it, how does this sound:

Characters withany weapon skill level of 1 or higher never take the unskilled penalty when using any weapon ; otherwise, if they have no weapon skills(of level 1 or higher) a character may choose one weapon to use with no penalty.
I only suggest it as an optional rule. There for anyone who wants it, but there to be ignored by anyone who doesn't want it.
Downloaded but not looked at. I shall have to do so.

EDIT: Page 43 has nothing written on it and seems to be extra. Other than that, I like how you have 5000-ton ships, and ones that can do movement 3. My only question would be whether or not there can be wizards who can learn priestly spells and vice-versa. (And I like how there's some sly humor in there too. :devil: )
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new version coming out, so a new intro.
In Principio
It’s a simple premise that started this: what if G & A had different inspirations than the one(s) that became The Big RPG . From it (so far) has come at least two variants I really like: Mazes and Minotaurs and Xplorers ; these ask “what if the font of inspiration was Greek myths, or Science fiction. Really well done, check em out.

This, then, is that, but spun thusly: what if the first RPG was Traveller? I’m not even going to get into the possibility that this might have happened (I hasten to add), but rather just follow it up . What if Fantasy was the red-headed stepchild of the RPG industry, which is seven-tenths dominated by endless SciFi worlds adventures and rules sets. Specifically…. recovered from the detreitus of a quantum chronoinfindibulum experiment at CERN, which turned out to contain this manuscript and some very, very odd dice.

In 1974, a garage-based game failed to get off of the ground due to lack of financing, and the efforts of two well known miniature and board game designers (an odd miniatures supplement called “the fantasy game” ) languished unpublished in a box in a garage. Eventually the designers ended up at GDW, best known nowadays for the breakthrough and innovative game Traveller which caught and rode the wave of star wars popularity, and created a whole new genre and audience for games. Adventure Simulations Games (as they are called) cater to an endless variety of SF settings and adventures, all ultimately derived from Traveler and an infinite variety of SF settings. Looking to expand the boundaries of the new hobby to other genres, G & A convince GDW to try a new approach to travelling: “howzabout something like that Robert E. Howard/Lovecraft genre , but the swords and sorcery version more than the pulp horror of Investigator; you know, like in Fritz Leiber's stuff ? …or, heck, Anderson's fantasy stuff...... Low tech, ya' know ? C'mon Marc, pleeeeeeze ?”

And so, in 1977, following the phenomenal success of book 8 (Droidbots), The Adventure game is dragged out and dusted off. Months later, Book 9 Adventurer is released. Always enjoying a small but devoted player base, Fantasy has remained a constant niche in Adventure simulation gaming. Adventurer has been the touchstone of the genre, and despite revisions and imitations, has always remained in print for the entire run of all editions of traveler, through Advance, 2nd and 3rd edition. With the contentious release of Traveller 4.0 considerable interest in older editions of the original ASG has developed, and GDW (now owned by Conhugebro) has now rereleased the original edition and supplements for a new generation. Whether you are a revered elder gamer from the first days, or a recent entry to the hobby, we are delighted to present the most unusual supplement Traveller ever produced.

“Scouts may come and go, and core rules change from space opera to gritty apocalyptic SF(and back), but swinging a sword and looting evil ruins always remains a comforting constant. Plus, there are no frikkin’ stellar spectra charts to constantly bicker and obsess about updating, right Marc ? “

– G, asked about the constant popularity of Adventurer at AdventuCon 22.

“Two words: Pole Arms.”
-Marc’s response

I've been doing some work on a Roman Traveller. Not for publication, but my own pleasure.

I've sketched out changes to the basic career tables, and I've established a complete set of rules to support sailing and trading in the eastern Mediterranean, using the Book 2 trading rules! I took much inspiration from Expert D&D and also from Book 6 of Dragon Warriors. Now I can crew a Roman sailing ship (70 ton cargo) and go shipping cargoes, speculate, and carry passengers from Alexandria to Athens.

I might go further!

I'd love to see this
Captain, we need to do a side-by-side of your books with 'ghashsnaga's version, Hans' career tables, and Paul's Mercator.
I might be getting around to another bout of interest in working on this. If I can do it without falling afoul of copyright issues, I could perhaps make a stab at integrating my ideas with the other versions. But would there be copyright issues?

What career tables?
Some character generation ideas for Wanderer that I posted here.

(And gave permission for anyone who wants to use. If someone else uses my ideas there won't be any copyright issues).
