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Traveller Fantasy RPG


Poor prose on my part. :(

I should have written "I'd like to strongly suggest that an early start option be included too" because it was my intent to "ditto" your post.


Perhaps it can be somewhat organic?

I.E. assume starting career age is X, and that some sort of pre-career education can postpone it. Or, more interestingly, attach formal-educational pre-requisites (1-year, 2-year, 4-year, 6-year...) for certain careers, thereby forcing their careers to begin more like typical Traveller careers, while others ("Barbarian") begin with no required formal education. I say "required" because e.g. it's possible for someone to have a term of education, only to have circumstances thrust said person into the role of a Barbarian, even though it's probably not typical.

Poor prose on my part. :(

I should have written "I'd like to strongly suggest that an early start option be included too" because it was my intent to "ditto" your post.


So we agree, and shouldn't be fighting. :) No offense taken (and understanding is lovely).

I hope no-one thinks my Mercator is competing with this project! Or that I could have contributed over the year. I tried a fantasy conversion of Traveller when I was 16 (it was the only system we had) and the sessions were so bad it gives me shudders to think of it even today! And from that day on ... vowed never to mix the two.

But if there are parts of Mercator that you can use...

Not at all. Mercator is awesome!

I really dig the ship portion and how the Roman culture comes across in the tables. I was thinking about how to include cultures in Wanderer and I saw Mercator. Ah-ha that's how cultures should be handled.

All in all Mercator is damn inspiring and a solid piece of work. I hope to get Wanderer to that point soon (after more playtesting)

English MUST keep the latin Alphabet, because pronounciation is WIDELY different among dialects, and keeps changing, even within the course of decades.
English MUST keep the latin Alphabet, because pronounciation is WIDELY different among dialects, and keeps changing, even within the course of decades.
I'm sure the same is true of other languages, written using other writing systems as well. I also note that the Latin alphabet as used for English has, in fact, changed - we've dropped the thorn, edh, and aesc (Þ/þ, Ð/ð, and Æ/æ), and spelling... well, the less said about it, the better.

Other languages have made radical changes in their alphabets; Turkish, for example, was at one point written in the Arabic alphabet, and is now written with the Latin alphabet - but they use letters that we don't. Some of the Central Asian and Caucasian languages in the former Soviet Union have been written with their own alphabets, the Latin alphabet, and the Cyrillic alphabet, at different times.

Short form: There is no necessary connection between pronunciation/dialect and writing system, nor need there be. Changing alphabets might be awkward and cause difficulty in the transition, but it can - and has - been done, both voluntarily and at gunpoint. If a change were to be made, spelling in the new alphabet would undoubtedly be based on either a 'standard' dialect (in the US, probably the midwestern speech pattern that many newscasters are taught to use), or a 'majority vote' estimation of the sound of the (in most cases) vowel - so the new spelling pattern would most likely NOT reflect the problem heard in some Southern US dialects where 'pen' and 'pin' are only distinguishable by context.
English MUST keep the latin Alphabet, because pronounciation is WIDELY different among dialects, and keeps changing, even within the course of decades.

The disconnect between spelling and pronunciation is at the root of the wide variety of dialects.

Most languages with true-phonetic spellings have far less drift.

If the government had mandated a particular spelling-pronunciation system, there would be fewer dialects, higher rates of literacy, and the dialects themselves would be more mutually intelligible. You still would wind up with dialectical jargon, but that is easier to cope with in phonetic rather than semi-phonetic systems.

Only one reason for retaining the latin character set exists: cost of reimplementing the extant library and software base. And, given a few dozen more years, that will actually begin to drop, not increase, as the move away from physical books for records keeping progresses.

Also, unifon died in a congressional bill in the early 1980's by 1 vote in the ways and means comittee. SPecifically due to the costs of reimplementing texts, databases, and forms.
What if......D&D wasn't the first RPG.....
What if.....TSR was stillborn and certain miniature game developers went to work for GDW .....
What if....Fantasy RPG's were the stepchild of SF RPG's.........

What if....captainjack is bored and intrigued.....


Coming soon.
Kindly post a link to the new thread so non-regulars can FOLLOW the conversation and development! Thanks.

Mah pleasure.

Needless to say it immediately split into two threads....feedback on the current version, and discussion of the future plans:

here is (I think) the discussion of future ideas:


Here is the specific feedback:

All said, its currently building in two areas: a magic system, and the system for skyships. Both exist in unreadable personal outline form - I'm plodding away at the explanatory text (see, the tables and the fluff are easy...;) )

Thanks for your interest ! Looking forward to your comments !
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Robject seems to have been abducted by the Real Life Lobstrosity, and I feel an urge to play some more Fantasy Traveller. Any chance someone would want to step in and use Adventurer?
Robject seems to have been abducted by the Real Life Lobstrosity, and I feel an urge to play some more Fantasy Traveller. Any chance someone would want to step in and use Adventurer?

I'd step up, but I fear that my current conflicts with Lobstrosity would make it impossible, also.

*Hears the Lobstrosities' hunting calls in the distance, utters a brief prayer to the Holy Sainted Benighted Stephen King and runs off*

Tell ya what. After a nights sleep on it, it does sound kinda fun. Let me get another few iterations on Adventurerer done, and I'll see what I can do. Some rolled up characters posted might help me get extra motivated !
This is a lot of fun - I just rolled up a pair of adventurers, and I wish I could find someone to play this with. My two characters both only made it 3 terms (no re-enlistment), but seem just like a perfect "starter" adventurers. Powerful enough not to get eaten at the first chance, but hardy masters of their trades. If there's any interest, I can post 'em, but you'd probably have more fun mixing up your own. ;)

My usual group is all D&D4 all the time, and I'm having limited success getting even a CT game going outside the group. (Though I think I'm close on that one...)

Still, once we have a few critters it will be fun to run a few combats.

One question about spells: they seem to have the D&D stats in them for damage. Is that part under construction, or am I reading things incorrectly?

Thanks, and keep up the good work!
This is a lot of fun - I just rolled up a pair of adventurers, and I wish I could find someone to play this with. My two characters both only made it 3 terms (no re-enlistment), but seem just like a perfect "starter" adventurers. Powerful enough not to get eaten at the first chance, but hardy masters of their trades. If there's any interest, I can post 'em, but you'd probably have more fun mixing up your own. ;)

My usual group is all D&D4 all the time, and I'm having limited success getting even a CT game going outside the group. (Though I think I'm close on that one...)

Still, once we have a few critters it will be fun to run a few combats.

One question about spells: they seem to have the D&D stats in them for damage. Is that part under construction, or am I reading things incorrectly?

Thanks, and keep up the good work!

heh. Glad you enjoy it ! I'm presuming you don;t live near San Jose (CA) or I'd take a stab at running it...or even playing it ....;)

And Yes, those spells are still under construction; I wanted to get a spell system and the spells blocked in before I worked out the spell level details. Its fakeable tho.

And yes ! Post the characters !
Oops, looks like I posted my characters to the wrong thread. :nonono: Look over on the feedback thread.

Anyway: Nope, I don't live in CA, though sometime Austin feels more CA than TX. :)