Hmmn. UPPs for cities...
Starport rating becomes "trade rating", which is a general measure of the ratio of commerce that flows through the city. Roll 2d6 on the starport table. Dms: -1 if on major river or coast. A or B rated cities also have large, navigable ports if on rivers, seas, lakes or oceans. Cities with higher trade ratings will have a greater variety of goods and prices will tend to be lower. Naval bases will indicate a castle, fortress, etc.
Use population, government, and law level per CT. Population will scale thusly:
0 -- 50 or less
1 -- 51-200
2 -- 201 to 500
3 -- 501 to 1000
4 -- 1001 to 5,000
5 -- 5,001 to 10,000
6 -- 10,001 to 25,000
7 -- 25,001 to 50,000
8 -- 50,001 to 100,000
9 -- 100,000 to 500,000
A -- 500,000 to 1 million
Other city stats:
Magic: (2d6-7+population) This indicates how common magic and magic users are. Higher numbers will indicate greater availablility and lower prices.
Manufacturing: (2d6-7+population) This indicates how common craftsmen are in the city. Higher numbers will indicate greater availablility and lower prices of manufactured goods. A high manufacturing/low population ration implies some kind of local advantage -- readily available sources of metal, etc.
Culture: (2d6+5-law level) This indicates the quality of "culture" in the city. Higher numbers indicate more extensive libraries, philosophers, artists, etc.
Tech Level. I'd expand the tech level charts to run from 0 to 10 (late Renaissance).
Trade ratings should be derived:
Agricultural: Population 4-7; Manufacturing 5 or less; Culture 7 or less
Non-Agricultural: Manufacturing 6+
Industrial: Manufacturing 8+; Population 8+
Rich: Population 4-7; Manufacturing 4+; Culture 6+; Government 8-