I think I have one more career: Barbarian, then I was going to customize: Rogue, Doctor, Noble and Hunter. The Noble will be fun to do. To make chargen work smoothly, I think your right, I do need some kind of civillian. Educated might be Noble, since they can start at SOC A, which is wealthy, but below B, which I've ear-marked as Decurion - member of a local town council. So SOC A is all those grandees with nice town houses, merchants, wealthy surgeons, engineers, etc.
Other, will be the poor. I might have rural and urban. Or I might let Other sort that out for the player (just like the LBB 'Other' career does now.) Lots of Artisan skills, I'll have to see what Megatraveller has in that regard to borrow...
In my notes (linked to in the previous post) I split Mechanics into Carpentry and Blacksmith.
Pardon me for showing my T5 affectation, but WHAT IF 'career' choices were genericized a bit, and something secondary were used to refine them?
I mean, "Barbarian" is really one's background: it affects what you can learn, but you can still specialize in a number of things that essentially form a vocation. It dissolves into "SOC" in the Far Future...
Or maybe not.
So I can see Merchant, Soldier, Sailor, Doctor, Noble, Hunter, and Rogue. But Barbarian seems to be more at one's background (not the same as social standing I think). I mean, isn't a Barbarian simply one of (Fighter, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Chief)?
But I may not be looking at this from a properly role-playing angle!