Demetrius should also have Leader-1 since he was an officer.
If anyone's interested, I have a character generation system for magicians. I'll post it here soon, and will work on some more CG for low tech.
I'm quite interested.
I've got a general question. Any plans on converting over to Mongoose's Traveller when it comes out and going all OGL?
None on my part. I might buy MongTrav, but I doubt I'll play it (it's d20, right?).
Heck no! It's not d20. It's 2d6 a la CT with a universal task resolution system. Heck, they will still have random character generation. So they're not deviating all that far from the Traveller path.
So like I said, I plan to buy it.
Now I might play it though.
Of course we're converting to RTT...
I think I have one more career: Barbarian, then I was going to customize: Rogue, Doctor, Noble and Hunter. The Noble will be fun to do. To make chargen work smoothly, I think your right, I do need some kind of civillian. Educated might be Noble, since they can start at SOC A, which is wealthy, but below B, which I've ear-marked as Decurion - member of a local town council. So SOC A is all those grandees with nice town houses, merchants, wealthy surgeons, engineers, etc.
Other, will be the poor. I might have rural and urban. Or I might let Other sort that out for the player (just like the LBB 'Other' career does now.) Lots of Artisan skills, I'll have to see what Megatraveller has in that regard to borrow...
In my notes (linked to in the previous post) I split Mechanics into Carpentry and Blacksmith.
I've not put anything on disc yet, its all in note form. Too many other projects getting in the way at the moment ...
So, still up for comment about this thread ? From a new Member but OLD gamer...?
"Conanic"?I can't quite pin it down: although Conan is a cool setting, yet I think the pre-classic Mediterranean is richer (and can support something Conanic as well).