Hello whartung,
Thank you for the reply which resulted in finding more information to support my suggestion that the notation for missiles should be changed from "M" to "Msl".
If there are more "M"s than "Msl"s, then perhaps it's the "Msl"s that are wrong, not the "M"s.
In my original post I cited Battle Rider page 12 that the notation for missiles was "Msl" versus the "M" shown on the BB Voroshilef-1 counter used as the example. Had I been more observant and read the details for the counter my suggested errata and correction would have been more complete.
From Battle Rider BB Voroshilef-1 Counter Diagram shown on page 2.
Left side of the counter.
Line 1. Spinal Mount Beam Weapons M(-2)6:12-10-6-4
Line 2. Secondary Beam Weapons M(x2-2)4:10-6-4-2
Line 3. Secondary Beam Weapons P(x2-2)10:10-10-10-6
Line 4. Turret Beam Weapons L(x20-2)10:1-1-0-0
Right Side of the counter.
Line 4. Missiles M:20(200)
Battle Rider Counters details page 3 left column second entry from the top of the page.
Beam Weapons: Type (number and/or Diff Mod), close range: damage. Types laser (l), particle accelerators (P), and meson gun (M). Numbers of weapons are preceded by an "x" while Diff Mods ignored are preceded by a "-".
Third entry from the top page 3:
Spinal mount beam weapons are long meson guns and particle accelerators along the centerline, or spine, of the ship. If a vessel has two different parallel spinal mount weapons, they are listed in the spinal mount and top secondary beam weapons fields and enclosed in a box. (The Admiral-class Battle Riders, which have both a meson gun and particle accelerator in the spinal mount position, are examples of this.)
From BB Voroshilef-1:
Spinal Mount Beam Weapons M(-2)6:12-10-6-4 indicates that the spinal weapon is a meson gun.
Fourth entry from the top page 3
Secondary beam weapons include bay weapons, barbette weapons, and occasionally smaller accelerators mounted radially in a spherical hull ship. (The Voroshilef-class battleship is an example of this.)
From BB Voroshilef-1:
Line 2. Secondary Beam Weapons M(x2-2)4:10-6-4-2 my guess is the hull has two meson gun bays installed.
Line 3. Secondary Beam Weapons P(x2-2)10:10-10-10-6 my guess is that the hull also has two particle accelerator bays.
Fifth entry from the top page 3
Turret-mounted beam weapons are lasers usually used as anti-missile weapons.
From BB Voroshilef-1:
Line 4. Turret Beam Weapons L(x20-2)10:1-1-0-0 is an indication that the hull has twenty laser turrets.
Twelfth entry from the top page 3
Missiles: If the ship has missiles, the notation "Msl:" will appear hear, followed first by the number of missile directors on the ship and then (in parentheses) by the number of ready missiles carried.
From BB Voroshilef-1:
Right Side of the counter.
Line 4. Missiles M:20(200)
Based on the rules provided earlier this notation indicates a meson gun not missiles.
In this case I do not feel that the more notations of "M" for missiles is correct and my recommendation for consideration as errata still appears to be appropriate.
BATTLE RIDER (0308, 1994)
Page 2 BB Voroshilef-1 Counter Diagram (correction): One the right hand side of the diagram the fourth line down from the top is the label Missiles. Per pages 3 and 12 the counter notation for Missiles is Msl: not M.
Page 12, right column, Missiles second paragraph BB Voroshilef-1 counter (correction): Per the second paragraph the notation for missile is "Msl:". The last sentence of the second paragraph states that the Voroshilef for example has 40 missile directors and 200 ready missiles. The fourth entry on the right side of the Voroshilef counter has the notation of M:40(200). The notation should be "Msl:40(200)
All of the ship counters have the Missile notation of M which per Battle Rider page 12 the notation should be Msl.
Again thank you whartung for making me do a second check in the Battle Rider Rules Book.