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Consolidated TNE Errata

TNE Core book 0300 p. 195

World Building Charts Step 42. Facilities

Military Base (Mi): Main world must have a Population 8+ and cannot have a trade classification Poor. Roll 12+ on 2D6 for a military base to be present; DM +1 if population is 8+; DM+ if subordinate world is the same as the main world atmosphere.

1. Population DM

Applying a DM +1 for having the minimum requirement population 8 does not make sense when compared with the Research lab requirement that the main world be at TL 9+ and a DM +2 is applied for the main world TL being 10+.

My recommendation if I am not out to lunch is to update the Consolidated TNE Errata with the following entry:

Page 195, Step 43, Facilities, Military Base (Correction): DM +1 if main world population is 9+

2. Atmosphere DM

A subordinate world with the same atmosphere code as the main world has a DM +. What is the DM value. Checking in the MT Referee's Manual Extended System Generation page 29 Step 43 the Military Base entry has the same missing data.

Consolidated MT Errata page 22 has the following entry:

Page 29, Step 43, Facilities, Military Base (omission): DM +2 if subordinate world Atmosphere is same as mainworld Atmosphere.

My recommendation is to modify the entry as follows:

Page 195, Step 43, Facilities, Military Base (omission): DM +2 if subordinate world Atmosphere is same as main world Atmosphere
TNR FF&S Mk 1 Mod1 and Traveller Players' Forms errata

FIRE, FUSION, & STEEL (0304, 1993)
The corrections for Fire, Fusion and Steel can be divided into two parts. First, the errata needed to bring the first printing up to match the “Mk I, Mod 1” second printing (released in January 1994).

FF&S First printing
Page 13, Optional Features (correction or addition): The step numbers go from Step 5 Weaponry, Optional Features, and Step 7 Power Supply. Add the text Step 6 to the left of Optional Features.

Mk I Mod 1
This section compiles all errata for the ―Mk I, Mod 1‖ second printing (released in January 1994) of Fire, Fusion, & Steel. This includes the high-energy weapon upgrade presented as ―Putting the Heat Back into Plasma‖ in Challenge #76, and those portions of the Striker II design sequence upgrades that function as clarifications, but does not include the design sequence expansions from the Reformation Coalition Equipment Guide and Striker II.

Page 13, Optional Features (correction or addition): The step numbers go from Step 5 Weaponry, Optional Features, and Step 7 Power Supply. Add the text Step 6 to the left of Optional Features.

Traveller Players’ Forms (0306, 1993)
The Ship Design Worksheets Medical Crew requirements formula is incomplete. The formula presented on the worksheet is Medical Crew (Cd): [(____Z + ____Cc + ____Cs + ____Ph + ____Pm)] = ____
The medical crew requirement formula from TNE Fire, Fusion, & Steel Mk I, Mod 1 (January 1994) page 13 is Medical Crew (Cd): [(____Z + ____Cc + ____Cs + ____Ph + ____Pm) ÷ 120] + (Pl ÷ 120)
RCEG page 121
The TL-8 130mm/60-calibre Hypervelocity Gun has incorrect Short Range if designed according to the CPR gun design sequences in FF&S Mk1 Mod1. The correct short range in the chart on page 121 for an APDSFSDU round should be 600 and the correct short range for HEAP, HE and flechette rounds should be 450.

This correction should also be carried through to the vehicle stats for the Prairie Fire tank on page 127 of Striker-II. The short range of the 13cm L60 gun-APDSFSDU should be 60cm, medium range should be 120cm, long range should be 240cm and extreme range should be 480cm. The short range of the 13cm L60 gun-HEAP, -HE, -flechette should be 45cm, medium range should be 90cm, long range should be 180cm and extreme range should be 360cm.

Also in Striker-II, on page 128, the Ground APC (TL9) has a copy-paste error in the chart where it lists 3cm L60 gun-WP. This should read 3cm L60 gun-HE and the short range stats should read 45cm: 4(Nil), the medium range stats should read 90cm: 3(Nil), the long range stats should read 180cm: 2(Nil), and the extreme range stats should read 360cm: 1(Nil).
TNE Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet Contra-Grav Lifters p. 15

Hello Donald McKinney,

Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet Contra-Grav Lifters table is missing the surface area note which is found on TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 p. 75.

Page 15, Contra-Grav Lifters table notes (omission): Fire, Fusion, and Steel page 75 Contra-Grav Lifters table note Surface Area: 10% of total hull surface area, used for spacecraft only. Surface area is not calculated separately for lift vehicles, as it is subsumed into their standard surface area calculation.
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More Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet possible errata

Hello again Donald,

Here are a couple of more items that may be errata:

BRILLIANT LANCES Technical Booklet (0303, 1993)
Page 3, Hull Materials Table Soft Steel and Hard Steel TL (Correction): Fire, Fusion, and Steel page 38 Hull Materials table shows soft steel available at TL 4 and hard steel available at TL 6.

BRILLIANT LANCES Technical Booklet (0303, 1993)
Page 3, Hull Materials Table Bonded Coherent SD (Correction): Fire, Fusion, and Steel page 38 Hull Materials table shows the material at TL 17 as being Coherent SD.
TNE FF&S Ch. 11 Life Support Table Artificial Gravity/G-Compensators

Donald, here is another item that may be errata

FIRE, FUSION, & STEEL (0304, Mk I Mod 0 January 1994)
Page 77, Life Support Equipment Table Artificial Gravity/G-Compensators* (Omission): The asterisk/star (*) symbol marks a special note which does not appear to have been included. BRILLIANT LANCES Technical Booklet p.15 Environmental Equipment table has the same entry of Artificial Gravity/G-Compensators*. Appearing above the table with the second column header tag of "Compensated Gs" is this entry; *The amount of Gs which can compensated vary by tech level as follows.

My recommendation is to insert the same sentence from the Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet in the same location in FF&S.
TNE Traveller Players' Forms Ship Design Worksheet Surface Area equation

My apologies if this item has been posted before

The Ship Design worksheet calculates Surface Area (m^2) using the equation Sa = FMV x 100 = ____m^2.

Final Material Volume (m^3): FMV = MV x MVM x Ht x AF = ___m^3.
MV = Hull Size Table Material Volume
MVM = Hull Form and Configuration Table Material Volume Multiplier
Ht = Hull Thickness
AF = Hull Form and Configuration Table Airframe

TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 p. 11 Surface Area: Surface Area in square meters is the hull material volume (after hull form and airframe modifications, but without adjustment for hull thickness) multiplied by 100 or Sa = MV x MVM x AF x 100 = ___m^2.

Traveller Players’ Forms (0306, 1993)
Ship Design Worksheet Surface Area equation (Clarification/Correction): The ship design worksheet equation for Surface Area (m^2) of Sa = FMV x 100 = ___m^2 is incorrect. According to TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 p. 11 Surface Area: Surface Area in square meters is the hull material volume (after hull form and airframe modifications, but without adjustment for hull thickness (Ht)) multiplied by 100 or Sa = MV x MVM x AF x 100 = ___m^2. In the current worksheet equation for surface area FMV = MV x MVM x Ht x AF x 100 = ___m^3. The correct Surface Area equation should be Sa = MV x MVM x AF x 100 = ___m^2.
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TNE Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet p. 8 Area Jammer

The Area Jammers description on TNE Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet p. 8 is missing part of the details on how to build an area jammer. TTNE FF&S Mk I Mod p. 53 provides the missing details.

In TNE Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet the Area jammer has the following information above a table "Area jammers degrade the effectiveness of sensors and communications that attempt to function in their area of effect."

Booklet p. 8 is missing part of the details on how to build an area jammer. TNE FF&S Mk I Mod p. 53 includes the following details:

The principal design decision, therefore, is the area of effect for the jammer, all other values being derived from that. The area of effect is defined as the radius of effect in kilometers. (Note that space-based area jammers routinely have an effect radius of 45,000 km.

I recommend that the missing section be added to the next update of the Consolidated TNE Errata document.
TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 1 pages 88-89

Morning DonM,

To save time when building the various spreadsheets to aid my efforts in using TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 I have been building a spreadsheet that has tables and other information in one location. TNE FF&S Mk I Book 2 Chapter 14 Fire Control the Ballistic Computers Table, page 88, indicates that they have a volume requirement. There is no explanation under the table on how volume is determined. The Indirect Fire Control Sights table, page 89, appears to have omitted the explanation for TL and Vol:.

1. TNE FF&S Mk I Mod 0 Ballistic Computers Table page 88 has a note that allows the purchase of a ballistic computer at one TL higher than the weapon that the system will be used with. The price, weight, and volume is multiplied by 10.

The first issue is that neither the Ballistic Computers table or column explanation notes mention how volume is calculated.

I posted a question on the main TNE forum about the ballistic computer volume and jec10 recommended that the Sights and Rangefinders Vol: note be used.

Another issue is that the note about being able to purchase a ballistic computer at on TL higher than the weapon multiplies the weight and volume by 10.

If a ballistic computer's volume = mass, per the Sights and Rangefinder's Vol: explanation, the ballistic computer's volume per the TL one higher note appears to suggest that the volume of a ballistic computer would be (mass x 10) x 10.

I would like to suggest adding an entry in the Consolidated TNE Errata that Ballistic Computers Volume = Mass and a clarification that adding a ballistic computer one TL higher than the weapon volume = mass x 10.

2. Indirect Fire Sights, page 88, indicates that indirect fire sights have equipment that allows precise calibration or elevation and traverse enabling the gunner to make exact corrections. The table on page 89 has mass and price requirements but does not mention anything about volume. At a guess the components that allow the elevation and traverse of the weapon does have a volume requirement. The question is how much volume do the components use?

Looking at the Sights and Rangefinders, Stabilization, Beam Pointers, and Master Fire Directors Tables my first inclination is that Indirect Fire Sights volume in cubic meters equals mass in tonnes. After some more thought the components for the Indirect Fire Sights volume could be small enough not to matter.

Two suggestions for possible errata.

The first suggestion is that Indirect Fire Sights Volume in m^3 = Mass in tonnes.

The second suggestion is a note that the Indirect Fire Sights volume is subsumed into the weapons volume.
Missing in Traveller New Era Corebook.

One thing that did change between printings (but isn't in the Errata at present) is the piece about increasing attributes (top of Page 27 in the Mark 1 Mod I printing). It's rather important, since it's a good use thing to do, and tends to generate more respectable asset values for PCs (who might otherwise find their stats degrade by ageing).
TNE Brilliant Lances Errata

Morning Donald McKinney,

The Consolidated TNE Errata version 0.03 01/02/2012 for Brilliant Lances does include the entries from Brilliant Lances Additions, Clarifications, and Corrections August 9, 1993 0303/C3 document included in the boxed set.

I purchased the PDF of Brilliant Lances Mk I Mod 0 (February 1994) from DriveThruRPG and compared the Brilliant Lances Additions, Clarifications, and Corrections August 9, 1993 0303/C3 document. The comparison shows that 1994 edition is missing some of the material listed in the 1993 document.

Hit Procedure, Rules Booklet page 18
The list of difficulty modifiers for fire tasks omits the +1 Diff Mod if the firing ship rolled a Catastrophic Failure on an Evasion attempt for the current turn. This is included in the flow chart on the player aids card.

Missiles, Technical Booklet page 10
All missiles have an absolute range of 0 (same hex).

Drones, Technical Booklet page 18
On the TL-14 drone, G-turns should be 4/1, and duration 96. The Mk 1 Mod 0 Drone on page 18 lists the duration as 95.

Clarification for all ships
Unless listed as having a folding array, all passive EMS arrays are assumed to be fixed. Unless specified, hits for MFDs apply to all types installed aboard ship, missile/beam and beam only.

Would you like a PDF of the complete Brilliant Lances Additions, Clarifications, and Corrections August 9, 1993 0303/C3 document?
TNE Core Rules page 316

Hello Donald McKinney,

In the Space Combat section the reader is referred to page 366 for missile launchers. The only thing I found that is related to missiles is the abbreviation for missile turrets and missile barbettes on page 366. However, page 349 does have information on missile launchers.

Here is a possible entry for the next TNE update.

TRAVELLER: THE NEW ERA (0300, Mark I, Mod 1 December 1993)

Available Starship weaponry is described on pages 348 and 349.

Page 316, Missiles (correction): Change the following sentence from "Each missile launcher (see Starships, page 366)...." to "Each missile launcher (see Starships, page 349)...."
TNE Battle Rider Missiles page 12 errata

Hello Donald McKinney,

BATTLE RIDER (0308, 1994)

Page 2 BB Voroshilef-1 Counter Diagram (correction): One the right hand side of the diagram the fourth line down from the top is the label Missiles. Per page 12 the counter notation for Missiles is Msl: not M.

Page 12, right column, Missiles second paragraph BB Voroshilef-1 counter (correction): Per the second paragraph the notation for missile is "Msl:". The last sentence of the second paragraph states that the Voroshilef for example has 40 missile directors and 200 ready missiles. The fourth entry on the right side of the Voroshilef counter has the notation of M:40(200). The notation should be "Msl:40(200)

All of the ship counters have the Missile notation of M which per Battle Rider page 12 the notation should be Msl.
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Hello whartung,

Thank you for the reply which resulted in finding more information to support my suggestion that the notation for missiles should be changed from "M" to "Msl".

If there are more "M"s than "Msl"s, then perhaps it's the "Msl"s that are wrong, not the "M"s.

In my original post I cited Battle Rider page 12 that the notation for missiles was "Msl" versus the "M" shown on the BB Voroshilef-1 counter used as the example. Had I been more observant and read the details for the counter my suggested errata and correction would have been more complete.

From Battle Rider BB Voroshilef-1 Counter Diagram shown on page 2.

Left side of the counter.

Line 1. Spinal Mount Beam Weapons M(-2)6:12-10-6-4
Line 2. Secondary Beam Weapons M(x2-2)4:10-6-4-2
Line 3. Secondary Beam Weapons P(x2-2)10:10-10-10-6
Line 4. Turret Beam Weapons L(x20-2)10:1-1-0-0

Right Side of the counter.

Line 4. Missiles M:20(200)

Battle Rider Counters details page 3 left column second entry from the top of the page.

Beam Weapons: Type (number and/or Diff Mod), close range: damage. Types laser (l), particle accelerators (P), and meson gun (M). Numbers of weapons are preceded by an "x" while Diff Mods ignored are preceded by a "-".

Third entry from the top page 3:

Spinal mount beam weapons are long meson guns and particle accelerators along the centerline, or spine, of the ship. If a vessel has two different parallel spinal mount weapons, they are listed in the spinal mount and top secondary beam weapons fields and enclosed in a box. (The Admiral-class Battle Riders, which have both a meson gun and particle accelerator in the spinal mount position, are examples of this.)

From BB Voroshilef-1:

Spinal Mount Beam Weapons M(-2)6:12-10-6-4 indicates that the spinal weapon is a meson gun.

Fourth entry from the top page 3

Secondary beam weapons include bay weapons, barbette weapons, and occasionally smaller accelerators mounted radially in a spherical hull ship. (The Voroshilef-class battleship is an example of this.)

From BB Voroshilef-1:

Line 2. Secondary Beam Weapons M(x2-2)4:10-6-4-2 my guess is the hull has two meson gun bays installed.

Line 3. Secondary Beam Weapons P(x2-2)10:10-10-10-6 my guess is that the hull also has two particle accelerator bays.

Fifth entry from the top page 3

Turret-mounted beam weapons are lasers usually used as anti-missile weapons.

From BB Voroshilef-1:

Line 4. Turret Beam Weapons L(x20-2)10:1-1-0-0 is an indication that the hull has twenty laser turrets.

Twelfth entry from the top page 3

Missiles: If the ship has missiles, the notation "Msl:" will appear hear, followed first by the number of missile directors on the ship and then (in parentheses) by the number of ready missiles carried.

From BB Voroshilef-1:

Right Side of the counter.

Line 4. Missiles M:20(200)

Based on the rules provided earlier this notation indicates a meson gun not missiles.

In this case I do not feel that the more notations of "M" for missiles is correct and my recommendation for consideration as errata still appears to be appropriate.

BATTLE RIDER (0308, 1994)

Page 2 BB Voroshilef-1 Counter Diagram (correction): One the right hand side of the diagram the fourth line down from the top is the label Missiles. Per pages 3 and 12 the counter notation for Missiles is Msl: not M.

Page 12, right column, Missiles second paragraph BB Voroshilef-1 counter (correction): Per the second paragraph the notation for missile is "Msl:". The last sentence of the second paragraph states that the Voroshilef for example has 40 missile directors and 200 ready missiles. The fourth entry on the right side of the Voroshilef counter has the notation of M:40(200). The notation should be "Msl:40(200)

All of the ship counters have the Missile notation of M which per Battle Rider page 12 the notation should be Msl.

Again thank you whartung for making me do a second check in the Battle Rider Rules Book.

TNE Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet page 2 Hull Form & Configuration Table

Hello Donald McKinney,

TNE Brilliant Lances Technical Booklet page 2 Hull Form & Configuration Table sixth column is tagged as "L" with the note L: The length of the hull in meters. For spherical hulls, this is also the diameter.

Recommend changing the material above to match TNE FF&S page 12.


Page 2 Hull Form and Configuration Table fifth column tag (correction): Change L to LM

Page 2 Hull Form and Configuration Table Note L: (correction): Change note from "L: The length of the hull in meters. For spherical hulls, this is also the diameter." to " LM: length Multiplier. Multiply the length (L) obtained from the Hull Size Table by LM to get the length for a particular hull form.