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Traveller Fantasy RPG

As far as I know, most of the stuff I put in will simply be reworked. Though so long as I get credit, I don't mind.

Hmmm... Gash, do you have a skills list? If not, would you like me to put one together?
What's up with this? Is this a new take or a rework of the stuff Jame, robject and S4 had put together?

As far as I can tell, it's a separate path from mine, but of course if Traveller is the basis then there are bound to be similarities.
Thanks guys. I enjoyed your Book 1 from last year and was wondering if there was more. Nevertheless I look forward to seeing what emerges.
There is a skills list. I am in the process of making sure people who contributed material that is being used are being cited.

The Book 1 for a year ago as been completely overhauled. I have a round of playtest notes to go through and make corrections. Book 3 (cities and adventure) is in a somewhat usable form.

When all three books are in shape I'll post here for those that want to read and/or playtest. Folks will be welcome to give feedback but it won't be a requirement.

Hi Ghashsnaga, I just stumbled across a reference to Wanderer. I'm a huge CT fan, and I think this project sounds fantastic! I've subscribed to this thread, so I'm hoping I'll find out whenever this project is done and posted somewhere. Thanks in advance!
Heya Baron,

The second round playtest document of Book 1 will be send out on Sunday. Book 2 and 3 are still in rough draft form due to grad. school. But as soon as I have some time I will jump back into them. I'll post the documents here.

I would suggest making a copy of this on another board but I don't know if I want to go through the effort. THough making a copy on this other board would be worthwhile.
Book 1

I received some playtest feedback so here is the Book 1 playtest version 0.01.


I ditched pretty much everything and went back to the OGL and will build off the OGL. If you don't see things you contributed hang tight

The addition of weapon vs required strength etc...
The addition of weapon vs armor
Social stat has been integrated more with the system

More proofreading and editing - I am going to find help since I can't do this
Revise the combat section based on playtesting
Book 2 Cities and Adventure

I'll be making revisions in the next couple of days based on feedback coming in. Also a real rough draft of the Cities and Adventures Book 3 will be up in a few days.

Nope. Just a fan project. The files will be released under the OGL. There will be the Word, Open Office, and InDesign version available along with the pdfs. I'll be making a handful of boxsets to give away to various folks (but that is months off)

Perhaps when you go to get some physical copies made you'd give the rest of us a chance to buy in with you? I know I'd like a physical box set, and if we all get together it could get cheaper for everyone.

If you could work it out, I know I'd like to buy in and I'm sure others would, too.

Just having that box sitting on a shelf will be too cool for words. Opening it up on a table with a ring of players around it defies description. :)
Box set

Once we get this thing out of playtesting and ashcan mode I'll price out the cost of box sets and see who is interested.


the PDF has some table formatting issues (especially the aging table) resulting in some readability issues.